CWEC will not be holding or rolling over any credits from Term 1 2024! Any riders in GGG, ICC, CC, CT or SJ must contact to office to arrange a makeup lesson before end of Week 10 (Thursday 28th March) otherwise you will forfeit your credit.
These courses are designed to be a 10 week program, we understand riders may be away on school camp, holidays or for work but we ask you communicate this early to the office to arrange makeup lessons. This policy will continue throughout 2024, any riders in Term courses must use their 10 lessons up in the allocated 10 week period.
NEW cancellation policy:
Due to the high amount of no-show or very late cancellations (10-20 mins prior to a lesson) we will be enforcing payment. Once again, we understand life gets in the way, car troubles or a sick child we are very understanding but unfortunately our generosity is now negatively impacting the running of our business.
We ask you message 0417 704 671 minimum 2 hours prior to lesson start time. If no communication received you will be invoiced or value deducted from block payment.
We appreciate your support on these matters.
CWEC Staff