Bath time.
The joy of a morning bath.
Coffee with the bees
I love having a coffee watching the bees each morning. Who would have thought they could bring so much joy and relaxation. 🤗😊
Happy Easter
Happy Easter from the Higgledy-Piggledy Farm chooks.
Working bees
I have added another routine to my morning - seems I am going to have to get up earlier!
I usually have a coffee in the chicken run after feeding the girls, having a chat and watching them go about their morning. And now I am having a second coffee with the bees!
It’s meditative to just sit and observe their comings and going’s. It’s great to see them coming in to the hive with their legs laden with pollen, so good to know there is a food supply for them. We have a lot of native bees around on the tiny farm so we have never had any issues with pollination, but I will be interested to see if our production increases with the arrival of these beauties. 💚
A duck meeting
The ducks are having their meeting this morning at the water cooler and getting their instructions for the day!
Hunting for worms in the composting bananna palms!
A visit from a Blue Bandit Bee.