Best ICP test around
Does full ICP and NDoC on your aquarium and full RO water source test.
Find out in one go where your issues come from .
And only $65 for a full test .
They also give you advice on issues and how to fix it . Even how much product to dose to fix low levels .
Or suggestions on where the issues are coming from .
ATI ICP is my favourite.
My last one cost $30 to get there in less than 5 days .
Simple to use . Fill the vials . Log onto the website . Register the bottles . Then mail the package … wait for the email to let you know it’s ready .
Log onto the website .
Get results ..
super easy ..
Reef Secrets Aquariums
#icp #besttest #reef #aquariums
Walk through yesterday
Better late than never …
This was yesterday 🤣
New Changes coming…
Exciting news …
I’ve just completed just over 28 weeks working 7 days. And long hours doing the Reno’s at that .
But from tomorrow.
There is change in the wind.
I didn’t want to take any days off and disappoint any customers, who may have made the mission here. As we have been open 7 days for over 10 years.
I was even starting to considering closing one day a week.( mainly Monday so I can ride my bike at the bike park .)
But….. Now I don’t need to close any days 😁. I’ve found a very knowledgeable and friendly helper to join my team a couple days a week.
Last Monday was Ben T’s😉 first introduction.
If your local come on down, there will be two people here to help you.
Now Ben isn’t an unknown dude off the street.
Many long time reefers would have been served by him at Nelson’s marine mates many years ago. He’s bred marine fish, and he’s worked in a big store in Tassy the past few years…
Already two customers were stoked to meet him in our store, as he helped them buy their first marine set up 4 years ago in tassy .. small world ..
I’m excited about how much better we can make this place. And now I’ve fever got an extra pair of hands ..
On and up ..🪸🐠
Reef Secrets Aquariums #aquarium #aquariumstore #fishshop #reeflife
New stock .
It’s crazy in here … oLots of new stock has arrived … Here is just a quick quick sample walk through .. Yeew over 10 boxes of new stock this week .. Reef Secrets Aquariums #reef #aquarium #aquariumstore
Our Shops new Air Conditioner broke 3 about weeks ago. Shop got to 38.5 degrees . This tank got to 31.8 . Sadly the stress was too much for some bits. So I’ll have to rebuild and replant frags. Guess new shop layout new display layout. I’ve got a super cool rock I’ve had stashed for years . It may be time to add that 😆.( easy 10 years.) I’ll update as I go. Reef Secrets Aquariums #reef #tanks #heatkillscorals #shopwarming #soupbowl #stupidairconditioning #fail #heatwave #bakedshopwalls
Merry Christmas everyone ..
have a wonderful day tomorrow..
thanks for all your support ❤️
Sunday stroll through the shop
Lots of cool things here and lots of cool things coming .. change is as good as a holiday I recon 😉. Reef Secrets Aquariums #reef #aquariumhobby #eatreefsleeprepeat #reefshop #aquariumshop #goldcoast #burleighheads
New fish just arrived ….
Tubes Glue back in stock . And restock of tubs . Got 20gram tubes and bottles and 50g bottles. Reef Secrets Aquariums #reefglue #reefshop #eatreefsleeprepeat #aquariumshop #aquascapetools
Saturday arvo walkthrough
Did this after work so everything you see will be here at 10am Sunday .. have a wonderful weekend . Reef Secrets Aquariums #aquariumhobby #aquariumlife #aquariumshop #burleighheads #goldcoast #eatreefsleeprepeat #fish
Need any Christmas ideas ? Reef Secrets Aquariums
Whooohooo excited about the changes. It’s opened out the shop allowed a lot more space for goodies. Exciting times ahead Reef Secrets Aquariums #aquarium #goldcoast #aquariumlife #aquariumhobby #reefsecrets #fish #coral #invertabrates #eatreefsleeprepeat