This fantastic crew! WEANLINGS: colt weanling By Phalaris out of a Smooth As A Cat mare - Red roan colt weanling By Metallic Cat out of a One Stylish Pepto mare - Red roan filly weanling By Conmark out of a Metallic Cat mare. BROODMARES:- Metallic Cat out of Smart Little Lena mare - Smooth As A Cat out of Docs Freckles Oak mare - One Stylish Pepto out of Docs Spinifex mare.
Sliding and Spinning, 2 things Malibu loves to do ðŸ¤
Lot 373
Lot 373 - 3yr old filly by Shines Like Metallic out of a Seligman Spin mare changing leads. Full promo video to come.
Lot 547
Pre works - Lot 547 - Malibu - 4yr old mare by Kit Kat Sugar out of a Pepto Stylish Oak mare. She has won and placed in numerous cow horse events this year. She will be a big contender for the Cow Horse Futurity in March, Australia’s Greatest Horseman, the Classic Challenge at Tamworth and future cow horse challenges and drafting events. She’s also shown one handed in the cutting pen. This mare is by the $10 million dollar sire Kit Kat Sugar who is the sire of the reserve champion at this years Cutting Futurity in America. She’s out of Moms Stylish Doll- winner of the 2014 Non Pro Futurity and has won over $34,000. A great opportunity to purchase a great mare ready to show.
The fillies trotting back from their photoshoot 🤩 (from left to right: LOT 294- 3yr old-RS Chism out of a Reys Ya Garter mare, LOT 373- 3yr old-Shines Like Metallic out of a Seligman Spin mare, LOT 547- 4yr old Kit Kat Sugar out of a Peptos Stylish Oak mare).
Teaching your horse to back up with hip control.
Cow turn
Breaking down the cow turn
Cow turn
Working on a cow turn
Working on the stop out of a canter for the first time on Smokey ðŸ¤
Beginning the turn around with Smokey ðŸ¤
Teaching Malibu to want to stay in the turn herself.