Beautiful Donna the Irish Terrier being handstripped. This breed is quite rare to see, so it was great to meet her. Traditionally they are not clipped but the hair is pulled out to make way for new coat growth.💕
Alfie getting his glow up in the salon. Such a good boy! #doggrooming #brisbanedoggrooming #dogsofinstagram #doglover #petstylist #petstylistsofinstagram
Beautiful dogs! #doggrooming #dogsofinstagram #dogsofbrisbane #brisbanedoggroomers #brisbanedoggrooming
Kahlis the Standard Poodle at @thepetshowdoggroomigcompetition 2024. #standardpoodlesofinstagram #standardpoodles #standardpoodlesarethebest #standardpoodlelove #standardpoodlesrock #thepetshow #thepetshowaustralia #doggroomersofinstagram
Little Harvey first time in the salon! #spoodle #spoodlesofaustralia #spoodlesofinstagram #spoodlelove #spoodlesofbrisbane #doggroominglife #doggroomersofbrisbane #doggroomer
Poppy’s first time in the salon. Such a sweet girl! #minischnauzersofinstagram #schnauzer #schnauzerlove
Here at Maggie’s Markets today, come and say hi! Free Nail and Face trims to all dogs! #maggiesmarkets #marketstall #doggrooming #doggroominglife #salisbury #salisburycommunity #dogsofbrisbane #dogsofbrisbaneqld #dogsofinstagram
Beautiful Miss Tilly the Mini Cobberdog! #minicobberdog #cobberdogsofinstagram #cobberdogpuppy #cobberdogsofaustralia #cobberdogsofbrisbane #doggroomingsalon #brisbanedoggroomers #southbrisbanedogs
Zen’s first time at the salon! What a gorgeous boy! #shihtzusofinstagram #malteselovers #shihtzu #shihtzulovers #shihtzulove #shihtzugram #malteseshihtzu #maltesexshihtzu
Had fun grooming with a friend her Standard poodle Kaylis. #standardpoodle #standardpoodlesofinstagram