An update on Ivy and here pregnancy to Me Mate Storm Boy. Ivy underwent an emergency cesarian on the 20th September. There were complications which resulted in 4 live pups that Liz Brown and the vet nurses worked on to save their lives. There was one pup that didn't make it as well. They came home that day and spent their first week inside with the aircon set at 30 degrees. Unfortunately there was another pup that passed away so now there are three vey healthy pups. I have attached some photos of them at a couple of days old, note the green colour of the white markings. This indicates a difficult birth that almost took their lives. Yesterday I weighed them (2 weeks old)with the following results, white/black male 1.5kg, white/black female 1.3kg and the black/white male 1.1kg. They are doing very well now and some of the recovery and growth I put down to a product I use called Whelp and Grow. I have used it on my greyhound pups with excellent growth rates. Well worth trying with your bitch and pups. Because of the complications I may never breed with Ivy again, I have therefore decided to retain these three pups. I'm sorry for any inconvenience to anyone that has contacted me seeking a pup from this litter.