Hi all, if you haven’t already pre booked your next appointment, better think about it and booking in advance (at least 4weeks) to get the day and time you need, I do sometimes have appointments available earlier due to a change but not always and if you need to reschedule at all, I try my best to to accommodate you, but I’m pretty booked up, remember I only work by myself, no other staff. Also I have been getting a few no shows lately, (that’s just not showing up for your appointment YOU made) but unfortunately it’s too short notice to be able to get someone in, so I loose my income and I can’t accomodate other clients, so if you do this and still want another appointment, there will be a $35 no show fee on top of normal grooming fee, which will have to be prepaid (some exceptions) so please be respectful and give at least 24hour notice. I txt nearly all messages, so if you forget your appointment time, you can check your messages plus, I work with animals, it’s not easy to talk on the phone and crappy reception inside salon. I work by appointment only and one on one with dogs, I want to keep my salon a calm and relaxed environment as there are so many highly anxious dogs these days, so please pick up your dogs within 30min of me txting they are nearly finished. Also if you have a thick long coated dog and not on a regular 5-6 week schedule, there is a price increase, check with me at appointment, depending on coat and length , thanks Robyn 🥰🐾🐶
(Pic for attention, of the gorgeous lil Bella that was a little overdue💕)