Canine Myofunctional Therapy is a powerful holistic treatment which can benefit so many dogs. I trained at the National College of Traditional Medicine in Melbourne and love having a career treating dogs so they can achieve better health and fitness. Therapeutic massage can help relax an anxious dog, improve the mobility of an arthritic dog, increase the suppleness and agility of a competitive dog
and aid the recovery of your canine friend after surgery or illness. Canine Myofunctional therapy boosts the effectiveness of the various systems in the body especially the blood and lymphatic systems, which are so important for health and tackling disease. If the dog has been on crate rest , such as with IVDD, then a therapeutic massage can help by delivering nutrients and removing toxins from the inactive muscles thus speeding up recovery. If the dogs body is unbalanced either due to a structural condition or injury, this will put strain on the compensating muscles. I also have studied Canine Holistic Therapy ( Distinction) and Diploma in Canine Health and Nutrition ( Distinction) and can assist your dog’s health and well-being by advising on the best well-balanced diet for their age and condition. Many allergies, digestive issues and anxiety as well as specific diseases can be supported by addressing the diet. However, it is also easy to get things wrong, especially with home-made diets. If some of the essential nutrients are missing in the diet, it can have increasing affect of the health of the dog into old age. So if in doubt, get advice!