Using a small wheelie bin just for worm juice. Works great as you just collect some when needed. Happy worm farming 🪱🪱🪱
Collecting some worm juice from a new farm today, working perfectly. Happy worm farming 🪱🪱🪱
And this is the moment a baby tiger worm hatch.I found this one today as I sorted some eggs ...
Happy worm farming 🪱🪱🪱
Why do compost/tiger worms bundle together?
You know that bees communicate with each other by doing dance patterns, dolphins communicate through sound under water, but how do worms communicate with each other? Scientists in the University of Liege in Belgium have discovered the answer to this question.
"In one of our newsletters we had a reader who inquired why earthworms form clumps of balls together in compost or when out in the open. One of the reasons is because this is their form of communication."
The study has been published in the journal of Ethology mentioning that worms uses ‘touch’ to communicate and influence each others behavior. After communication signals have been swapped, the worms will then collectively move in the same direction, meaning that worms do not act singularly, but form ‘herds’.
Happy Worm farming 🪱🪱🪱
Making some wormtea 🪱🪱🪱
Collecting some wormjuice to make some wormtea 🪱🪱🪱
Have you seen them in your wormfarm and wondered if they can cause any harm? Please read the following as it is interesting to see that they are good for your farm.
You’ve probably never heard of them, let alone seen them, but it’s likely you have some in your wormfarm. Springtails are only 1-2 mm long but are ubiquitous, found in every habitat except the oceans.
Springtails are closely related to insects – they have six legs and a head, thorax and abdomen – but are not insects because they lack wings and have soft bodies and hidden mouthparts. Springtails are known scientifically as Collembola.
Collembola are unique in carrying a jumping organ beneath the abdomen, held in place with hooks. When released, the jumping organ springs free, hitting the ground and forcing the animal to leap into the air, hence their common name.
In the wild, springtails can be found in leaf litter, soil, under bark, in sand, under stones, in tree canopies and even in caves and ant and termite nests. In termite nests they may control fungal growth. Most importantly, springtails have been shown to be useful bioindicators of environmental change.
Some male springtails perform a complex mating dance to attract the female. Other species are carried by insects for dispersal or feeding purposes.
In Australia, there are several thousand species, most found only in this country. In any garden compost heap there will be millions of individuals belonging to about ten species. Native springtails may be brightly coloured and patterned; white, if living in soil; or black if living in exposed habitats such as mountain tops, beaches or coral reefs.
Happy wormfarming ...
I finally got some baby worms on video. Once the babies hatch they will already be organic waste eating machines. Happy worm farming 🪱🪱🪱
And that is why it's called liquid gold ...
I saved this Sanseveria (mother in law's tongue) at work, it took my worm tea less than 21 days to transform it into a healthy plant.