The Benefits of Beef Culture Plus
A little while ago, we had the pleasure of catching up with Dr Jen Schutz from Global Animal Products to discuss our newest probiotic – Beef Culture Plus.
Beef Culture Plus takes the proven combination of good bacteria found in Beef Culture and adds two more strains of Bacilli to improve digestibility and health.
In this video, Jen explains how the inclusion of probiotics can improve feedlot cattle performance.
Learn more about Beef Culture Plus:
#AustasiaAnimalProducts #BeefCulturePlus #probiotics #feedlotcattle
Beef Culture Video.mp4
Ever wonder how Beef Culture is applied to feed? Here is a video demonstrating how Beef Culture is used by local feedlots.
The culture is first pre-dispersed in water from our first-class, remote-controlled dispensing system that enables accurate administration of the direct-fed microbial which is then applied to the feed ration.
This allows the cattle to receive all the benefits of Beef Culture without having to stop feeding.
Learn more about the market’s most extensively researched DFM – Beef Culture:
#feedlotcattle #beefculture #probiotics
Here are the results of what we were working on with Randall and the Wallumba Feedlot team back in July.
The awesome team at Foxtail Productions did a fantastic job telling Wallumba Feedlot’s story and their experience using our premium probiotic Beef Culture and quality organic trace mineral ZinMet.
Watch the video and tell us what you think in the comments.
#beefculture #zinmet #feedlotting
Austasia Animal Products - New Website - August 2024.mp4
Check out our new website!
The new Austasia Animal Products website’s new design showcases our expertise as market leaders in organic trace minerals and premium probiotics.
Be sure to visit our website and let us know your thoughts.
Visit our site:
#newwebsite #zinmet
The importance of trace minerals for poultry production
A little while ago, we caught up with Dr Allen McDonald, Director of Technical Services from our sister company Global Animal Products to talk about the benefits ZinMet® offer to poultry.
With more than 20 years of experience in animal nutrition industry, Allen has a host of knowledge on how specific organic trace minerals assist intensive feeding and meat industries.
In this video, Allen highlights how the inclusion of our quality-specific organic trace mineral ZinMet® can improve production in broilers with increased meat yield, performance, average daily gain, and feed conversion rates.
“It’s the impact of the zinc and the methionine that is more highly absorbable, it’s the impact that has on the energy efficiency of the animal and they’re able to capture more energy and convert that to meat. I believe there is a growing opportunity for poultry in Australia to utilise ZinMet®.”
Learn more about the benefits ZinMet offers poultry at
#austasiaanimalproducts #globalanimalproducts #poultry #ZinMet
Beef Culture Spray.mp4
Thanks to Jalna Feedlot & Stockfeed for allowing us to get some behind the scenes footage of Beef Culture being administered to their feed.
Did you know including probiotics into your cattle feeding program can help produce pathogen inhibiting peptides, reducing the growth of pathogenic organisms such as E. coli, Salmonella, Clostridia, and more.
By hindering the growth of gram-negative pathogens, probiotics can improve the intestinal health in treated animals resulting in reduced nutrient loss.
Learn more about about Beef Culture at
#asutasiaanimalproducts #beefculture #feedlotting #beef
Liam has decided to give us a peek under the cover of the Beef Culture unit at the Coonamble Feedlot.
Our Beef Culture units are outfitted with state-of-the-art technology which gives us the luxury of acerate dosages of 0.05 grams per head/day at the push of a button, to ensure cattle receive the right amount.
Beef Culture is the most extensively researched ruminant direct fed microbial on the market with research confirming increases in average daily gain by 2.34%. 🐮
Learn more about Beef Culture and other products at
#austasiaanimalproducts #beefculture #feedlot
We had the pleasure of catching up with Dr Allen McDonald, Director of Technical Services from our sister company Global Animal Products to talk about Zinmet®.
With 17 years of experience in animal nutrition, Allen has a wealth of knowledge across all major species in the intensive feeding and meat industries.
In this video, Allen highlights the importance of using the right additive in both feedlot and dairy operations to improve the performance and health of cattle.
“We have good research demonstrating that using an specific organic zinc product such as Zinmet; we can improve an animal’s immune response to a challenge. We also have data demonstrating that feeding the product throughout the feeding period has an impact on performance and ultimately return on investment for the producer.”
Learn more about our product range at
#austasiaanimalproducts #globalanimalproducts #feedadditives
Austasia_Social Media_Customer Testimonial_Vertical_January 2023
Did you know Zinmet is not just suitable, but recommended by farriers, to optimise your horse's hoof health?
Here's a success story from one of our Victoria-based clients, Tracey Mallia.
As you can see in the video, Buddy clearly made a full recovery thanks to his treatment with Zinmet!
To read the full story, visit
To contact our sales team, visit