The Stoic Dog - Brisbane

The Stoic Dog - Brisbane Veteran owned and operated business for the training of domestic dogs based in Brisbane.

Real life obedience training, rehabilitation and prevention of unacceptable behaviour.

⚠️⚠️We Are Officially Closed!⚠️⚠️🐕After 2 and a half years, hundreds of clients, 2 team members and unquantifiable amoun...

⚠️⚠️We Are Officially Closed!⚠️⚠️
After 2 and a half years, hundreds of clients, 2 team members and unquantifiable amounts of learning, The Stoic Dog is closed!
Massive thanks for Emily and Chris who were my first ever team members and who did an amazing job with their clients.
It has been quite a journey but I have now moved all my efforts over to .k9 in order to enhance the full life-cycle of working canines and handlers.
So much love for everyone who helped me on my journey so far, and I would love to have you along for the next part with Origin K9.

⚠️⚠️Give Them the Benefit of the Doubt⚠️⚠️🐕After a while of being with you, most dogs don't want to leave their family o...

⚠️⚠️Give Them the Benefit of the Doubt⚠️⚠️
After a while of being with you, most dogs don't want to leave their family or be left behind by their family. But a lot of people are scared of what would happen if their dog got out or slipped their lead and as a result, never give them a chance to build that mutual trust.
I always like to give dogs the benefit of the doubt, and after observing their behaviour on lead and around the owner, can determine quite accurately whether they can be trusted off leash. I then help the owner develop their confidence and trust in their dog which in turn does the same for the dog to their human.
Now I don't always recommend this for all dogs but I know from experience that it does help with on leash work and other behaviours because the dog knows it's going to get time to run and be free of the leash outside the home, as well as knowing his owner trusts him and vice versa. Another great way of building that bond between you.
There are many places around Brisbane that allow off leash training that aren't specifically in dog parks. Due to the smaller size of enclosed dog parks, it isn't normally considered "off leash" to the dog because they can feel that they are still restricted. So book in a session with me now if you want to work on that off leash work and strengthen that mutual trust and relationship with your dog and we'll pick a place near you to do so.

⚠️⚠️Training Begins Immediately⚠️⚠️🐕From the first moment you bring your new dog or puppy into your home, training needs...

⚠️⚠️Training Begins Immediately⚠️⚠️
From the first moment you bring your new dog or puppy into your home, training needs to start. Whether it be something as simple as sit, no jumping or off the couch, early training is imperative.
Without proper training from the first few weeks of a dog's life, they can and will develop bad habits and be harder to remedy than if you had started earlier. It's not impossible but it will take more time and effort from all sides.
So keep that in mind before you bring home a new puppy and remember that there is a strong possibility that older dogs you take in will have behaviours already imprinted in their personalities that you may not like. This factor alone will mean more work for you to train the right behaviours into them.

⚠️⚠️Price Change Alert⚠️⚠️🐕Don't worry, it's not as bad as Mr Sausage Dog here makes it out to be with those eyes! Come ...

⚠️⚠️Price Change Alert⚠️⚠️
Don't worry, it's not as bad as Mr Sausage Dog here makes it out to be with those eyes! Come 1st July 2022, we will be increasing the cost of sessions to account for certain things and offset some others.
We won't bore you with the details but thought we'd let you all know so you can prepare for the new financial year. We also have a brand new website coming soon so keep an eye out for that too!
Keep up the hard work I know you all have been doing and I look forward to working with you in the future!

⚠️⚠️Loose Leash Walking Classes⚠️⚠️🐕Due to the recent rain, a few of our group classes have had to be postponed. We trie...

⚠️⚠️Loose Leash Walking Classes⚠️⚠️
Due to the recent rain, a few of our group classes have had to be postponed. We tried running one while it was raining off and on but that didn't turn out too great unfortunately.
However there are still a fair few clients who would do well in a group class like this little anxious boy. Some dogs I work with are quite okay in the obedience area but can use a bit of work in the socialisation/distraction aspect.
Every dog big or small are welcome in our group classes so get them booked in now and maybe even make some new friends along the way, human or otherwise!

⚠️⚠️The First 2 Years Are The Hardest⚠️⚠️🐕Dogs go through many crucial and life altering periods in their first few year...

⚠️⚠️The First 2 Years Are The Hardest⚠️⚠️
Dogs go through many crucial and life altering periods in their first few years. They are at their most influential in the first year and whether good or bad, everything effects them and builds their character in some way.
I took a minimum of 6 months off work for both my dogs so that I could raise them the way they needed to be. Some people don't understand the amount of commitment dogs need to thrive as part of our family but that is the reason why I became a dog trainer.
By age 3, dogs should know all the foundations needed to know how to behave, respond to you accordingly, and have enough manners that training is less necessary. Until then, they should be considered at least part time jobs if not full time.
Too many dogs out there are rehomed or left behind because they became too much to handle for their owners due to lack of training. While it it never too late to begin training, it is always better to start as early as possible.

⚠️⚠️Never Underestimate the Power of Treats⚠️⚠️🐕Even though goofy boy Fynn has anxiety in many aspects of his life, he i...

⚠️⚠️Never Underestimate the Power of Treats⚠️⚠️
Even though goofy boy Fynn has anxiety in many aspects of his life, he is still a super treat motivated dog and he pushes through that just to get the treats.
Everything in this photo from his body language, his eyes and how he's holding his ears shows me how anxious he's feeling but how determined he is to get those treats.
If your dog is food motivated, don't let that go to waste! Use it to build the basic foundations you need to develop an all round well behaved pupper. Or better yet, book a consult with us and we'll help you get there!

⚠️⚠️This is the look you get when you say "WALKIES"⚠️⚠️🐕Separation anxiety is a common trait in many dogs and like all o...

⚠️⚠️This is the look you get when you say "WALKIES"⚠️⚠️
Separation anxiety is a common trait in many dogs and like all other neurotic behaviours, it can be trained with the right methods. Most dogs get it while they're puppies and usually grow out of it but occasionally older dogs do too as they age.
Depending on what causes the separation anxiety, when it occurs and where, sometimes the only method that will work is management rather than trying to rid the dog of anxiety altogether.
We always do what works best for you and your dog, even if the best solution isn't completely removing the unwanted behaviour. Just like people, sometimes it's just the way dogs are but we always recommend the training first.

⚠️⚠️Know The Difference⚠️⚠️🐕I get a lot of clients who think their dogs are aggressive when they are really only reactiv...

⚠️⚠️Know The Difference⚠️⚠️
I get a lot of clients who think their dogs are aggressive when they are really only reactive to certain stimuli. There is a HUGE difference between these. You can tell by the severity of the reactions and the dog's body language.
In a small breed dog, it wouldn't be as bad, but you give the same behaviours to a 60kg GSD and suddenly it seems aggressive.
While yes they are harder to control and may take a bit longer to train, but it does not make them aggressive or a "bad dog."
Some breeds are more inclined to react a certain way for whatever reason but it is always manageable with the right tools and methods.

⚠️⚠️Anxiety Has Many Signs⚠️⚠️🐕While this photo may look cute and Miss Sage seems quite attentive and calm, she's actual...

⚠️⚠️Anxiety Has Many Signs⚠️⚠️
While this photo may look cute and Miss Sage seems quite attentive and calm, she's actually a very anxious girl and this was my 4th visit to her house. The first 2 times she wouldn't even come near me and all I did was sit down and throw treats to her from afar.
By the 3rd visit, she was comfortable enough to sit an arm's width from me and take treats from my hand, and stand outside the house on lead for 10 minutes. By the 4th visit, she remembered me after a few minutes of hand feeding treats, then was happy to go on a walk around the block with me so I could work on some of her dog reactivity issues.
Sometimes I come across dogs like her and all I can do is take some time to build her confidence and trust in me. Even if that means the first few sessions are simply me sitting with her to bring her out of her shell, it is not a waste of a session.
I've had 4 sessions with her in two weeks and she's already showing improvement, even with other people in the family that regularly visit whom she hadn't gone near for months. She's going to be one of my regular clients and I love her to bits.

⚠️⚠️Human Reactivity⚠️⚠️🐕Does this adorable little face look reactive to people? I don't think so. Unfortunately looks c...

⚠️⚠️Human Reactivity⚠️⚠️
Does this adorable little face look reactive to people? I don't think so. Unfortunately looks can be deceiving. Vegas here starts growling and lunging on lead to any new person who comes near, whether on walks or otherwise.
There are a few methods used to address this sort of behaviour, depending on the severity of the reactivity and what the dog responds to. However a lot of it revolves around management of the dog and situations he is placed in, coupled with frequent controlled exposure.
Patience and practice can achieve many things and reactivity is no different. What determines your success is the commitment you show, the dog's ability to learn, and the severity of the issue.

⚠️⚠️Look at That Smile⚠️⚠️🐕So many gorgeous white GSD's coming my way recently and I am falling in love with them all. L...

⚠️⚠️Look at That Smile⚠️⚠️
So many gorgeous white GSD's coming my way recently and I am falling in love with them all. Look at this young man's face after our training session.
Unfortunately due to the floods, this boy now lives close to the city in a small townhouse with an even smaller yard. However with daily stimulation, proper training and lots of love and cuddles, it is possible with large breed dogs.
No matter what issues you are having with your furry friend, we are always up for the challenge!

⚠️⚠️New Recruit Taj⚠️⚠️🐕Introducing Taj the German Wire Haired Pointer mix who will be joining us in a few group session...

⚠️⚠️New Recruit Taj⚠️⚠️
Introducing Taj the German Wire Haired Pointer mix who will be joining us in a few group sessions. He has all his basics down pat (mostly), now he just needs to develop his responsiveness around other dogs. What better way to achieve that than with regular group classes!
There are limited spots available so that we can ensure everyone makes progress each session so book in now to secure your spot!
We look forward to seeing you soon Taj! Keep up the great work.

⚠️⚠️Communicate in Multiple Ways⚠️⚠️🐕The bigger your dog, the more important your communication with them needs to be. T...

⚠️⚠️Communicate in Multiple Ways⚠️⚠️
The bigger your dog, the more important your communication with them needs to be. The majority of the reason being that a bigger dog also comes with more strength and stubbornness to get what it wants.
There are many ways of communicating with your dog, from the way you hold the lead, the sounds you make for praise and corrections, the tone of voice you use, the frequency of commands/praise/corrections, and all of these can be misused when you are unaware.
A lot of unwanted behaviours stem from miscommunication or a lack thereof, and so ensuring you are doing the right things to achieve the desired outcome - instead of just getting frustrated with them - can make all the difference to both you and your dog.

⚠️⚠️New Recruit Indiana⚠️⚠️🐕Another therapy dog in the making and I'm thrilled to be a part of her development. She is t...

⚠️⚠️New Recruit Indiana⚠️⚠️
Another therapy dog in the making and I'm thrilled to be a part of her development. She is turning out to be one of the smartest, most willing to learn and naturally calm Labrador puppies I have ever worked with.
Within the first session, she smashed through the list of commands and behaviours I normally run through, and even after laying down for a nap, she still got up to say good bye!
I can already see what a great therapy dog she is going to become, and with ongoing sessions, we will make sure that she becomes the well adjusted, happy go lucky young lady I know she has the capability to be.

⚠️⚠️New Recruit Castiel⚠️⚠️🐕True to his name, beautiful boy Castiel is one gorgeous Shepherd! I can't wait to see what h...

⚠️⚠️New Recruit Castiel⚠️⚠️
True to his name, beautiful boy Castiel is one gorgeous Shepherd! I can't wait to see what he'll look like when he's older.
Like most GSD's I work with, he is so keen to work and learn new things, and even though he pushes boundaries with his owners, he flies through his obedience training.
Even if a dog is supposed to be smart, agile and eager to please because of their breed, not every dog will be. So while the majority of the GSD's I work with want to learn, there is also a handful of them who just want to keep pushing those buttons and that's okay.
It just means that more work, time and practice needs to be put in to get them where they need to be. The first few years of a dog's life are the most crucial so make sure to begin that training as soon as you can.

⚠️⚠️Training Never Ends⚠️⚠️🐕Sometimes my clients have already done a lot of the work with their dogs and just need that ...

⚠️⚠️Training Never Ends⚠️⚠️
Sometimes my clients have already done a lot of the work with their dogs and just need that professional opinion to ensure they're on the right track.
Despite being almost perfect, even the most well behaved and obedient dogs can always continue their learning. Whether it's refreshing their memory of the rules they already know, or simply teaching a new trick just because, there is always something new to learn.
Other than for behavioural issues, training is a great way to develop that bond with your dog, refine their obedience so they always listen to you, and raise your status in their mind so that no matter what is happening around them, you are the number one thing they respond to.

⚠️⚠️Training Takes Time⚠️⚠️🐕All breeds of dog were bred for something which makes some breeds more apt at specific jobs ...

⚠️⚠️Training Takes Time⚠️⚠️
All breeds of dog were bred for something which makes some breeds more apt at specific jobs than others. Some are faster learners, some thrive on praise and work, some are better at guarding property, the list goes on.
So while no dog is a lost cause and all can be trained with the right strategy, some will be a lot more willing to learn than others and some will throw attitude back at you every chance they get.
Never compare your dog to another, focus on one thing at a time, never rush your dog or get frustrated when they aren't learning as swiftly as you'd prefer, and praise praise praise them when they do well.

⚠️⚠️GROUP OBEDIENCE CLASSES⚠️⚠️🐕They're here!! Group Obedience Classes have finally started so jump online and book now!...

They're here!! Group Obedience Classes have finally started so jump online and book now! Similar to the Loose Leash Walking Classes, there are 2 locations for Obedience Class in North and South Brisbane, Marchant Park Aspley and Abbeville Street Park, Upper Mount Gravatt.
What's different about the Obedience Classes is that there is one for dogs who are SUPER food motivated and one for those who aren't. So make sure to choose the right one when booking because if your dog isn't food motivated, there's no point booking into the Food Group!!
We go through various methods in both of these classes even though they are focused around using food and not, so even doing both classes can be helpful if you want an all round holistic training method or if your dog decides he wants to be food motivated every other Wednesday.
Feel free to send a message through our socials or the website if you have any questions, and tag that friend you want to do classes with! We look forward to seeing you soon!

⚠️⚠️Daily Stimulation⚠️⚠️🐕No matter the size, age, breed or temperament of a dog, they ALL need daily mental and physica...

⚠️⚠️Daily Stimulation⚠️⚠️
No matter the size, age, breed or temperament of a dog, they ALL need daily mental and physical stimulation. Something as simple as a regular daily walk can rectify 98% of canine behavioural issues.
Dogs will only display behaviours that fulfil needs they are not receiving in their everyday life. So whether your dog just needs to refine their basic obedience and responsiveness to you, or if you need to give them a "job" that satisfies their natural instincts, we can help you figure that out.
Every dog can be the best dog. It is only by a lack of control, guidance and knowledge that they display unwanted behaviours. No dog is beyond training with time, patience and commitment.


⚠️⚠️Regular Off Leash Time⚠️⚠️
Over my years of training, pet sitting and studying, I've found that off leash work always helps dogs in every other aspect of life, including loose leash walking. If a dog gets regular off leash time to run around, explore and just do dogs things, they are more likely to be content at home and responsive to you.
Dogs only do a lot of specific things if they don't get the opportunity to do that one thing in every day life. For example, dogs that run as soon as they get out of the house don't get enough walks/off leash time. Dogs that chase cars or bikes or any moving thing don't get to experience that natural behaviour in a controlled way.
A lot of "negative" behaviours that dogs display can be easily rectified given the correct method and by fulfilling their biological urges and general needs. I always like to give dogs the benefit of the doubt when it comes to off leash work. I assess their behaviour while on a walk the first time and can tell 9 times out of 10 if I can trust them off leash.
Take Sofia for example. Her breed is known to be very loyal and attached, so the first walk I took her on, I could tell from her behaviour that she wasn't going to stray far and every walk since, she's been off leash with my two. All the behaviours her owners were struggling with have been completely rectified simply by getting all her daily requirements. Whether that will continue once she's no longer with me is a different question entirely.

⚠️⚠️Same House Interdog Aggression⚠️⚠️🐕Sometimes when you have more than one dog living in your household, they can get ...

⚠️⚠️Same House Interdog Aggression⚠️⚠️
Sometimes when you have more than one dog living in your household, they can get frustrated with each other and cause fights over one thing or another. Just like siblings, this is totally normal behaviour, and knowing what to do to control the situation sometimes becomes your only option.
Depending on the severity and what causes the reactions, there is always usually a way to manage it. My boy Cookey for example doesn't like other dogs getting in his personal space and since Sofia has been staying with us, she has been pushing his patience a little bit (typical puppy behaviour).
Yesterday I was holding Cookey for a cuddle and Sofia came up to see what was going on. Cookey snapped at her more than he normally does, both because he didn't want her intruding on his cuddle time but also because he didn't have a "flight" option as I was holding him, and that caused a scuffle that I wasn't happy with (sometimes a little is okay, depending).
So I intervened in the way I normally do and Cookey stopped immediately, but Sofia kept going because she hadn't been taught otherwise. So I became more assertive and snapped her out of her "fight" mode and things returned to normal.
No matter how your dog is feeling or what's going on around them, they must ALWAYS listen to and trust you. Additionally, you must be confident in your actions and as assertive as necessary.

⚠️⚠️Develop Your Bond⚠️⚠️🐕Not only does training result in a well mannered and obedient dog, it also builds that uncondi...

⚠️⚠️Develop Your Bond⚠️⚠️
Not only does training result in a well mannered and obedient dog, it also builds that unconditional love your dog can have for you as well as the irreplaceable bond between you. You might have noticed that your dog doesn't respond to everyone in the household the same way he responds to you or the person who does the most training.
Couples who have just picked up their first puppy together might eventually see that she tends to listen to one of them more so than the other. Some dogs won't even see young kids as people to respect and listen to. That all comes from the amount of time each person spends with the dog, how much training they do, and sometimes even HOW they train.
Tone of voice, body language, consistency, assertiveness, and more, are all attributes that come into play when training is being conducted. Knowing the right way to train and dedicating the time to do so can make all the difference in your dogs' life.

⚠️⚠️Loose Leash Group Classes⚠️⚠️🐕Have you signed up to our Group Classes yet?? Even if you think you've got a perfectly...

⚠️⚠️Loose Leash Group Classes⚠️⚠️
Have you signed up to our Group Classes yet?? Even if you think you've got a perfectly well behaved dog, they could ALWAYS do with a bit of proofing in high stimuli and distraction environments. Group Classes are a perfect opportunity for that as they are controlled and safe to ensure nothing will go wrong and you can test your dogs behaviours as much as you like! These aren't just for the misbehaving pups!
Featuring two central locations for both North and South Brisbane, this Loose Leash Group Class can help your dog in many ways and build your confidence around other dogs as well.
It is a starting point that will assist in refining those unwanted behaviours which can then be addressed in a one-on-one consult or the next group obedience classes that are coming in due course.
So book now and watch the progress you can make in just one short session!

⚠️⚠️Can you see his anxiety?⚠️⚠️🐕A lot of dogs we work with have neurotic issues like fear, reactivity, anxiety, aggress...

⚠️⚠️Can you see his anxiety?⚠️⚠️
A lot of dogs we work with have neurotic issues like fear, reactivity, anxiety, aggression, etc. that we have to diagnose within the first meeting. While usually easy for us to determine, it is not always obvious to onlookers or even owners.
Knowing how to read your dogs' body language is key in preventing unwanted incidents and ensuring the continued happiness and positive development of their lives.
Your dog needs to trust you no matter what is going on around them or what they might be feeling. They need to trust that you will never expose them to situations that would cause them harm and in turn you must ensure you do just that.
We never want to push our dogs or make them endure situations they are uncomfortable with, just like you wouldn't want to either. This can be a major factor into why dogs develop these neurotic behaviours and why we always like to get the full story of what is happening before we offer a solution.


⚠️⚠️First Off Leash Session⚠️⚠️
3 days in and we're already at Obedience Stage: Off Leash 😀 Granted my dogs help a lot and she's super focussed on chasing Cookey but hey a win is a win.
Shortly after this video, they all rolled in mud and then jumped in a shallow creek before I then washed them properly at home.
Working dogs are a full time job 🙄


Brisbane, QLD


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