This week, we had the pleasure of caring for a lovely dog during her dental cleaning and extractions.π¦·
As part of our dental procedure, we began by taking X-rays of her teeth. Upon examining the X-rays, we discovered that the right side of the mandible (the bottom jaw) had suffered a significant break due to dental disease and infection affecting the bone.
Figures 1 and 2 provide a comparison of both sides of the bottom jaw (left and right). On the left side of the mandible, the same issue is occurring, although it has not yet resulted in a fracture. However, infection of the bone is present.
The ideal treatment involves extractions and removal of the diseased and rotten teeth, along with surgery to wire the jaw. Additionally, antibiotics and pain relief are necessary.
We are fortunate that this dog came in for her dental care, allowing us to provide the necessary treatment.
If you are considering having your pet's teeth examined, this is your reminder to act promptly. Although this case is uncommon, it does occur. Delaying dental care can lead to a buildup of dental disease, resulting in severe complications, as seen in this unfortunate case π¦·