Good carrots are serious business you know. Credit to Ashley Mackevicius for the photos. #FarmLife #mussettfamilyfarm #mussettholdings #goodfood #regenerativefarming #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativefarmingaustralia #farmexperience #farmlifebestlife
#mussettholdings #mussettholdings #mussettfamilyfarm #goodfood #regenerativefarming #southernhighlands #goodforyou One of the beautiful mini varieties. Super sweet and very cute.
The Brain 🧠 Lions Mane #mussettholdings #mussettfamilyfarm #lionsmanemushroom #goodfood #goodforyou
That’s not what I was going for with this mushroom but it happens sometimes. Lucky me, I think I’ll eat this one. #mussettholdings #mussettfamilyfarm #goodfood #sydneyfood #sydneyrestaurants #goodforyou #FarmLife
What’s that you ask? Dinosaur eggs? No, they are baby King Edward spuds. #SustainableAgriculture #regenerativeagriculture #sustainablefarming #regenerativefarming #mussettholdings #FarmFresh #mussettfamilyfarm
You won’t leave our farm hungry 😂 #farmlife #sustainablefarming #farmtours #regenerativefarmingaustralia #schoolholidays #regenerativeagriculture #farmlifebestlife #farmexperience
Perfect day for a farm tour #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativefarmingaustralia #farmexperience #farmlife #farmlifebestlife #sustainablefarming #farmtours #schoolholidays
Vegetables Boxes
7 days to Christmas!
🥬Fresh, Chemical-Free Vegetables Delivered for Christmas 🧄
** What’s in the box this week?**
Potatoes, Lettuce, Beetroot, Green Capsicum, Dried Garlic, Radishes, Celery, Curly Kale, and Spring Onions.
All naturally grown, with no chemicals, no GMOs – just good, clean food.
Order yours today and enjoy the taste of real, healthy food!
🚚 We will deliver locally THIS Friday, or you can pick up directly from the farm.
#ChemicalFree #FarmFresh # #supportlocalfarmers #SustainableAgriculture
Going to be a hot day. Need to get things going early. #FarmLife #mussettholdings #mussettfamilyfarm #regenerativefarming #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativefarmingaustralia #sustainablefarming #farmlifebestlife
Time for a Salad Turnip snack #FarmLife #mussettholdings #mussettfamilyfarm #goodforyou #goodfood #regenerativefarming #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativefarmingaustralia
Time to make a feed the middle flock. Good time for Heavy lift training with Carla. #mussettholdings #mussettfamilyfarm #regenerativefarming #regenerativefarmingaustralia #regenerativeagriculture #sustainablefarming #farmlife #farmexperience
This is the biggest market we have had Eden Brewery so far. It’s rhetorical perfect day to come have a look at all the Christmas gifts, grab some food and a beer. #mussettholdingsfamilyfarm #FarmLife #goodforyou #mussettholdings #mussettfamilyfarm #southernhighlands #Eden #brew #edenbrewery #edenbrewerymittagong #supportlocalbusiness