Christmas is coming!
Paradise Pups is now completely booked out for 2024.
If you do need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, a minimum of 24 hours' notice is required.
Cancellation fees apply within 24 hours (50%), no-shows/same day (full fees apply).
Cancellation's list available for current clients only, I am not able to take on new clients at this time.
A few notes to help keep scheduling & appointments running smooth over these coming months.
》If you do need to reschedule a DECEMBER appointment for any reason, I will not be able to offer a new December appointment & your pup will be added to the cancellations list.
》Appointment drop-off - Please be mindful to arrive on time or a few minutes early to discuss any grooming requirements. (Parking available on the front street, on the driveway, or under carport)
》Appointments will be cancelled & full fees will be required if more than 10 minutes late to drop off.
》Collection times - A notification text is sent when your pup is ready for collection. Please don't enter the salon before you have received a text. This can create excitement to your pup & take longer to settle them to complete their groom.
》I allow up to 30 minutes of travel time back to the salon for pick up. Additional fees will apply for later pick-ups.
》If a later collection time is required, please notify me prior to their appointment.
》Please keep your pups safe on leads during drop off/pick up to the salon. This ensures their safety near the road & lessens the disruption for neighbouring homes & their pets.
》Please toilet your pup prior to their grooming appointment. I have waste bags in the salon for your convenience. Please refrain from allowing your pup to mark on my property.
My salon is my workplace, but most importantly, my home. Outside of running Paradise Pups myself, I am also a mother, a wife & a friend who also needs downtime with loved ones to recharge my mental health battery. If you have sent an enquiry,
PreBook your pups pampering in, don't wait & potentially miss out or having to wait longer.
Also, please remember. If you'd like your pups to have a longer clip style, this requires more home brushing maintenance + more frequent trips to the groomer to avoid any matting that may occur, avoiding that dreaded shorter clip once winter hits.
At the present, I am booked 4 weeks in advance.
I highly recommend clients to book at least their next 2 appointments in advance.
As always, I look forward to pampering your pups & making them feel & look their best.
Sam 🐾
PreBook your pups pampering in, don't wait & potentially miss out or having to wait longer.
Also, please remember. If you'd like your pups to have a longer clip style, this requires more home brushing maintenance + more frequent trips to the groomer to avoid any matting that may occur, avoiding that dreaded shorter clip once winter hits.
At the present, I am booked 4 weeks in advance.
I highly recommend clients to book at least their next 2 appointments in advance
As always, I look forward to pampering your pups & making them feel & look their best
Sam 🐾
PreBook your pups pampering in, don't wait & potentially miss out or having to wait longer.
Also, please remember. If you'd like your pups to have a longer clip style, this requires more home brushing maintenance & more frequent trips to the groomer to avoid any matting that may occur & avoiding being shaved once winter hits.
At the present, I am booked 4 weeks in advance.
I highly recommend clients to book at least their next 2 appointments in advance