Goals & Visions
Unlike in other states, the Animal Welfare Act Inspectorate powers in the Northern Territory have not been delegated to RSPCA and as such we do not have the same legal powers available in other states such as an RSPCA Inspectorate system that can enforce the laws against cruelty to animals. RSPCA Darwin aims to protect animals from cruelty by actively promoting their care and prot
ection, and seeks to achieve this mission through the following objectives:
•By providing a shelter for homeless animals where they can receive the best care we can offer
•By keeping abreast of National policies and procedures through active membership of National Member Society - RSPCA Australia
•By providing education in the community to schools and community groups in the humane treatment of animals
•By participating in community events with a view of promoting the work of RSPCA and raising much needed funds
•By participating as a member of the NT Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
•By representing RSPCA on the Ethical treatment of Animals Committee
The objects and purposes of the Association:
•To protect from cruelty animals of all species by every lawful means;
•To relieve the suffering of animals, whether the suffering is caused by cruelty or otherwise;
•To initiate and promote the passing of legislation protecting animals from cruelty;
•To ensure by lawful means the effective observance and enforcement of current legislation that protects animals;
•To take such steps and do such things as may be necessary or advisable in educating all persons in the community in the care, maintenance, control and treatment with kindness and consideration of all animals; and
•To promote, participate in and sanction animal welfare activities.
•To meet the requirements, privileges and obligations of the Animal Welfare Act (NT). See the link below:
And you can also help with volunteering. See the link below to find out more: