Fence testing 101 with Alex...just because it is orange, doesn't mean it is a carrot.
Velocity...excited by a bucket in the wind!
Nothing bashful about this young man!
Em's mum Karly Elliott has given us permission to share this video of Em at pony club with Taj (Baerlochan Connection), left to their own devices as Mum had her hands full with a lead-rein rider (and we can relate to that!). Karly reports that he looked after her beautifully, and we love to see the round the world being performed so safely! 🥰🤣
...and Alex reminding us that she is the daughter of a racehorse...
Yesterday's cool evening air brought out the spring in the step! Fawkes strutting his stuff.
Mother (Ally-Derrogate) and daughter (Alex - Over the Moon) enjoying breakfast together.
Nothing particularly remarkable here...except that nobody gets to eat with Moo normally. Young Alex has her Dad under control...
Hot Toddy hogging the limelight...little Velocity hardly gets a look in!