Let's Eradicate CAE from Australian Goats

Let's Eradicate CAE from Australian Goats Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis or CAE or Small Ruminant Lentivirus, is an untreatable disease with carriers that can spread it into new goat herds.

Dr Sandra Baxendell from Goat Veterinary Consultancies - goatvetoz posts here (c).all photos are copyright CAE is a slow viral disease of goats that causes a lot of pain & suffering. It can be eradicated from a goat herd by separating kids at birth and rearing on cow's colostrum and powdered milk replacer. Pasteurized milk can also be used. Kids must be reared away from infected goats via double

fences or solid walls and tested to check all kids are free of the virus at 6 months then annually. This page was set up by Sandra Baxendell of Goat Veterinary Consultancies - goatvetoz . see http:/www./goatvetoz.com.au or see page https://www.facebook.com/goatvetoz Anyone who likes this page can comment on any post but if personal attacks, or swearing are made the person, doing so will be warned once that their comments are inappropriate and then if repeated the person will be permanently blocked. Also only posts that promote CAE eradication will remain and any posts that do not support CAE control will be deleted.


20% of the goats in India are positive for CAE
These researchers called it Maedi Visna but it is the same virus and can affect sheep or goats

Ontario Goat SurveyCAE has spread from dairy goats into meat goat herds in Canada.

Ontario Goat Survey
CAE has spread from dairy goats into meat goat herds in Canada.

Small ruminant lentiviruses (SLRV) are major production limiting diseases of sheep and goats and are major source of economic loss to producers. There…

CAE (also called the small ruminant lentivirus) is endangering rare goat breeds of Southern Italy.

CAE (also called the small ruminant lentivirus) is endangering rare goat breeds of Southern Italy.

According to the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) of the FAO, Italy has one of the largest numbers of local small ruminant breeds among European countries. In Southern Italy, namely the Campania Region, Bagnolese and Laticauda sheep breeds and Cilentana goat breeds are considere...

91% of goat herds  in Luzon, the Philippines  have 1 or more positive CAE goats .  Over 31% of goats tested were positiv...

91% of goat herds in Luzon, the Philippines have 1 or more positive CAE goats . Over 31% of goats tested were positive. We need to have control programs in all countries.

Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is a worldwide economically important disease of small ruminants particularly goats. CAE has been considered to be an emerging/re-emerging disease of goats and a notifiable disease in the Philippines. In this study, a nested-PCR method to detect CAE virus (CAEv)....


Goat kids need colostrum but what is best?- fresh or frozen caprine colostrum (if CAE and JD are not a concern), heat-treated caprine colostrum, bovine colostrum (if Johne's free) or a commercial colostrum replacement product ?
Cross-sectional study investigating the components and quality of colostrum and colostrum replacement products fed to Ontario dairy goat kids
Cross-sectional study investigating the components and quality of colostrum and colostrum replacement products fed to Ontario dairy goat kids

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The effect of the subclinical small ruminant lentivirus infection of female goats on the growth of kids - PubMed .  Kids...

The effect of the subclinical small ruminant lentivirus infection of female goats on the growth of kids - PubMed . Kids fed cow's colostrum (hopefully Johne's free) and powdered milk replacer and separated from their CAE positive dams, grew as well as other kids.

A longitudinal observational study was carried out to evaluate the influence of prenatal exposure to small ruminant lentivirus(SRLV)-infected does on the body weight (BWT) of young kids. The study was carried out in years 2001-2017 in the research dairy goat herd. Goats in the herd were regularly se...


CAE in New Zealand
An extract from this reference = "The disease (CAE) is widespread in the New Zealand goat population, although extensive testing has reduced the incidence in commercial dairy goats." What a pity - I remember when it was first detected from Australian imported goats . This was a lost opportunity to eradicate it. Page 37


Unusual clinical presentation from New Zealand
Two adult goats developed chronic
diarrhoea on a property in Hauraki.
Johne’s disease was suspected and one
animal was subsequently euthanased.
This goat’s stifle joints (knees) were
swollen and lymphatics in the neck
were nodular. Serum samples from
Quarterly report of diagnostic cases: January to March 2024
Surveillance 51 (2) 202435
the two goats tested negative for
Johne’s disease on ELISA; however, the
samples tested positive for the caprine
arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) virus
antibody ELISA. Caprine arthritis-
encephalitis is a widespread disease in
goats that affects all breeds and ages
of goats and persists throughout the
animal’s life (Oliver, 1982; Oliver et
al., 1983). The disease can progress
over months to years and is usually
observed clinically after two years of
age. Bilateral or unilateral swelling of
the leg joints is common. Other signs
include weight loss and/or impaired
milk production (Greenwood, 1995).
Transmission is typically through the
ingestion of virus-infected colostrum
by goat kids, but lateral and vertical
transmission through close contact
with infected animals and from the
reproductive tract of infected females
are also thought to occur (Adams et al.,
1983; Hasegawa et al., 2017).
see https://www.sciquest.org.nz/browse/publications/article/173540


Unusual clinical presentation from New Zealand
Two adult goats developed chronic
diarrhoea on a property in Hauraki.
Johne’s disease was suspected and one
animal was subsequently euthanased.
This goat’s stifle joints (knees) were
swollen and lymphatics in the neck
were nodular. Serum samples from
Quarterly report of diagnostic cases: January to March 2024
Surveillance 51 (2) 202435
the two goats tested negative for
Johne’s disease on ELISA; however, the
samples tested positive for the caprine
arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) virus
antibody ELISA. Caprine arthritis-
encephalitis is a widespread disease in
goats that affects all breeds and ages
of goats and persists throughout the
animal’s life (Oliver, 1982; Oliver et
al., 1983). The disease can progress
over months to years and is usually
observed clinically after two years of
age. Bilateral or unilateral swelling of
the leg joints is common. Other signs
include weight loss and/or impaired
milk production (Greenwood, 1995).
Transmission is typically through the
ingestion of virus-infected colostrum
by goat kids, but lateral and vertical
transmission through close contact
with infected animals and from the
reproductive tract of infected females
are also thought to occur (Adams et al.,
1983; Hasegawa et al., 2017).

Survey in the PhilippinesThe authors found the results "alarming" with 22 out of 24 herds positive and 31% of goats test...

Survey in the Philippines
The authors found the results "alarming" with 22 out of 24 herds positive and 31% of goats tested positive. See

Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is a worldwide economically important disease of small ruminants particularly goats. CAE has been considered to be an emerging/re-emerging disease of goats and a notifiable disease in the Philippines. In this study, a nested-PCR method to detect CAE virus (CAEv)....

CAE in wild deerA new reference just published has found 3 positives out of 314 samples from different wild deer species...

CAE in wild deer
A new reference just published has found 3 positives out of 314 samples from different wild deer species in Poland. Interesting to speculate on how this happened as the CAE virus is thought not to last long on pastures. So possible to jump species into deer so commercial deer farmers need to be aware of this.

Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) are widespread and infect goats and sheep. Several reports also suggest that SRLVs can infect wild ruminants. The presence of specific antibodies against SRLVs has been identified in wild ruminants from Poland, but no studies have been conducted to detect proviral...


An outbreak of small ruminant lentivirus (CAE) in a Swedish dairy goat herd with a long history of respiratory disease. Lung forms can happen but are rarer than the arthritis form -but this dairy goat herd mainly had lung problems. All confirmed by testing.

Ask a vet - Dr. Cathy Bauman on Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE )

Ask a vet - Dr. Cathy Bauman on Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE )

It is a lot harder to eradicate Johne's disease than CAE as the causal organism last months not days on pasture.  Norway...

It is a lot harder to eradicate Johne's disease than CAE as the causal organism last months not days on pasture. Norway has actually done both .

While paratuberculosis control has been studied for over a century, knowledge gaps still exist regarding the uptake and efficacy of control programmes. This narrative review aims to summarise studies on control programmes presented at the IDF ParaTB Fora in 2021 and 2022 and the International Colloq...


A combination of ELISA and PCR tests found CAE in 2 hobby goat herds in Russia.

CAE talksRemember that I talk about CAE for free to your goat club or event. You just have to provide an COVID Safe outd...

CAE talks
Remember that I talk about CAE for free to your goat club or event. You just have to provide an COVID Safe outdoor venue and get me there or arrange a Zoom time. Email me [email protected]. Raising awareness helps control and hopefully then eradicate CAE.

4 new goat herds with CAE in Victoria Wish every Australian state reported cases of CAE in goats so we had real data on ...

4 new goat herds with CAE in Victoria
Wish every Australian state reported cases of CAE in goats so we had real data on incidence.

China developed a new PCR test for Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus to detect carrier sheep

China developed a new PCR test for Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus to detect carrier sheep

Caprine arthritis encephalitis is an infectious disease caused by the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus that infects goats, sheep, and other small ruminants. An outbreak of CAEV could be extremely harmful to the goat farming industry and could cause severe economic losses. We designed specific pr...

Please fill out this survey to help gather evidence for better acces to pain medication for goats The management of pain...

Please fill out this survey to help gather evidence for better acces to pain medication for goats
The management of pain during and after common animal husbandry practices (such as disbudding and castration) has been shown to improve productivity in small ruminants and is part of the Australian Industry Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Goats. Unfortunately, the goat industry currently doesn’t have direct access to pain management products (such as meloxicam and lignocaine) due to a lack of registration for their use in goats. We are working on behalf of the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA), Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), and Animal Health Australia (AHA) to try to change that, but also need your help to understand the needs of the industry.
If you have goats (regardless of number), please take the 10-15mins to complete the survey in this link. Your information will be kept confidential and only aggregated data will be provided to the above organisations. Thank you in advance!

Serbia did its first serological survey of CAE in goats (and small ruminant lentivirus in sheep). Very high levels were ...

Serbia did its first serological survey of CAE in goats (and small ruminant lentivirus in sheep). Very high levels were found especially in bucks. Read full article here

Small Ruminant Lentivirus causes a chronic lifelong, multisystemic diseases in sheep and goats with or without clinical manifestation. Maedi-visna virus (MVV) and Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) are often considered together as small ruminants lentivirus (SRLV) due to their phylogenetic....

Good webinar from US University on Biosecurity for small farms with sheep and /or goats. CAE is covered.

Good webinar from US University on Biosecurity for small farms with sheep and /or goats. CAE is covered.

Small ruminants for small farms biosecurity presentation.  Captions will be added at a later date

CAE discussion starts at around 12 minutes in

CAE discussion starts at around 12 minutes in

Small ruminants for small farms biosecurity presentation.  Captions will be added at a later date

Removing kids at birth to prevent CAE means managing kids well so they don't get diarrhea.  CAE is mentioned at the1 hou...

Removing kids at birth to prevent CAE means managing kids well so they don't get diarrhea. CAE is mentioned at the1 hour mark.

Join in as Dr. Paul Plummer, with Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine discusses neonatal diarrhea in goat kids.

CAE is very well covered in this webinar

CAE is very well covered in this webinar

Roselle Busch, DVM with UC Davis Veterinary Medicine discusses basic care, vaccination programs, parasite control, diseases, and FAMACHA.

Don't forget to blood test your bucks. They are more likely to be positive if have high levels of carrier does in the he...

Don't forget to blood test your bucks. They are more likely to be positive if have high levels of carrier does in the herd. Is this cause or effect? I think effect from bucks sniffing and licking does' vaginal mucous.

Caprine arthritis-encephalitis is an economically important disease of goats. It is evident that horizontal transmission through respiratory secretions and milk plays an important part in the disease spread whereas the role of sexual transmission remains questionable. The cross-sectional study...

CAE has been affecting goats since the Neolithic period

CAE has been affecting goats since the Neolithic period

Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) cause chronic, persistent infections in populations of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) and goats (Capra hircus) worldwide. The vast majority of SRLV infections involve two genotypes (A and B) that spread in association ...

Maedi Visna is the same virus as CAE - both now called the Small Ruminant Lentivirus.  If the goat industry doesn't prom...

Maedi Visna is the same virus as CAE - both now called the Small Ruminant Lentivirus. If the goat industry doesn't promote CAE control in dairy goats then it will spread and causes the same problems as in Scottish sheep

Maedi Visna (MV) is a chronic viral disease that affects sheep. Infection is hard to spot without laboratory testing. The disease can be present for a long ...

MV is maedi visna or the sheep form of the small ruminant lentivirus so the same as CAE.   You should listen to this pod...

MV is maedi visna or the sheep form of the small ruminant lentivirus so the same as CAE. You should listen to this podcast.

In this ‘On The Hoof’ podcast for vets in practice (equally useful for farmer too!) Alison Braddock, Marketing and Business Development Manager, chats to Dave Wilson, Health Schemes Veterinary Manager about what to do when a client’s animal tests positive for MV following a routine periodic blood test in the Premium Sheep and Goat Health Schemes. The podcast touches on how MV acts in the flock and the disease prevalence in GB. It also looks at the testing methodology and options to tackle infection and how to cope with a larger flock breakdown. http://tinyurl.com/26rbb84j

SAC Consulting SRUC National Sheep Association Scotland's Farm Advisory Service - FAS

This is why we say not to take blood samples until a month after vaccination.  I often vaccinate immediately after takin...

This is why we say not to take blood samples until a month after vaccination. I often vaccinate immediately after taking the blood sample. Goat owners in the UK and EU have bluetongue outbreaks so should take special note of this article - Interference of vaccination against bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 8 with serological diagnosis of small-ruminant lentivirus infection.

The effects of the recent vaccinations against bluetongue virus serotype 1 (BTV-1) and BTV-8 in Europe on the reliability of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) currently used for diagnosis of small-ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infection were examined. Primary vaccination against BTV-8 in goat...


22 Lesina Street, Keperra
Brisbane, QLD


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