^^The 2024 Round Up^^
A jam packed year of shows and dogs! Home bred and borrowed.
Whilst Tempany will get her own post, the whole gang did amazing.
- New Champions -
DJ - Ch Lowenhart ItsAbout DanTime
Keenan - Ch Lowenhart TheTime IsNow
Nito - Ch Lowenhart Walk OntheWildside
Tempany - CIB, A2O Grand*, Grand Ch Lowenhart Tempest InATeacup
and finishing Dean - Ch* Wyntervale Raising Hell for Lou Howlett.
- New Points -
Cookie - Lowenhart EatYour HartOut
Rowdy - Lowenhart RowdyRum Rebellion
Strudel - Grand Ch Lowenhart Runs Rings Round
Emory - Cubet The Last Echo for Georgie Hampson
- Ribbon Wins -
DJ class in groups & RuBIG Open Show, Keenan RuBIS Specialty Open Show, Nito class in group, Tempany BIG & RuBIG's & Royal BOB, Rowdy class in group, Strudel Neuter BIG & Neuter RuBIG.
And Afghan running with RuBIG for Sup Ch Suliman Definnitely (AI) JC and Specialty class win with Calahorra Entente Cordiale.
- DOL -
Tempany #1 Lowchen in Australia (Breed Points)
Tempany #1 Lowchen in Qld (Showdog)
DJ #2 Rising Star Lowchen in Qld
Strudel #1 Neuter Lowchen in Qld
#2 Lowchen Breeder in Australia
We are so grateful to all the friends and family who have helped out this year. Showing so many dogs, across 4 states is no easy feat. It could not be done without the support of our amazing friends and family.
* pending confirmation.