Reactive Pup Rehab

Reactive Pup Rehab Helping Reactive Dogs in Brisbane QLD

Hello! I’m Charlotte, a former Vet Tech turned dog trainer with a passion for helping reactive dogs and their owners.Aft...

Hello! I’m Charlotte, a former Vet Tech turned dog trainer with a passion for helping reactive dogs and their owners.

After spending over five years in veterinary clinics, I left the industry to pursue a career in behavior and training. My approach focuses on equipping reactive dogs with the skills they need to manage life’s stresses, while also educating their humans on the reasons behind their dog’s behavior.

Reactivity is a common and frustrating issue, with many training methods focusing on suppressing the behavior rather than addressing its root cause. These approaches can harm a dog’s mental health in the long term, even if the behavior seems “resolved.” This is why I’m so passionate about helping owners understand their dogs and guiding them toward lasting improvement.


Horse’s stress signals have been normalized. Here’s what’s at stake👇⁣

Longtime owners, newbies, and pro trainers alike often misinterpret horses’ body language — or miss it all together 👀⁣

Much of the *traditional* understanding of herd dynamics, “respect,” how horse’s brains work, etc. has been proven by science to be incorrect...⁣

But these practices are still commonplace in the horse industry, regardless of the fact that horses often display stress signals constantly throughout training. As a result, we’ve come up against several issues that effect horse and human:⁣

👉 Horses that explode, seemingly out of nowhere, causing injury to handlers or themselves⁣

👉 Horses that are completely shut down. They seem dull, listless and unmotivated⁣

👉 Chronically stressed horses that are flighty and uncontrollable, once again causing injury — or damaging the human’s desire to be with horses⁣

👉 Horses that make people happy by being “bomb proof” “push button” and “dead broke”.... but have no life left in them⁣

All of these issues go back to a lack of understanding. We haven’t *seen* the horse (even if we think we do) when these scenarios come up 👁 ⁣

Now, some people understand stress signals, but insist that the horse *needs* to be put through stress in order to be “successful” 💥⁣

Based on scientific research & Maddy’s expertise, this is what we believe and advocate for:⁣

• Horses can & should be trained primarily under the fear threshold⁣

• Learning to SEE stress signals — and honor them by taking them as feedback & adjusting the training — creates better results⁣

• Horses that are understood, respected, and honored can feel safe, relaxed, joyful, motivated, and ALIVE 🌟⁣

Understanding equine behavior is a massive part of the Horse-Human Connection Academy (HCA), which is precisely why students experience progress & transformation in ways they never imagined 🦋⁣

When we take the time to understand our horses & respond to their needs...⁣

We can solve training problems, advance our training, and best of all:⁣

Create the horse-human connection we’ve always longed for ♥️⁣

Comment your thoughts on this below!⁣

- written by MM team💫

📸: This Mustang Life

✨ Now taking bookings for Jan 2023 ✨Jan availability: Thursdays & Saturdays Does your dog pull your arm off on walks? Do...

✨ Now taking bookings for Jan 2023 ✨

Jan availability: Thursdays & Saturdays

Does your dog pull your arm off on walks?

Do you ever look at other dog owners and longing wish that your dog was as “well behaved” as theirs?

Maybe your dog is reactive on lead and you just can’t get a handle on the behaviour.

Or maybe you just want to make sure your dog is getting the best out of life!

No behaviour problem is too big or too hard.

I offer virtual and in home consultations in the Brisbane North region.

Visit my linktree to book now or dm or email me for more information.

Bachelor of Veterinary Technology (6yrs clinical experience)
Cert. IV Animal Behaviour and Training through Delta Dogs Australia.

✨Welcome to my page✨My name is Charlotte and I am a positive reinforcement animal trainer based in Brisbane QLD. I am in...

✨Welcome to my page✨

My name is Charlotte and I am a positive reinforcement animal trainer based in Brisbane QLD.

I am incredibly passionate about helping people develop a deeper connection with their animals.

I work with all species and breeds of all ages and sizes.

My methods focus on establishing communication and connection to work through behavioural problems, build confidence and empower both animals and humans.

I offer in person consultations in the north Brisbane area, as well as virtual consultations worldwide 🌏


How to inspire your horse to 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 with energy, enthusiasm, power and beauty ✨⁣

…without force 💥⁣

The movement of horses has been an inspiration to humans for millennia. The desire to capture and recreate powerful movement on cue has led people to use harmful tactics.⁣

Thankfully… tack contraptions, physical pressure/pain, and force are completely unnecessary. Instead, you can inspire your horse to MOVE beautifully using both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation 💫⁣


Inspire your horse to move without force (or even pressure!) using positive reinforcement (R+)⁣

R+ is a magnificent motivator because the horse is working to acquire something she wants, instead of to avoid something she doesn’t want.⁣

There’s some sciencey stuff behind this, but basically, working toward something you WANT encourages you to go above and beyond, whereas when you’re avoiding what you don’t want, you only have reason to meet the bare minimum requirements.⁣

Here’s what using R+ to create movement can look like in action:⁣

🥕Use shaping to encourage more and more movement! Start by rewarding small movements, and gradually increase from there⁣
🥕Use “extinction bursts” to your advantage! Reward movement, and then wait to reward until you get just a bit MORE movement. Before giving up (a behavior going extinct) a horse will try harder at the behavior. When you get this level of extra effort, click and treat! Reward this for a while, then ask for more again later⁣
🥕Use a reverse round pen! Set up a large round barrier, with you on the inside and the horse on the outside. From here, you can encourage lovely movement like cantering circles⁣


Horses loooove to move. Even the most “energy preserving” horses like to play sometimes!⁣

Strategically rewarding movements that feel empowering for the horse can encourage her to offer them more, not just for the food reward, but because she feels good doing it.⁣

This can be done through PLAY 🤸🏻‍♀️⁣

Maddy has a whole video on this concept on YouTube called “How to Use Play to Motivate Your Horse” and it’s a must-see if you’re interested in tapping into intrinsic motivation 🙌⁣

Click this link to watch!

- MM team 💫


"If they didn't want to do it, they wouldn't."

Have you ever heard that said about horses? Horses who are asked to jump impossible fences, run at great speeds, and ride through fear, pain, and discomfort...all because, "if they really didn't want to, they wouldn't...right?"

Horses are a peacekeeping species, meaning they really are not prone to antagonistic behavior - whether that is with other horses, or with us. If you observe horses in the wild, they spend the majority of their days in the herd grazing peaceably, mutual grooming, and calmly socializing with their herdmates. They truly don't want to fight.

Then if we consider a history of domestication, selective breeding, genetics, and training based in aversive methods and suppressing the horse's voice, we can see how the horse becomes even less likely to push back.

In the occasions where the horse finally explodes, and reaches the point where it is undeniable that they don't want to do it anymore, the depth of mental and physical trauma is severe and life changing. These are the horses who come to me, broken, surrounded by harmful labels, and prone to aggressive and defensive behavior because it is the only communication that humans will listen to. For years, they have done their job, despite not wanting to, hoping that someone will listen to their more subtle forms of expression.

When a horse doesn't want to, they might tighten their muzzle, and triangulate their eyes.

They might throw their head up before bridling, or pin their ears at the saddle.

They might hesitate before a fence, or shy at the starting gate.

Yet these signs of "not wanting to" are often dismissed, and in their great patience and grace, most horses can be pushed beyond their limits, their efforts of communication ignored.

So the next time you hear "if they didn't want to, they wouldn't do it" consider this. In order to survive, our horses can be pushed far past their comfort zone. Yet in order to thrive, we must respect their thresholds, honor their voices, and listen to their whispers of communication.

The holiday season can be a very stressful time of year for our furbabies! Don’t forget to keep their needs in mind 🥰Cre...

The holiday season can be a very stressful time of year for our furbabies!

Don’t forget to keep their needs in mind 🥰

Creating a safe space away from busy areas can do so much for their mental health!


“Pushing boundaries”? Or pushing against aversive control and micromanagement, as well as seeking choice and reinforcers?

Behaviour is information and communication. What we might see as “pushing boundaries” is often really a dog that is tired of the lack of choice and reinforcers in their lives, potentially as well as the aversive control they are being subjected to. They could also be experiencing pain and discomfort for undiagnosed reasons.

Having choice and control over one’s life is a basic need. It’s a basic need to have food and water, be able to move freely, rest comfortably, have access to reinforcers, and have access to social contact.

Sadly, sometimes in the name of “training” and “discipline”, these basic needs are withheld from dogs until they “earn” it. On top of causing harm, this serves no purpose in helping our dogs.

Nor do they help us, the human. Because no sentient being exists to simply be controlled, so it is totally understandable a dog in such a situation may “push back”, whether that’s through avoidance or redirected aggressive behaviours.

Apart from that, we’ll also miss out on learning the skills to help our dogs effectively and miss out on actually enjoying the dog we have and making a meaningful connection with them.

If we feel like our dogs are all of a sudden “pushing boundaries”, we can rethink that and ask ourselves “What reinforcers does my dog require right now? What needs aren’t being met?”

We will get so much more answers from that and be able to grow with our dogs, as opposed to repeating or furthering the ineffective and harmful cycle of aversive control.

ID: The text in the middle says “”Pushing boundaries”? Or pushing against aversive control and seeking reinforcers? Just as any sentient being would.” On top of the first line of text is a cut out photo of a short haired cream coloured dog barking.

I’m not shy about expressing my dislike for unethical dog trainers who don’t pay attention to the science.This is a good...

I’m not shy about expressing my dislike for unethical dog trainers who don’t pay attention to the science.
This is a good set of RED FLAGS 🚩


This little dog has taught me so much ❤️ He is one of my proudest success stories. 🥰

This little dog has taught me so much ❤️ He is one of my proudest success stories. 🥰

Something a little different!This little guy was dumped on us at work today! He’s so sweet!! Unfortunately vet clinics a...

Something a little different!
This little guy was dumped on us at work today! He’s so sweet!!

Unfortunately vet clinics are often the first option people think of when they have unwanted pets.

However we don’t get any extra resources to deal with unwanted pets and so it’s usually staff that are left to spend our own time and money to find these unwanted pets new homes.

We do this for the love, but every time someone discards a pet like this, it effects us all emotionally and mentally.

Hopefully this little dude will find a great home quickly 😊


We said we would ban them, and today we have.

Using and possessing prong dog collars will soon be illegal.

Our strong new laws give more powers to animal welfare inspectors to stop animals being in distress.

Because it’s the right thing to do.


Your relationship to your horse is only as deep, trusting and connected as the relationship you have with your Self 👁️⁣

There are some essential practices and characteristics required to develop a true connection with horses…⁣

And all of them invite you into a deeper relationship with You.⁣

🌀 How can you have patience with your horse when you rush yourself?⁣

We all know patience is vital in training, but…⁣

If you are pushing yourself to be everything you feel you’re “supposed” to be within the framework of a societal timeline, because deep down you don’t feel worthy of love and acceptance without external success… how can you expect to remain patient, open and curious when things with your horse are moving slowly?⁣

🌀 How can you stay calm and objective when your horse shows a “fight” response and scares you… when you’ve never expressed your sacred rage for the ways you’ve been hurt and had boundaries crossed?⁣

Staying calm and not perpetuating a reactivity cycle is ideal, but…⁣

If you’ve experienced any kind of abuse in your life and have not yet been able to process it… the (entirely valid) rage and fight you have inside you may come out when you’re scared — and accidentally become unfairly misplaced on the horse who’s just trying to figure out how to function in a human world.⁣

🌀 How can you accept your horse’s behavior as objective feedback and NOT take anything personally… when you have already rejected yourself?⁣

Seeing everything your horse does as valuable information and feedback (instead of good or bad, right or wrong) sets you up for expert problem solving.⁣

But if you’re in a state of painful self-rejection… you may feel personally hurt by your horse when she isn’t behaving in the way you wanted. You may feel like she is working against YOU, when the reality is: she’s just being a horse and doing the best she can to feel safe.⁣

🌬️ It all begins with You. With the Self.⁣

If you feel like you’re being held back from the connection to your horse you’ve always longed to have…⁣

It’s time to invest in your connection to You.⁣

The rest follows🐾⁣

Leave a ❤️ in the comments if this resonates🙏🏼⁣

- written by MM team 💫


"Can a huge animal be sensitive? Well, the average horse weighs 50 million times more than the average fly, but immediately feels the pest settle on his body. A hypothetical human with that degree of sensitivity would feel the weight of five unseen dandelion seeds—something real humans can't do. ⁣⁣
Trained horses can detect from two yards away a nod of the human head that measures only 8/1000 of an inch in displacement. That's two-and-a-half times more susceptible to visual displacement than we are. Faced with the same nod, humans wouldn't even know it had occurred. ⁣⁣
One more statistic: at the withers, a horse can detect 3/10,000 of an ounce of pressure from one nylon filament—the weight of about three grains of sand. Poke the same filament into a human fingertip, and we have no idea it's there. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
With this level of sensitivity, horses notice the difference between 1 inch of shoulder movement and 2 inches. And they're trying to figure out what it means." 📚 Horse Brain, Human Brain⁣⁣⁣


Last Chance to Enroll in the Horse-Human Connection Academy ✨⁣

Today is the final day of enrollment for 2022 📚⁣

Imagine… in a handful of months, you could have:⁣

🐎 A horse who absolutely adores training sessions, and *wants to be with you* just as much as you want to be with him⁣

🐎 An extensive understanding of how training works on a psychological level, which will remove roadblocks and stagnancy in your progress⁣

🐎 The ability to create your own training plans, and feel empowered as a trainer in your own right⁣

🐎 A solid foundation in positive reinforcement training that allows you to take your new skills in any direction ⁣

🐎 Possibly even the horse-human relationship of your wildest dreams (and beyond) 🦋⁣

Maddy has helped thousands of people along their horsemanship journeys 💕 ⁣

She has poured her life’s work and full heart into this incredibly comprehensive course.⁣

The education and support you need to succeed on a holistic level is waiting for you 🙏🏼⁣

To get started, click the link at the bottom of this post, take a look at the course details on the webpage, and click enroll!⁣

You’ll be guided through the checkout process, and then boom, you’ll be in 💥⁣

You will have immediate access to Module 1, where you’ll get your first few valuable lessons.⁣

After that, modules will be dripped out weekly, except over the holidays and implementation weeks, which are built-in to give you time to apply the depth of information you’re learning 🌈⁣

Once the modules are released, they’re yours to keep forever ☀️⁣

This course is incredibly thorough, and you can expect to spend 4-6 hours on curriculum and assignments per week if you follow the 120+ day timeline…⁣

Or you can take it completely at your own pace, knowing the curriculum will always be there to help you.⁣

You’ll receive support through personalized coaching on assignments submitted by due dates, access to a deeply supportive online community, and so much more 💫⁣

Click the link to enroll today, before we officially close.⁣

See you soon ♥️⁣

- MM team 🦋

An awesome way to help you puppy/dog feel more confident around strangers WITHOUT creating conflict or using food to mas...

An awesome way to help you puppy/dog feel more confident around strangers WITHOUT creating conflict or using food to mask fear 🥰


The key to this exercise is to use both food and distance to help pups feel that they are safe. Treat and retreat can be implemented in many ways. You might practice this if your pup hides from visitors or if your pup has done well with a guest protocol and is ready for the next step.

The key concepts are:
✅ Pups are able to control the distance that they get to the person that frightens them

✅ The person = awesome stuff happens

✅ There is zero pressure to approach the person

👉 Treat & Retreat, Version One:
We recommend that version one be done by a trainer or behavior consultant, or under the immediate supervision of your trainer or behavior consultant.

🔺Open the apartment door
🔺Toss very high value treats
🔺Close the door and leave

👉 Treat & Retreat, Version Two:
After working with a professional in version one, you are ready for version two. The guest is already indoors, sitting quietly.
The dog is brought into the room. Follow any precautions set out for you (muzzle, drag leash, etc.)

🔺The guest is still and does not make eye contact with the dog.
🔺The guest tosses a very high value treat past the dog so that the dog has to walk away from the guest to get the food.
🔺Guest repeats this for a few minutes.
The dog is taken out of the room.

There are other applications to this game. These are the versions Behavior Vets typically start with when working with our clients when addressing fear and/or reactivity.

🦄 Thank you to Suzanne Clothier for creating this fantastic game! Learn more about it at

It’s spring time! This means the birds are busy … (well doing what the birds and the bees do!) This means you may encoun...

It’s spring time! This means the birds are busy … (well doing what the birds and the bees do!)

This means you may encounter baby birds. It’s important to know what to do.

This bird is a noisy minor fledgling. A lovely member of the public bought this in after it had fallen out of the tree.

Noisy minors will co- raise their young.
This means that a large group of adults will all look after all the babies.

So you will often see fledglings on the ground or on lower branches of trees. This is completely normal behaviour for these birds and it’s best to just leave them be.

As this little one was found in its nest that had fallen out of the tree, the best thing to do would be to replace the nest in the fork of a tree close to where it was found.

The adult birds will continue to watch over the baby, feed it and protect it from predators.

This saves the birds experiencing the stress of being isolated from their flock.

Exciting opportunity for 15 minutes of fame!

Exciting opportunity for 15 minutes of fame!

Meet Molly! Molly is another assistance dog in training! I see this beautiful girl on a weekly basis to work on decompre...

Meet Molly!

Molly is another assistance dog in training!

I see this beautiful girl on a weekly basis to work on decompression and general obedience and confidence building.

She is super smart and loves people. I know she’s going to make an amazing assistance dog


Okay, can we talk about this?⁣

It can feel deeply embarrassing when your horse isn’t responding the way you expected, hoped for, or needed in a high pressure situation😳⁣

The vet/farrier comes and he won’t stand for them, or even acts out dangerously.⁣

You’re competing at a show, and he refuses an obstacle.⁣

You’re learning at a clinic, and his anxiety is through the roof, but he’s never like that at home.⁣

Or, you’re surrounded by people who seem to be constantly judging every move you make 👀⁣

When your horse doesn’t do “well” it feels like a reflection on you, which can bring up shame & blame.⁣

It can be so tempting to lash out at him, or beat yourself down 😔⁣

It’s HARD to spend tons of time working with your horse, only to feel as though you look incompetent when it comes down to the moment of truth.⁣

We’ve all been there. It’s disheartening & potentially triggering to feel humiliated over your horse’s behavior.⁣

So what can you do?⁣

Firstly, you can make a point see your horse for the sentient being that he is in that difficult moment. He has his own fears, desires, and comfort zones. If he’s struggling to do something, he’s not “bad” or doing anything “wrong.” He simply is, and you love him for who he is.⁣

When you can approach his unwanted behavior from a place of compassion, seeing him as he is and not what you want him to be, you’ll be ready for the next step:⁣

Take responsibility for training your horse thoroughly & ethically… WITHOUT shaming yourself when things don’t go as planned. Take the unwanted experience as feedback, and try again. Responsibility + self compassion is key🔑⁣

Lastly, and probably the hardest part, let go of what others think of you and your horse. The pangs of embarrassment will likely come up as you work patiently through an issue with in front of others… but let the feeling pass through you.⁣

What is happening is not wrong. It just is. When you accept that, you can move forward to something that feels infinitely better to you & your horse ♥️⁣

If you’re looking for deep support on your journey, the Horse-Human Connection Academy (HCA) opens for enrollment this Thursday, November 10th 💫

Take a look at this page to get aallll the details about HCA, and sign up to be notified when enrollment is open:

- written by MM team ✨

Photo by This Mustang Life

Meet assistance dog in training , Teddy! Teddy is currently training under Positive Response to be an assistance dog! Ho...

Meet assistance dog in training , Teddy!

Teddy is currently training under Positive Response to be an assistance dog!

However Teddy can struggle with other dogs. So her family has enlisted my help to work through her dog reactivity.

She is such a sweet girl and loves her food, so she’s coming along in leaps and bounds.

Reactivity to dogs, people or objects can get worse over time without the appropriate help. If you and your dog are struggling with this, a professional trainer can really help get the ball moving.

If you want to know more feel free to send me a dm message or email [email protected]

Great exercise to do! Not only does this train your dog, it also trains you! Recognising and acknowledging when your dog...

Great exercise to do!

Not only does this train your dog, it also trains you!

Recognising and acknowledging when your dog does something right, trains your brain to focus on the positives rather then the negatives of a situation!

⭐️ SMARTx50 ⭐️
Interrupting habits & beginning to build a new behavioral repertoire

How this helps you and your pup:

SMART means See Mark And Reward Training. 🎉

Whether you are consciously training or not, pups are always learning. It’s imperative to reinforce behaviors you like in real life, not just in the classroom.

The goal of SMARTx50 is to capture and reward all the lovely behaviors your pup is already doing throughout the day. If you consistently reward your pup for lying down wherever and whenever it happens, your pup will likely lie down more often in many different environments because the behavior pays off. Playing the SMARTx50 game helps your pup learn to behave well in different situations. This game is great for adult dogs and puppies!

✅ How to play SMARTx50:

🔸You can use your pup’s meal to reward
In the morning, portion out what they would normally eat for breakfast

🔸When you see your puppy doing something you like, mark it!

🔸You can mark by saying “yes” or “good”, or by clicking a clicker

Some nice behaviors to mark: lying calmly, playing with a toy, chewing an appropriate object, sitting, making a cute face, lying on an appropriate bed or in the crate.

After you mark, give your pup a piece of kibble.
The goal is to "See, Mark, And Reward" 50 behaviors per day.

Thank you to Kathy Sdao for creating this fantastic game! You can learn more about it in her book, Plenty in Life is Free. 🦄


Something a little different.. I have been spending a lot of time training horses recently!

This is my own horse Tarek, who I am starting under saddle using R+.

Tarek came to me as a terrified unhandled 9yr old Arabian. He is my pride and joy and has been one of the biggest teachers on my ‘animal training’ journey.

Interested in how R+ could help you and your horse reach your goals? Get in touch! 🤗


❗️Stop sending horses into fear reactions as part of your training❗️⁣

IF you want more successful sessions and a happier horse ♥️⁣

Yes, it’s a long-standing tradition…⁣

The quintessential “desensitization” exercise: Flap a plastic bag, hang onto the horse’s lead as she tries to escape, and keep flapping until she stops? A perfect example.⁣

Even if you feel a little iffy about the process, you’ve been told:⁣

“It ultimately helps the horse. Even though she’s afraid now, it’s teaching her to ‘think through’ fear.”⁣

No shame to anyone using fear reactions as a tool. Who can blame you?? You’ve been told it’s what your horse needs to thrive!⁣

The cool thing is, updated research tells us you can build confidence and desensitize *without* causing fear reactions. In fact, it’s actually MORE effective & creates longer lasting results 💫⁣

You see, all learning is emotional. Horses (or anyone else) understand and retain information better when they feel SAFE.⁣

You may witness a horse go through a seemingly incredible transformation before your eyes at the hands of a clinician using fear reactions…⁣

But the horse isn’t really learning. She’s surviving.⁣

More than likely, the exact same fear will pop up tomorrow with the same intensity as before, even when she appeared “cured” of her fear. That’s because she was shut down, not confident.⁣

Think about it: it’s a process to move through fear. Psychologists use a technique called “titration” when treating patients with phobias. Patients receive gradual exposure to fear inducing stimuli, have autonomy and choice in their participation, and can go back steps when the fear becomes too much.⁣

Note that SOME fear is inherently involved in training. The difference is not crossing over what is called a “fear threshold.”⁣

A threshold is the moment right before the horse goes into a fight, flight or freeze response. Cross the threshold, get the reaction.⁣

There are many subtle signs horses give out leading up to a reaction.⁣

You can learn equine stress signals inside & out, receive education on how to train below the fear threshold…⁣

And never rely on causing fear reactions eva again 🙌⁣

- MM team💫

The more they sniff the calmer they become!! You should ALWAYS use a long leash for walks. Check out my Linktree for the...

The more they sniff the calmer they become!!

You should ALWAYS use a long leash for walks.

Check out my Linktree for the long leash I recommend!!



What effect does choice have on fear?

Actually quite a lot!!

Giving an animal the freedom and tools to choose to engage in their own medical/husbandry procedures dramatically reduces their fear.

This is a great technique to use in animals lacking confidence, with anxiety disorders or who have just had a bad experience with situations like these in the past.

Providing choice reduces fear, builds confidence and builds trust.

I dream that one day this will become common practise in our animals lives! .

If you are interested in trying cooperative care with your pet, get in touch to find out how I can help.

As a multi-certified animal professional, Charlotte is passionate about providing animals with the skills they need to l...

As a multi-certified animal professional, Charlotte is passionate about providing animals with the skills they need to live confident and fulfilling lives.

Using the humane hierarchy and positive reinforcement training methods, Wild Heart offers cooperative care training, obedience training, behavioural modification and rescue animal rehabilitation.

Based in Brisbane QLD

🌏Virtual appointments available Australia wide


Coco always makes me smile 🥰


Brisbane, QLD



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