Avian influenza! It's a contagious viral disease that can impact domestic and wild birds. Please read and spread the word if you're in the Canberra suburbs of MacGregor, Macnamara and Strathnairn, or Belconnen, Charnwood, Cook, Dunlop, Evatt, Florey, Flynn, Fraser, Hall, Hawker, Higgins, Holt, Latham, Lawson, Macquarie, McKellar, Melba, Page, Scullin, Spencer, Weetangera and Whitlam.
To assist with the ACT’s response, can all bird owners implement these steps to reduce the disease spreading:
- restrict access of your birds to wild birds and do not move birds between properties
- practice good hygiene including hand washing when handling your birds
- monitor your animals for any signs of illness.
There are red and orange quarantine zones in place. RED is MacGregor, Macnamara, Strathnairn; ORANGE is Belconnen, Charnwood, Cook, Dunlop, Evatt, Florey, Flynn, Fraser, Hall, Hawker, Higgins, Holt, Latham, Lawson, Macquarie, McKellar, Melba, Page, Scullin, Spencer, Weetangera, Whitlam.
If you're in the RED zone and see injured/sick domestic or wild birds do NOT touch, contain or move them. If you're in the ORANGE zone and see injured/sick domestic or wild birds, do NOT transport them out of the zone.
Call us on 0432 300 033 for advice about WILD birds.
More info: https://www.environment.act.gov.au/parks-conservation/plants-and-animals/biosecurity/biosecurity-alerts/avian-influenza