Coolum Cool Connections Women’s Group is all about connecting with each other - with the emphasis on fun! Each week, for a minimal cost, we have either a guest speaker or a workshop, finishing with morning tea. Whether you are new to the area or feeling quite isolated and lonely or have just discovered that you have some free time on your hands or perhaps you want to meet new ladies in your commun
ity and just have a laugh, then Cool Connections is for you! It’s about bringing the old fashioned community spirit back in more ways than one! Not only do we bring women together who form new friendships, we also support our local community by organising Coffee & Cake and Lunch Get-togethers visiting different cafes and restaurants in our area as well as running Movie and Local Theatre Groups. Cool Connections is also a platform for local facilitators to advertise their workshops and classes as each week we invite a guest speak/facilitator to run a presentation, which in turn gives them greater exposure too. Since the commencement of Cool Connections in March 2012 we have grown from strength to strength. Word has spread, and even medical professionals have recognised that it’s a great place for some of their patients who may be suffering from grief, loneliness or depression. Joining our friendly ladies and having a laugh is one of the best medicines around! Whilst our number one priority is bringing women in our community together as an added bonus we are proud to say that we have been able to help various charities, local and overseas. For example:
Coolum heARTS – a local Art Class run for disadvantaged and challenged people;
Coolum Community Centre;
Finn Smith Foundation - A local little boy who was afflicted with Meningococcal disease;
Cox-Bowden Coolum family who suffered extensive injuries from a car accident;
Smart Pups – Local organisation which trains dogs for children with Autism & Seizures;
Leukaemia Foundation – The Greatest Shave;
National Heart Foundation;
Australian Cancer Research Foundation;
African Children’s Choir – Children from the slums form a choir and given an education which turns their life around as well as their family’s and community;
Ono Niha Foundation in Indonesia – Helping to provide the poor and disadvantaged people from the island of Nias, with education, improved health facilities and well being; and
Provided funds to help to set up a safe house for children caught up in the sex trade in Thailand. For further information regarding membership or becoming a future presenter, please contact Esme by email: [email protected]