It takes a village. Having the best time. 🤣🤣🤣
So lucky to have a team of solid MoFo’s that don’t half ass it! Nobody ever turns up to club and says “I don’t think we can ever do that”. They say “Let’s try this and see if that gets us there, if not, we will try something else” #psaclub #trialprep #bitesports
Directions to the gate if coming from the north of Canungra
Big Show trial directions
We had the best time this weekend at the Northern Rivers PSA mock trial! So good to show our dogs a trial picture that we could use as a training experience as well just a month before our trial. Much appreciation to the decoys Scott Parsons Theo Teixeira Fontes Tyler Mcdonald and Dom Karazinov that kept our dogs safe with good catches on a hot day. We see you guys! #psamocktrial #psa1 #psatrialprep
We are heading to Nothern Rivers this weekend for a mock trial so our dogs can go RaTaTa! Club will resume next Tuesday at its normal time. #psa #psatrial #biteydoggies
Just a bunch of beautiful people and their beautiful dogs playing the hardest game someone could come up with. #psak9 #clubnight #welaughalot
Next showing is 12 weeks away. Everybody is putting in work to get the team ready! #protectionsportsassociation #teamwork #dogtraining #CoolStoryShowMeYourDog
Public service announcement at happy hour! #ironfist24 #PSAInternational #psadogsports
Fun night at club. Getting a few dogs ready to trial in five weeks and we got to sing Happy Birthday and have cake with the crusty old Einzaweiner himself! He didn’t enjoy nearly as much as we did. #psaclub #getbit #bigshow Jason Firmin
Just a bunch of dogs liking this little life #clubnight #psatraining #gethim
Last club for a few weeks. I’ll be in America for a long over due visit with family and then at the first ever PSA trial in Vietnam. I can’t even imagine not seeing my favorite peoples and dogs at club until then. Our club really is the best and we definitely have the most fun. See you guys in the flip side, train safe! #psaclub #psadogsports #dogkarate