Action video of ‘not quite doggy paddle’ 😂❤️
They love each other! Unless Misty is trying to steal Luna’s bone 😂…. Mummy and daughter ❤️🌻
Smart girl
Misty has learnt a lot already.. she knows manding(automatic sit for attention) crate, outside, leave, sit. Working on waiting for her food but has improved a lot since this video. Has learnt paw but is a little over enthusiastic with it especially if there are treats. Has got lay down a couple times. She walks better on lead than her mum! Such an intelligent breed! She is now 10 weeks old.
Last play with Mum
Last play with mum and sister
Door game
Don’t really love the crate door game… it’s pretty noisy 😂😂😂
Luna trying to play with her crazies
High energy
I swear they get crazier by the day!
Fire night
It’s not a bad life…. Puppies learning about fire❤️😂🌻
First bath
First bath… blue boy
Playtime with mum
Mummy daughter playtime.
Play fights
Vicious beasts 😂
First time on the steps
I fed them for the first time outside. The challenge was the two steps to get down. Little red got there eventually. Too funny!!! 😂