🖤 We look after our staff, so they can look after YOU! We have a brand new dedicated rest and relax zone for our dream team! Looking after our staff is something we value most, so that they can continue to look after YOU! 🐾 #staffonly #restandrelax #FSVheadquarters #nothingbutthebest
Thank you to all of our #12daysofchristmas super stars! 🎁
Christmas cards are now available for purchase at the clinic! Support a good cause @guidedogsaustralia and buy your Christmas cards from us this year! 🎄🦮
Merry Christmas! 🎅🏻
Don’t forget about:
T h e B i g P u p p y P l a y D a t e 🐾
T H I S S A T U R D A Y 1 0 A M !
Let’s make up for lost time! Calling all puppies to Yarralumla Dog Park for a much needed social gathering! For those past and present Foreshore Puppy Schoolers, please come and socialise because we finally can - yay! Bring a coffee ☕️ and let’s catch up!
📆 Sat October 30th from 10AM
All dogs welcome! Jess @jessiebythesee & Bronnie @bronniemcgill will be there to answer questions and chat all things puppies too! 🖤
***Please make sure puppies are up to date with vaccinations*** 💉
#OurCommunity #ForeshorePuppies #PuppySchool #TheForeshoreVet
Can you believe we have nearly been open for 6 months!!! 🏥 How time flies when you are having fun! It’s been a lot of hard work, particularly through this lockdown period, but we have come through it and your support has been deeply felt and appreciated. Thank you! 🖤 #ourcommunity
We’ve grown our team to continue to bring you and your pets the best possible veterinary care! So here’s to the next six months! Welcome back Canberra - we’re so glad to see you all again! 🥂
The Foreshore Vet Team 🩺🐾
B r i n g i n g T h e H e a t 🔥
A big thanks to @thewarehousertb for providing heaters for you whilst you wait in our new outdoor waiting room! #Covidsafe #wegotyou
I n t r o d u c i n g W A L K T H I S W A Y
Come and join us for a Saturday morning dog walk along the Kingston Foreshore. Bring your dogs and get to know your neighbours!
The Foreshore Vet Community Dog Walk:
Date: Saturday 19th June
Time: 07.30am
Place: Meet at our place, The Foreshore Vet, and we’ll go for a morning stroll along the water and grab a quick coffee afterwards! ☕️
Add: UG12/1 The Causeway, Kingston
#walkthisway #wegotyou #veterinary #newvetclinic #veterinaryclinic #womeninveterinarymedicine #veterinarymedicine #vetlife #veterinarian #puppies #kittens #dogs #cats #dogsofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #puppylove #catoftheday #kingsboroughvillage #kingstoncanberra #canberra #theforeshorecanberra #hercanberra #comingsoon #dogsofcanberra #dogsincanberra #petsofcanberra #canberralocal #thiscanberranlife #veterinarytechnician
Have you seen behind the scenes of our new clinic? Ask for a quick tour next time you visit and we’ll show you around! ✨
P u r p o s e b u i l t .
J u s t f o r y o u .
#wegotyou #veterinary #newvetclinic #veterinaryclinic #womeninveterinarymedicine #veterinarymedicine #vetlife #veterinarian #puppies #kittens #dogs #cats #dogsofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #puppylove #catoftheday #kingsboroughvillage #kingstoncanberra #canberra #theforeshorecanberra #hercanberra #comingsoon #dogsofcanberra #dogsincanberra #catsincanberra #canberracats #petsofcanberra #canberralocal #thiscanberranlife #veterinarytechnician
We’ve been open for one month! Thank you to all our adorable patients and lovely owners for the support!! 🩺
T h e F o r e s h o r e W e b s i t e N O W L I V E .
T h e F o r e s h o r e W e b s i t e N O W L I V E .