Czarina Russian Blues

Czarina Russian Blues Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Czarina Russian Blues, Pet breeder, Brisbane.

Luna helping dry the laundry on this rainy day.

Luna helping dry the laundry on this rainy day.

Miss Monroe’s babies are 5 weeks old today and are looking amazing.  They are each developing their own personalities an...

Miss Monroe’s babies are 5 weeks old today and are looking amazing. They are each developing their own personalities and playful characteristics.
First vaccinations, worming & microchipping will be done at 8 weeks and then their new families can come and visit.


See you at the cat show…

QUEENSLAND INDEPENDENT CAT COUNCIL INC.(Affiliated with the Australian Cat Federation) http// ​​​​​​​​  ...

(Affiliated with the Australian Cat Federation) http//

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A show is run by a cat controlling council (a council is a body that controls the registrations of cat breeders and cats) or an affiliated club. Shows are open for the general public to visit and view the cats on display. A QICC Inc club or group who has affiliated (i.e. joined) our Council does so by agreeing to abide by our rules and regulations (including show rules). Affiliated clubs are sometimes clubs specific to a particular breed, specific region or just general allbreed clubs for all sorts of cats even those of undetermined breeding (companion cats).

The Queensland Independent Cat Council Inc. is also an affiliate to its national body "The Australian Cat Federation" (ACF) and QICC in turn has to abide by certain laws as set down by the ACF
All exhibits in a QICC Inc. show are judged according to the standards set down by the Australian Cat Federation. The ACF in turn is a charter member of the World Cat Congress, which comprises the major cat organisations of the world.


As long as your cat or kitten meets the requirements as set out you do not have to be a member of any organisation as long your kitten or cat has been sold to you for showing and is registered by its breeder and has a registration number. A kitten up to the age of 4 months can be shown "registration pending" only at QICC Inc show's if its registration is in the hands of the registrar but not yet processed.
We do recommend you consider joining a club or breed group as you will be given support and help in your hobby by people who want to share their knowledge and love of cats. You can learn about your breed and others. Clubs can also establish lasting friendships.



Exhibits must be either one of the following:
A registered pedigree
• kitten 10 weeks up to 9 months (Entire and des*xed compete together)
A registered pedigree
• cat 9 months & over
A registered pedigree
• des*xed cat (also known as an alter) 9 months & over
Companion pet
• defined as any kitten over the age of 10 weeks or cat either from registered stock but not shown as registered, part pedigree or domestic cat of undetermined heritage. Companion Pets over the age of 6 months must be des*xed.

o Sub-register exhibits (those on an approved breeding program) can also be shown in all classes.
o All registered exhibits are judged on the standards as per the ACF Standard book or additional standards as approved by the Queensland Independent Cat Council Inc.
o Companion Exhibits are judged mostly on their personality and grooming.
o All exhibits must be within the requirements of the general show schedule, which appears on the back of the show schedule.


The Standard describes each breed of cat in detail and allocates points totaling 100 to separate features of the cat, eg head, ears, eyes, body, tail, coat, colour, pattern. Breeders attempt to achieve excellence in the cats they breed in accordance with this Standard. It is also the criteria by which all exhibits are judged. The Standard also lists faults which are not permitted in any breed of cat because they are considered detrimental to the animals well being, e.g. . bone deformities. Other breed specific faults are also noted in the Standard and exhibits may be penalised for such faults according to the seriousness of that fault, eg white spotting on a solid coloured cat.
Should time permit at the conclusion of judging you may talk to the judge about your Exhibit and learn some of the finer details and interpretation of the Standard for your particular breed.
Standard books may be purchased but we suggest that initially you ask to read one when you first visit a show.



Contact the QICC Inc. Secretary and ask to be put on the show mailing list. When a show is coming up you will be sent a Show Schedule which tells you where the show is being held, the date and who is judging. This schedule will also tell you the price per entry and the closing date for you to send your entry in. Many schedules have what is called a "Block entry" this means the fee stated covers all the rings which your exhibit is eligible for and will automatically be entered into. Attached to this schedule will be a show entry form that must be completed. The show entry form is self-explanatory but if in doubt please contact the show manager or coordinator whose name and contact details appear on the schedule. Payment must be returned with your show entry. The normal cage allocated to an exhibit is an 18-inch cube but if you have a large cat and you need a double cage (double the size) you will need to mark this on your entry. Most shows have a limited number of double cages, which are restricted to litters and large cats.

Sometimes people like to just display their cats or kittens at a show these cages are known as "exhibition cages" and are charged at a different price to that of a normal show entry. Any cat or kitten on exhibition only must still meet the requirements of the general show schedule.
The show can consist of two or three rings (or in other words two or three shows within a show) and sometimes more. Occasionally there will also be a specialist ring - for a particular breed or group.


In this type of show your exhibit is allocated a cage within its group and this is where it will remain for the duration of the show. The number on the cage is that which appears in the show catalogue and on the entry slip that you will be given on arrival. No advertising material or anything to indicate who the owner may be can be placed in or on the cage during judging. The judge moves between the different rings and when she/he has completed judging the group will announce her/his best in show exhibits. Neither the owners nor the public are able to enter the ring once judging is in progress but they can sit and watch the judging and listen to the judge's comments as they judge the exhibits.


In this type of show your exhibit is allocated a benching cage which is outside of the judging area. This is where your exhibit will stay whilst not being judged. The number again is that which is allocated in the show catalogue. You can tend to your animal during the day and place advertising material on your cage. Your exhibit can also remain with its litter tray, water, food and toys. This also provides the public with direct access to you and your exhibits. When your cage number appears in the ring or the show manager calls your number then you will have to take your cat, together with its cushion, to the judging ring. Your exhibit will get three calls to the ring and if after this time it has not arrived it may be marked absent, so you must be aware of where you need to be.



Once your exhibit has been judged it can then be returned to its own cage in the benching area. It is important to check when the finals are called in case you are required to take your exhibit again to the judging ring for the best in show awards.
In both types of show there will be a judging schedule in the catalogue or available at the show, which will show you the order and group for each judge. This is very important to note for the American Style so you can be prepared to take your cat to the correct ring at the time required.


A couple of days before, or at least the day before, you should start preparing. There are many books on the grooming requirements of longhair and shorthair cats and with experience and questioning you will learn what is best for your cat. Exhibits should be clean. Don't forget to check the ears. Some breeds, eg Persians, Birmans, Ragdolls, Turkish Vans, preferably should be given a bath a few days before or the day before. Shorthair cats, Maine C***s and Norwegian Forest Cats should not normally be washed. If they are dirty or excessively oily they should be washed at least one week before the show otherwise coats of shorthair cats that should be sleek and glossy may look dull and fluffy, while coats of Maine C***s and Norwegian Forest Cats will lose their natural look.


It is a show requirement that the cat's nails be clipped (front and back) so you may wish to do this a few days beforehand, this involves just clipping the white part of the nails. Don't clip too close to the pink. You should definitely ensure your exhibit is free from fleas and is clean before judging commences on the day. Sometimes there are areas set aside for grooming your cat in the show hall. Make sure you pack your own and your cat's requirements for the day well in advance.
So what do I take with me:
o water bowl
o feeding bowl
o food
o white or coloured curtains and base for the cage
o toilet tray, litter & bag for emptying litter if required
o secure cat carrying box
o grooming equipment
o small change for the raffles
o pen for marking your catalogue
o cat carrier
o and a smile
Please remember to also check the show location and directions. If you're not sure where the show is leave in plenty of time to arrive by the time allocated on the show schedule. If you arrive late you may be denied entry into the show once judging has commenced and forfeit your entry money or miss out on being judged.



There will be a desk at the front entry and you will need to give the entry clerk your name and you will then receive a Benching Slip, this will show the number of the cage that your cat will be in, so it is very important. At this point you also collect your Show Catalogue if you have pre-paid for one (a catalogue lists each exhibit's entry number with the owners name and what class and ring they are showing in). It is important that you check your entry in the catalogue before judging commences just in case any error has occurred whilst recording your exhibit's details. If you find any error you must tell the show manager before judging commences so that the judges' slips can be changed and your exhibit is judged correctly.

At American style shows on your benching slip you will see as well as your cage number a Row Number. Proceed to that row and you will find your allotted benching cage. Note that the cages are in mainly in catalogue order if you are at an Australian/Bay-Style show, however it is normal not to bench two entire males together. Prior to taking your cat from his secure carry box, organise your curtains and base into the cage and you may wish to give your cat some water and food. Any food, water or toilet box must be removed before judging if an Australian Open Style Show however if it is an American Style show the cage will be where your cat will stay whilst it is not being judged so you can leave all its requirements in the cage. After you have completed these tasks you can now place your cat in the cage and secure him properly. Don't be afraid to ask for someone to assist you if you have any problems or need help we usually have members more than willing to assist a newcomer.


At some stage prior to judging a Veterinary Officer may inspect the cats in their cages. This is commonly called "in-cage vetting". Cats are examined for signs of obvious health or infestation problems such as fleas or ear mites. If your cat is "vetted out "this means that your cat is "not in show condition on the day" and you may be asked by the show manager to remove your exhibit from the hall or told that you can not show your exhibit due to concerns for its welfare. During the course of the day the QICC show committee also keeps an eye on exhibits to make sure they are not showing signs of stress.




The QICC Inc Owner Participation or Ring Style Show is different from most other shows in Australia and is based on the American Style of cat show. This format allows you, the exhibitor, to participate in almost every facet of the show.

WHAT TO DO: Bench your exhibit in the benching area. You can provide food, water and litter for your exhibits and decorate your cage. When judging starts, an announcement will advise you of which exhibits are required in which ring. If your exhibit is among those called up, place it in the judging ring cage with its towel or cushion, and you may sit down and watch the judging process. If your exhibit has not arrived in the judging ring after three calls it will be marked absent so please take note of the judging schedule. The Judge will announce Best Of Division, and Best Of Breed. When your cat's number is placed face down on top of the cage, you should take your cat back to the benching area promptly.

FINALS: The Judge will select her/his Top Ten or Top Five for the finals. Again, if your exhibit's number is called, proceed to the judging ring with your exhibit and you may sit and watch the finals.

DIFFICULT TO HANDLE CATS: If, at any time an exhibit shows itself to be difficult to handle or threatening, the Judge may call for the owner to remove the exhibit from its cage and place it on the Judge's table. The Judge will then decide if she/he wishes to judge that animal. This procedure protects your cat from any unnecessary handling. Should your exhibit be marked "Unable to be Judged" then it is automatically withdrawn from any other rings and can not be shown again on the day. Should the judge consider the exhibit TO BE OF POOR TEMPERAMENT or in their opinion sufficiently difficult to handle, including excessively timid, the judge may withhold any awards at her/his discretion.
QICC Inc. asks its visiting Judges to speak on exhibits so find yourself a seat allocated near the ring for exhibitors and the public and you can learn a great deal by listening to the judge's comments on the exhibits. Just a couple of points of show courtesy: - Please don't talk whilst in the ring area as it distracts the judge and other exhibitors who wish to hear. If you wish to talk it is courtesy to leave the ring to do so. If you wish to ask the judge something about her/his comments please wait until the judging has been completed.


A challenge is an award given to a cat/alter (des*xed cat) when it is best of its colour for its s*x. A challenge is worked out on a points system. All males compete for a challenge within their group/colour and all females compete for a challenge within their group/colour.
10 points for the challenge plus 1 point for each cat it beats plus 1 for itself, up to a maximum of 20 points. For example if your cat is the only male of its colour, it would be eligible for 11 points. If a cat is awarded "Best in Show" then the number of points is amended to the maximum of 20 points.
Remember - Don't forget to collect any awards/challenges/product prizes before leaving the hall at the end of the day. Check that the details on the challenges are correct and that the judges have signed them before you leave. These problems can be fixed later but it can be difficult, particularly for an interstate or overseas judge.



If you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask - we all were novices once just like you. Don't be disappointed if you're not a winner because there is always the next show. QICC wants you to enjoy your first show and looks forward to you and your cat participating in many more. The ACF awards a certificate to the best-titled male and the best-titled female in each group. When a cat has received 10 of these it is eligible for the ACF Award of Excellence.

A cat needs 60 points to become a champion, 60 more for Grand Champion, 60 for Double Grand Champion then the increment is 100 points for Bronze Double Grand Champion, Silver Double Grand Champion and Gold Double Grand Champion. Once you have received enough challenge certificates to make up to these points or more then you need to send them to your council's registrar with the appropriate form and the applicable fee, so your cat's change in title can be awarded and recorded. A title certificate will be sent to you. For pedigree exhibits, once an exhibit becomes a Gold Double Grand Champion, at a QICC show it no longer receives any more challenges but it competes with other Gold Double Grand Champions for a GDGC Award towards the highest award of QICC Diamond Double Grand champion (or Platinum Double Grand Champion at QFA and FCCQ shows).
Important Announcements


To whom it may concern:
Please take note that Waratah State Cat Alliance Inc has been expelled from the Australian Cat Federation (Inc), effective 17 October 2001.

On 17 September 2001, the committee of The Australian Cat Federation (Inc) expelled Waratah State Cat Alliance from membership of the Federation in accordance with Rule 33 of the Federation's Constitution, for conduct detrimental to the interests of the Australian Cat Federation (Inc) in that Waratah State Cat Alliance Inc have not nor have they agreed in writing to abide by the ACF constitution and by-laws as specifically requested of them.
(Part of) Statement issued by
John Blythe, President,
Nell Evans, Secretary,
Australian Cat Federation (Inc)
Should anyone want more information on these events please feel free to contact the President or any of the QICC Executive who are all fully conversant with events.
Please note that after the 17th October 2001 ACF Inc does not recognise WSCA. That includes registrations, awards, judges etc.
WSCA registered kittens/cats BORN IN NSW ONLY and registered prior to 17th Oct 2001 are eligible to be transferred to QICC Inc.
No awards won at WSCA shows will be recognised by QICC/ACF.

❖ Companions have new levels of points for their higher status
❖ There are now 10 places appointment
❖ Grande companion is chosen at the end of the day out of the top three best in show companion cats
❖ Companions can achieve various higher status levels the same as a pedigree
❖ Effective as of September 2004

These are as follows: -

➢ 1st place – 20 points
➢ 2nd – 15 points
➢ 3rd – 10 points
➢ 4th – 9 points
➢ 5th – 8 points
➢ 6th – 7 points
➢ 7th – 6 points
➢ 8th – 5 points
➢ 9th – 4 points
➢ 10th – 3 points


All cats with group 2 and group 3 will be combined to form a group now known as ‘All Shorthairs. The combination of group 2 and group 3 will be effective from the 13th of February 2005 and continue for a trail period of six (6) months. QICC Inc. would like to hear your opinion about the combining of group 2 and group 3 during this trail period.

Australian Cat registering body, shows for both pedigree and household pets, register held of pedigree cats.

We are pleased to introduce you to our Miss Monroe’s first litter of 4 beautiful little blue babies, 2 boys & 2 girls.Th...

We are pleased to introduce you to our Miss Monroe’s first litter of 4 beautiful little blue babies, 2 boys & 2 girls.
These little cuties were born on the 10th of July 2024 and are all gaining heaps of weight and have had their eyes open for a couple of days now.
Miss Monroe is absolutely loving mothering her babies and is clearly proud as punch of them.

CCCA National Cat ShowAdelaide July 13th & 14th.Polly packed her bags and flew off to Adelaide this weekend for her firs...

CCCA National Cat Show
Adelaide July 13th & 14th.

Polly packed her bags and flew off to Adelaide this weekend for her first outing in the Adult Entire Shorthair Class over 2 days and 6 Rings.

There was a staggering 96 entries including 9 Entire Russians in her class so any result was going to be a huge success.

We are so excited and thrilled to give you this update on her journey.

In short she had

Adult Entire Shorthair - 96 entries
2 x Best of Breed. (9 Entire Russians)
1 x Reserve in Show (2nd out of 96)
1 x 4th in Show (4th out of 96)

The QICC Cat Show was held on the 7th of July at Caboolture QLD. It was a 4 Ring Show.Polly was up against 32 kittens in...

The QICC Cat Show was held on the 7th of July at Caboolture QLD. It was a 4 Ring Show.

Polly was up against 32 kittens including 5 Russians.

Ring 1
Did not place

Ring 2
Best of Breed
3rd in Show

Ring 3
Best of Breed
5th in Show

Ring 4
Best of Breed
5th in Show

This was her last Show in kitten class.

Polly is flying off to Adelaide next week for the CCCA Nationals and her debut in the Adult Entire Class.

Another great show put on by the Regional Queensland Cat Club was held at Maryborough QLD over the weekend of 29th & 30t...

Another great show put on by the Regional Queensland Cat Club was held at Maryborough QLD over the weekend of 29th & 30th of June.

Polly’s results were as follows, there were 22 kittens in her class including 4 Russians.

Ring 1
Best of Breed
Reserve (2nd) in Show

Ring 2
Reserve in Breed
7th in Show

Ring 3
Best of Breed
Best in Show

Ring 4
Best of Breed
4th in Show

Ring 5
Best of Breed
Best in Show

Ring 6
Best of Breed
4th in Show

She also received two Judges Choice Awards and a Junior handler award.

Stunning results for this girl in her 2nd last show in kitten class.

Her last show in kitten class is at the QICC Show in Caboolture and then off to the CCCA Nationals in Adelaide for her first show in Adult Entire Class.

Please let us introduce Luna (Twili Clair De Lune) our stunning new addition to our Russian family members.Luna travelle...

Please let us introduce Luna (Twili Clair De Lune) our stunning new addition to our Russian family members.
Luna travelled the 4 hour flight to us and immediately started purring as soon as we opened her pet travel crate.
Look out Floki, Miss Monroe & Polly, trouble is on its way…🤣

Thank you Mel Gould for entrusting us again with another of your beautiful babies 💙

This weekend we took our 2 kittens Polly & our new baby Luna to the two day show in Maryborough QLD.We are unable to pos...

This weekend we took our 2 kittens Polly & our new baby Luna to the two day show in Maryborough QLD.
We are unable to post any of Polly’s results due to the media ban for cats entered into the upcoming National Cat Show but have a few pictures of Luna enjoying her first time at a cat show, what a star this little girl will be.

Some more photos from the weekend (professional photos taken by Di Stokes at the event, the cage photos take by our prof...

Some more photos from the weekend (professional photos taken by Di Stokes at the event, the cage photos take by our professional photographer in the making (3.5 year old Hannah), and sunrise photos taken in the car by myself).

Sydney ACF Nationals.We only took Polly to the event in Sydney and walked away very happy with her results, there were 7...

Sydney ACF Nationals.
We only took Polly to the event in Sydney and walked away very happy with her results, there were 72 kittens including 5 Russians in the shorthair division (group 3 only)
6 Rings
2 best of breed
3 reserve of breed
4 major placings, 4th, 5th, 11th & 13th out of the 72 kittens.
Soooooo many gorgeous kittens and cats on display this weekend, congratulations to everyone involved.


Lineup of the WINNERS 🏆 of the
Congratulations 👏 to you all.!! 🥰

Ok, Day 2 of the Armidale Cat Show is done and dusted, we are back at our accommodation and starting the tedious task of...

Ok, Day 2 of the Armidale Cat Show is done and dusted, we are back at our accommodation and starting the tedious task of packing everything tetras like into our cars in readiness for the trip home to Brisbane in the morning.

It was super special to meet up with all the other Russian Cat Breeders and get to see their amazing kittens and cats.

, , , , , ,

Finally at the end of today we were pleasantly surprised, stunned even again at the awards given to our little girl Polly during the awards ceremony.

Couldn’t be prouder of her 💕🐈‍⬛

So we made the 5 hour road trip from Brisbane to Armidale driving in a little 3 vehicle convoy with our great mates Jenn...

So we made the 5 hour road trip from Brisbane to Armidale driving in a little 3 vehicle convoy with our great mates Jenny and Amanda and have settled into our cozy little Air B&B cottage located right in the centre of town.

Day 1 today of the 2 day Cat show.
3 rings of Group 3 plus the Russian Specialty Ring were judged today. (19 Russian Cats in total for the Russian Specialty Ring)

3 more rings of Group 3 judging to be held tomorrow.

The big news we can share is that we were blessed to have Polly named as the Best Russian Exhibit in the Russian Specialty Ring from all 19 beautiful Russian Cats by NZ judge David Colley.

Our warmest thanks also goes to Paul & Sharon from Anou Russian Cattery and the Team from Russian Cats Australia for the amazing cat tree trophy, the beautiful Rosettes & the awesome cat crates from Petxplorer pet travel crates.
As luck would have it you will notice that we managed to win a crate and a rosette that we we sponsored.

Today we attended the QFA cat show presented by the Burmese Cat Club which was held at the Strathpine Community Centre.I...

Today we attended the QFA cat show presented by the Burmese Cat Club which was held at the Strathpine Community Centre.
It may have been a rainy day outside but all the cats inside shone brightly and presented themselves magnificently.
We showed the 2 girls today with both girls placing well including Polly taking out another Best in Show in Ring 1 out of 26 kittens.

Today we took our Russian Crew 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ to the QICC Inc show at Caboolture.  Big shout out and thank you 🙏 to the organ...

Today we took our Russian Crew 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ to the QICC Inc show at Caboolture.

Big shout out and thank you 🙏 to the organizers for a smoothly run event that had us all packed up and heading back down the highway homewards bound well before dark.

As usual Floki 🐈‍⬛ was competing in the Des*xed Shorthair Section, but due to him looking a bit scrappy after one of his wicked ninja step sisters 🥷 gave him a bit of a touch up 🤕, he was never really in with any chance…lol. Just as well he had Mr Paris owned by Amanda Welsh in the cage next to him for some moral support.
Also a huge congratulations to Gail & Mark for the outstanding results from their boy King today.

Miss Monroe 🐈‍⬛ faired better in the Entire Shorthair Section against 15 other entries placing 2nd & 7th alongside her handsome, older half brother Archimedes (Archie) owned by Jenny Gowen

Polly 🐈‍⬛ is continuing her consistent form in the Shorthair Kitten Section.
There were 34 kittens in her category today including 5 Russians, (2 boys and 3 girls.)
Polly placed best in breed in 2 of the 3 rings with Aurora bred by Azureblue Russian Blues winning the other thus ensuring the girls beat the boys in all rings.


Overall Polly placed 1st, 4th & 13th in the 3 rings out of 34 delightful kittens 😺. Pretty good results for our little girl ⭐️. Thank you Mel Gould.

Miss Monroe and Czarina’s Silver Pearl aka Polly went on their Easter egg hunt this morning. They want to give a massive...

Miss Monroe and Czarina’s Silver Pearl aka Polly went on their Easter egg hunt this morning. They want to give a massive shout out to the Easter bunny for all the effort and wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER! 🌸🐰🌷🐣🌺🐇🌼

What a huge weekend @ the  6 Ring Queensland Feline Association Inc 2 day March Magic cat show.A big shout out to everyo...

What a huge weekend @ the 6 Ring Queensland Feline Association Inc 2 day March Magic cat show.
A big shout out to everyone involved in organizing, setting up and running a really great, fun show.
There were around 160 very special cats on display, all of which made it extremely difficult for the judges to pick their winners.

As Russian Cat lovers and breeders ourselves we were blown away by the Russian invasion that awaited us. Soooo many amazing Russian Cats (17), all of which a huge credit to their owners/breeders. Our cats again did us very proud competing against some of the finest Russian and all
breeds cats we have encountered.

Shorthair Des*xed - Floki
Top 10 places awarded from
20 Cats including 3 Russians (all males)
Floki placed 4th, 5th, 7th and an 8th
In his 6 rings.
Floki is our true family pet and has the gentlest personality. He is currently Gold Double Grand Champion status.

Shorthair Entire - Miss Monroe
Top 10 places awarded from 18 Cats including 5 Russians (2 males, 3 females)
Miss Monroe placed 3rd, 5th, 8th & 10th in her 6 rings.
She presented herself magnificently in all rings against the bigger, more mature Russian males.
Miss Monroe will now be at Grand Champion Status after only her 4th cat show since showing in the Entire Class.

Shorthair Kittens - Polly
Top 10 placed awarded out of (wait for it) 50 of the most beautiful, amazing kittens including a staggering 9 Russian kittens.
Polly placed 1st, 1st, 8th & 9th in her 6 rings against 50 amazing kittens.
Wow ! What an amazing little girl from Mel Gould.

We have 2 stunning breeding girls (on and off the cat show bench) and our beautiful pet boy that continue to amaze us and keep our Russian Blue passion growing stronger and stronger.

A great weekend spent with amazing friends 💕

Sooo excited for the Queensland Feline Association Inc  2 day show this coming weekend.

Sooo excited for the Queensland Feline Association Inc 2 day show this coming weekend.


Look at these 2 lovely ladies. Miss Monroe and Silver Pearl. They live with Czarina Russian Blues who will soon be listed amongst our breeders.
Such a lovely photo.


Brisbane, QLD



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