One of our little ponies ( Patches ) is in need of medical treatment, sadly this little fellow has really bad dental , he needs teeth removed , he also has chronic gum disease. And is in chronic pain
Patches was xrayed by our lovely vets Gertie and Ewan , the X-rays were then send to the no. 1 specialist in Australia for examination , with these findings and more ,it is even had to say the extent by the exrays, we were told, so to help poor little Patches , we need to make him an appointment with the specialist from the mainland , which will happen next week .
The cost for this is large , we are hoping he can be saved with a good dental program for our local vets to continue his on going treatment, for this little guy to be pain free again ,.
If you think you can please support us so this treatment can go ahead Please donate to our rescue account details below .
Equine rescue
Bsb 017214
Account 155141465