Two big days of shows with the Perth Regional Appaloosa Club state and post state show at the State Equestrian Centre
Super happy with little Norbits (RCR Justa Tiki Time) first shows
State show -
1st Weanling Futurity
1st Weanling C**t
Grand Champion C**t
1st ammy C**t
Grand Champion ammy C**t
Grand Champion ammy c**t/stallion
Most colourful appaloosa at halter
Post State show -
1st Open Weanling Futurity
1st Weanling C**t
Champion C**t
1st ammy C**t
Champion ammy C**t
2nd WA bred
Big thank you to all the sponsors Horseland Midland Northern Valleys Electrical - EC11857. Gevaudan Lodge Sportaloosa Kohnke's Own Milne Feeds Bullsbrook Produce Co Envirosafe Solutions Jordy House
Thank you to all the organisers and committee for making these shows happen, and to the judge Craig Rath, Carly Ganzer and all helping in the ring.
Furthermore a massive congratulations to the RCR fam, who all went out and done awesome!! We always love seeing the owners and their RCR babies having a great time!!
Last but not least, my amazing husband Olly Dugay you are the most amazing, patient man, always there ready and willing to go above and beyond for our fur kiddos ❤️