CLAYTON BAY & DISTRICT residents (ALL WELCOME). Please join us at the Clayton Bay hall Thursday November 24th 2022 at 2pm. We are hosting some very informed & accomplished speakers regarding the current water situation in the Lower Lakes & Coorong. Afternoon tea provided.
River Lakes and Coorong Action Group Inc
Email: [email protected] I m 0417 824 973 I ABN 23 590 559 324
Winner 2009 Jill Hudson Environmental Award
Join us for an information update meeting on current water issues. Promises to be a relevant and interesting meeting with opportunity for questions.
The speakers will be.
Nicole Stubing: Program Leader, Coorong Infrastructure Investigations, Department of Environment and Water.
Presenting the recently released Feasibility Study for the Coorong Infrastructure Project
Dr Alec Rolston: Research Program Manager, Goyder Institute.
Discussing the $ 8 million Commonwealth funding for a new research hub in the Lower Lakes and Coorong.
Grant Rigney: Chair, Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority.
Speaking about Cultural Flows.
Dr Jonathan Sobels: Chair, Coorong Environmental Trust.
Presenting an overview of the Coorong Environmental Trust.
Kate Bartlett: Regional Engagement Office, MDBA
Current Basin issues
Afternoon tea supplied.
Please register your interest.
Janette Brooks, Secretary RLCAG E [email protected] M 0417824973