First workout of the year under our belts.
I know we are a little late to get started this year, but between being out of the country for the first week then rider illness and pony lameness we had to pause on our starting timeline. But Fella is looking good, shiny, healthy, and very eager to move those legs 🫣
Unpopular Opinion - I think riders shouldn't jump right back into training what they were after an extended break (like summer or winter spells). I know everyone is excited to "kick goals", go to clinics, and get out competing, but we have to be conscious that horses lose fitness just like we do (and when we don't ride regularly we lose fitness too!). So both you and your horse are likely out of shape, so take it easy on your initial training until you've regained some fitness .
Ask for less collection, jump lower heights, train for shorter periods, offer more breaks, etc.
If you jump right back into where you left off with no building up, at best you'll have a sore horse (and rider) and at worst you'll cause an injury.
So do your horse, and yourself, a favour going into this next competition season - take it easy. Going slow will get you to where you want to be, enjoy the journey and train the horse you want for tomorrow, not the one you have today.