Did you know, there is a worrying shortage of large animal vets and even fewer coming through the ranks of study, interested in food production and/or large animal practice?
From a farming point of view, it is a very real concern that many vet students favour the cute, fluffy, small, more easily handled urban residing critters than our beautiful, large, majestic, purposeful (ok, I'll concede, just, ummm, maybe...more dangerous) livestock.
I mean, surely the down to earth, pragmatic, realistic, occasionally risqué conversing farmers with a solid grasp of large animal behaviour are far more entertaining and easier going than the.... perhaps... more delicate fur baby owners?? Surely? (no one has really taken offence, have they? ;) )
Dorrigo is blessed to have a well respected large animal vet who often has a vet student tagging along for the experience, to tend to our critters needs.
Today was one of those days. 2nd year vet student Andrew, studying at QLD Uni and from Hong Kong, was gaining on farm experience of vet checking and semen testing a few paddock sale bulls.
Over the years, quite a few students have been on farm. Some have been outstanding; some have not been able to read a manual thermometer (I kid you not).
Andrew's interest in our very own, 'Made in Australia' Murray Greys, his ability to remain visibly interested in the entire chapter of the breeds outstanding attributes, suited to our country's environment, coming from a long-winded breed diehard, was credible.
His note taking of such won even more points.
I truly do wish you all the best Andrew.
And I have to say, and I'm sure you'll now agree, large animal practice will certainly be way more satisfying (and entertaining) than dealing with the cute and fluffies. Surely. :D