Yesterday's stint at the hydration station has turned into today's urination station
It looks like we may have had a break-in this weekend by some mischievous characters. Hopefully they didn't get into too much trouble whilst they were here...
Our newest team member Ruby showing off her new skills she has obtained at our Puppy Pre School classes ❤️
Whilst she hasn't quite mastered catching treats she has mastered her sitting! 🤣
Share your pets tricks in the comments below
If you have a puppy and would like more information regarding our puppy pre school please give us a ring on 9721 5999
Grass seed season is here! We have already seen multiple patients requiring the removal of grass seeds from their feet, noses and ears
Here we have an oldie but a goldie of Dr Braden demonstrating how grass seeds can quickly become a nuisance to our furry friends
If you suspect your dog has a grass seed that needs removal please contact us on 9721 5999
Something mischievous is happening at our clinic... There might have been an elf break in! Stay tuned this month for updates
Happy Vet Nurse Day!!! 🎉 This year we wanted to show you some of the many vital tasks our nurses perform behind the scenes that help keep our clinic running and provide gold standard of care to your pets ♥️
Vet nurses have a hugely dynamic role at our clinic and we couldn't be more proud of everything our nurses do.
Thank you to our nurses for always going above and beyond for our fur families ♥️
Today is national Check the Chip day! 🎉
Microchips are so important when it comes to reuniting families with their lost or stolen pets ❤️
On this day we remind people to please:
✅ ensure that your pet is microchipped and if not give us a call to book in for a microchipping on 9721 5999
✅ensure the microchip is in your name and your address and contact numbers are all up to date on your pets microchip
✅ensure your pets microchip works by having it scanned at your next appointment
Santa is in the building! Hunter will be handing out homemade icepops to celebrate Christmas in July! 🎉♥️
Our puppy classes are starting up again this Thursday! 🐾
Please contact us on 9721 5999 if you would like to give your puppy their best start to life and enrol in our fun and educational puppy pre school run by our incredibly knowledgeable vet nurse Anna
We couldn't be more proud of our most recent puppy graduates showing off their new skills and clever tricks! 💕 If you would like to join the fun and learn more about our classes please contact us on 97215999 🐾
Some of our favourite moments from our puppy pre school classes! ❤️ We currently have a few spots left in our next round of puppy classes starting this Thursday at our Bunbury Clinic. Call us now on 97215999 to give your puppy the best start to life with basic training skills, socialisation, learning opportunities and advice from veterinary professionals 🐾
Have you heard? We offer GapOnly® as a payment service! If your pet has a policy with a GapOnly® pet insurance partner, for eligible expenses you can access your pet insurance benefit on the spot, and you’ll only pay us the gap (which is the difference between the invoice and the eligible claim benefit under your policy).