Harbord Veterinary Hospital

Harbord Veterinary Hospital Welcome to Harbord Veterinary Hospital, located in Freshwater. We are here to help with your furry,

With all the extra chocolate & hot cross buns around its good to know where to go should someone get into treats not mea...

With all the extra chocolate & hot cross buns around its good to know where to go should someone get into treats not meant for them!
NEVS is open all long weekend!
Wishing you and your families a safe & happy Easter break!

Northside Emergency Veterinary Service (NEVS) is open all Easter long weekend. We are open 24 hours a day from now until Tuesday April 11th at 8am.

We wish you and your animals a safe and happy Easter break! However if you need help, NEVS is fully staffed with experienced and caring staff, ready for all veterinary emergencies, including helping injured wildlife and stray pets.

📍335 Mona Vale Rd Terrey Hills
📞 (02) 9452 2933

Tick season is upon us - please ensure you are upto date with your tick prevention! Also note that if you are checking y...

Tick season is upon us - please ensure you are upto date with your tick prevention! Also note that if you are checking your pets you should also be mindful of tick bites on yourself. Ticks affect people differently to animals but they can cause some problems for us too!


Mammalian-meat allergy – MMA – is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by a tick bite. Sufferers become at times violently ill from eating red meat where previously they had no aversion, a sort of forced vegan diet.

Cases continue to rise along the Northern Beaches in particular, which is already regarded as a global ‘hot-spot’. From relatively few cases prior to 2003, the number of MMA hospital admissions on the Northern Beaches has accelerated over the past two decades to over 1800 reported cases.

Despite this, “not a single cent” of government money has been spent in working out how frequent and prevalent mammalian-meat allergy, according to the local allergy specialist who discovered the condition, Professor Sheryl van Nunen.

Thankfully progress has just been made in identifying what causes this strange and potentially fatal affliction.

In this feature, Manly Observer speaks with Prof van Nunen and local residents living with MMA, about how it came about, what it’s like and what hope there is for the future.

Read it on our website: https://manlyobserver.com.au/mammalian-meat-allergy/


Very sad news, over the weekend, we had a patient pass away from leptospirosis.

Leptospirosis is a deadly bacterial disease that is often fatal. It comes from rat urine and can be transmitted to humans and dogs via contaminated water and mud. Humans can also become sick from infected dogs.

This dog lived in Ingleside and it is presumed that it contracted the disease locally. Previous outbreaks have been seen in the Northern Beaches, Inner city and the Lower North Shore.

We recommend avoiding stagnant water, mud and waterways where rodents may congregate and avoid letting dogs hunt or eat rats.

Please call your regular vet or NEVS if you are concerned about your dog. Clinical signs of leptospirosis are non specific and may include:
⭐️blood in the urine
⭐️jaundice (yellowing of the skin)

We now strongly recommend vaccination against leptospirosis and advise dog owners to contact your regular vet to discuss this further.



The national shortage of veterinarians and veterinary nurses, as well as an increased workload due to the pandemic pet boom has significantly increased wait times at NEVS. We ask for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.

We will see your pets based on the attached triage system.

Patients who fall into the level 3 triage category can unfortunately expect wait times of several hours or more. We must see those patients with life threatening conditions first.

Please be kind to our staff. Our dedicated team work long unsociable hours away from their families and friends because they want to be here for your pets. We are proud to be part of such an amazing community and we thank you for your understanding.

Please make sure your tick prevention is current. They are definitely out and about! If you're not sure which is the bes...

Please make sure your tick prevention is current. They are definitely out and about!
If you're not sure which is the best option for your fur baby, give us a call - we're happy to help🙂

NEVS recorded 28 new cases of tick paralysis during our sixth week of tick season. This brings the total number of cases to 119 since the beginning of September.

There were 4 patients in ICU, 3 requiring oxygen and 1 requiring ventilation.

Of the 119 cases of tick paralysis, 103 were not on any form of medically recognised tick prevention. Of the 16 on tick prevention, 13 were nearing the end of their coverage period.

Please avoid these trails while they are baiting.

Please avoid these trails while they are baiting.


In recent weeks, we have seen several dogs presenting to our hospital who have ingested 1080 baits, which have been laid around the fire trails in Terrey Hills. 1080 is a highly toxic pesticide that is used in certain areas in Australia to control introduced pest animals such as foxes, rabbits, cats, feral pigs and wild dogs.

1080 does not have an antidote therefore prevention of ingestion is very important. The baits are very appealing to dogs, therefore it is essential to keep dogs away from areas where baits are laid.

Signs of poisoning may be delayed from 2-20 hours and include;

Restless behavior such as running and barking for no apparent reason
Vomiting, urinating and defecating uncontrollably
Difficulty breathing

It is important to seek immediate veterinary care if your dog ingests a bait - do not wait for clinical signs to occur.

Photo credit: www.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au

Please be especially mindful around here!

Please be especially mindful around here!

This at Manly Lagoon this morning — police investigating dog baiting in the area.

We can not properly/legally express what level of fury this stirs in us.

This is an off-leash dog area.

UPDATE: Some good news though, council’s parks team says this is not a new sign (apologies we thought it was), so there may be no imminent or recent threat. Still, it has occurred and it’s best to be on the lookout.

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to make an appointment to have the vaccination for your dog please con...

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to make an appointment to have the vaccination for your dog please contact the clinic on 9938 4262 during opening hours.
Monday - Friday 830am-7pm
Saturday 9am-2pm

# ALERT # # #
We have had a positive case of leptospirosis at Northside Veterinary Specialists.
The patient lives in Elanora Heights and it is unknown exactly how or where they might have contracted leptospirosis.

Leptospirosis is a deadly bacterial disease that can infect animals and humans. It is acquired by exposure to the urine and tissue of an infected animal - usually rodents, or wildlife, and contaminated water sources and soil. Any dog that may be drinking stagnant water or have access to rodents is at risk of acquiring leptospirosis. It causes acute kidney failure, and has almost a 100% mortality rate in dogs.

We HIGHLY recommend that you visit your regular veterinarian to ensure your dog has been vaccinated against this disease. Boosters are required 1month after the initial vaccination and then annually to ensure your dog is adequately protected.

Some really good suggestions here

Some really good suggestions here

What happens when this all ends?

The COVID-19 lockdown has brought a considerable upheaval in routine for most companion animals.

With the majority of pet owners working from home, there is now constant companionship - extra love, attention and enrichment, focus on good nutrition, daily exercise, and early detection of health problems. Whilst all this is paramount for optimum health - too much of a good thing can lead to extreme separation anxiety and distress once life returns to normal. Aside from being physiologically damaging, self-injury from associated behaviours - chewing/digging/attempts to escape may also occur.

Pets thrive on consistency and predictability, as we all do, so acclimatising them prior to restrictions being eased is essential for their well-being.

This handy infographic put together by accredited Animal Behaviourists provides tips for making this transition out of lockdown as smooth as possible for our furry family members.


Easter is coming - Xylitol

Xylitol is a sweetener often found in sugar-free candy, sugar-free baked goods, spreads like peanut butter, and sugar-free gum. It can also be found in some common household items like toothpaste and vitamins. If your pet ingests xylitol, even in minute amounts, this is an emergency and vet care should be seen to urgently. Toxic doses are extremely low so it doesn't take much. Absorption is rapid. Xylitol causes hypoglycaema resulting in seziures. Pets ingesting xylitol require hospitalisation and constant blood glucose monitoring, with intravenous fluids and intraveous glucose. More severe cases require glucagon as the amount of intravenous glucose required to keep the blood glucose high enough is too great to even be administered without fluid overloading the patient. Pets that ingest a 10 fold overdose of xylitol suffer liver damage and possible death.


Due to the Covid-19 outbreak we have put protocols in place to protect our community, clients and employees.

📞 If possible please phone us prior to proceeding to our hospital on 9452 2933

🧍‍♀️🦮 To assist us with social distancing we ask that only one person per pet attend the hospital.

🖐 Please use the hand sanitiser available when you arrive.

🛑 Please do not enter the hospital if:

- You are under quarantine or self-isolating.
- You have travelled overseas in the last 14 days.
- You have been in contact with someone who has a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19
- You have any of the following symptoms:
🦠 Fever
🦠 Cough
🦠 Shortness of breath
🦠 Sore throat

If any of the above applies to you please phone us for further assistance. We are still able to attend to your pet, however we ask you stay in your car, one of our team will collect your pet from you. A vet will then speak to you via a phone call.

We appreciate your cooperation at this very difficult time for everyone in our community.

Have a safe & special holiday season with your family & friends ( including the furry/fathered/scaly ones! 😉)!

Have a safe & special holiday season with your family & friends ( including the furry/fathered/scaly ones! 😉)!

Please be mindful when walking your pets. We unfortunately have treated a very sick pup this week believed to have eaten...

Please be mindful when walking your pets. We unfortunately have treated a very sick pup this week believed to have eaten a baited pieces of meat. We are advising keep your dogs on leads & check your yards routinely. Do not let them pick up anything while on a walk and if you do see something please contact police below.

"Northern Beaches detectives, along with our council, are hunting those who've left baits in our suburbs over recent weeks, including hidden in peoples yards."

"Anyone who can help with first hand information about baiting offences on the Beaches over recent weeks, including who might be responsible, is asked to make contact urgently.

You can do this either through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or on 9977 3399."

Rat poison stops the blood from clotting and damages small blood vessels.

Animals that eat it slowly bleed to death, internally.

This includes dogs, cats and even toddlers who stumble across food like pizza or processed meat that's been laced with the poison.

Northern Beaches detectives, along with our council, are hunting those who've left baits in our suburbs over recent weeks, including hidden in people's yards.

When caught, the penalties can include big fines and gaol.

However, if there's a child involved, we'll be talking charges and penalties potentially up to grievous bodily harm and more.

So far, it's been pets and not children that have eaten the baits, but with the way and places they're being hidden it's perhaps just a matter of time until that changes.

Northern Beaches police commander, Supt. Dave Darcy, says those leaving the baits must realise that once dropped they have no control over what or who will pick up or eat them.

"Poisoning or killing someone's pet is bad enough," Supt Darcy says, "but hurting someone's child will have major criminal consequences."

Anyone who can help with first hand information about baiting offences on the Beaches over recent weeks, including who might be responsible, is asked to make contact urgently.

You can do this either through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or on 9971 3399.

Make sure your tick protection is current!

Make sure your tick protection is current!

NEVS had 2 cases of tick paralysis in hospital last night.
Ensure your pet's tick prevention is up-to-date. Now is the time to talk to your regular veterinarian about the best preventative measures for your pet.

Please be mindful of Easter Treats as we head to the holidays! Chocolate is toxic for dogs & Hot Cross buns with sultana...

Please be mindful of Easter Treats as we head to the holidays! Chocolate is toxic for dogs & Hot Cross buns with sultanas are also dangerous.

Easter Pet Dangers - Chocolate

Chocolate contains 2 toxins, which are caffiene and theobromine. When ingested symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, tachycardia, arrhythmias, seizures, coma and death. Just one symtpom indicates the ingestion of a toxic dose which warrants veterinary treatment. Take care these holidays, and keep chocolate stored up high away from your pets. If your pet ingests chocolate but isnt yet showing signs, call your vet immediately for further advice. Often your vet can provide emergency treatment (inducing emesis) to avoid a toxicity.


Foxes are feral animals in Australia. They have spread throughout most of the country including our Northern Beaches.

If anyone is interested in going on the blood doner list at NEVS they are having an info/suitability test session this F...

If anyone is interested in going on the blood doner list at NEVS they are having an info/suitability test session this Friday.

We need Canine Blood Donors
We’ll have an afternoon on Friday 8th of February from 1pm-6pm to screen blood donors. This involves a talk about what happens when a donor gives blood, a free full blood screen to make sure they’re healthy and to see how they cope with the hospital environment.

If your dog is over 25kg, fully vaccinated and wormed in between 2-7 years old and is a relaxed well behaved dog, they might be able to save lives.

This is Robbie he’s saved 20 or more lives in his time, he’s 11 now so can’t help anymore.
Can your dog be the next Robbie?

If you think your dog may be a life saver please call the hospital and ask for Kasey and I'll book you in


NEVS are looking for cat blood doners - if you think your puss may be suitable give them a call 🙂

Harbord Vet is turning 30!!🎂🎉 That's 210 in dog years 😉Please join us for morning tea tomorrow 9-11 in our garden sanctu...

Harbord Vet is turning 30!!🎂🎉
That's 210 in dog years 😉

Please join us for morning tea tomorrow 9-11 in our garden sanctuary behind the clinic.
Plenty of treats for pups, BYO coffee

Dont forget to keep those Easter Treats out of reach of your furry family members! Choc eggs AND hot cross buns are fine...

Dont forget to keep those Easter Treats out of reach of your furry family members! Choc eggs AND hot cross buns are fine for us but not them!

We will be open Sat 9-2 & again Tuesday from 9

Wishing you & your families a safe & haply Easter!

NEVS is open 24hrs every day over the Easter long weekend.

If your local vet hospital is closed NEVS is located at 335 Mona Vale Rd, Terrey Hills. Or give one of our lovely team members a call on 9452 2933 should you have any pet related concerns.

We wish you and your furry loved ones a safe and happy Easter break. Don't forget to keep those chocolate eggs and bunnies out of your pets reach. 🐰🐣🐥🐇

Really interesting reading where cats came from! Apparently all domestic cats can genetically be traced back to the Afri...

Really interesting reading where cats came from! Apparently all domestic cats can genetically be traced back to the African Wildcat🐱🐈


Always be careful what they eat - even if what their earing isn't 'dangerous'. This goes for toys too - monitor when they have a new one to see what they do with it.
*warning - video has a little bit of the graphic injury. Poor puppy😔

He he he😄

He he he😄

Never thought of it that way! Happy
Photo credit: Cats on Catnip

Please don't keep Lilies around if you have cats!

Please don't keep Lilies around if you have cats!

Dakin Nation, please remember that Easter lily plants are incredibly toxic to cats! Eating less than one lily leaf can cause a cat to develop kidney failure. When they groom the pollen off their fur or paws and ingest it, they can be poisoned: http://bit.ly/2nZyu5Q


"Quick! Come with me before they do anything else" 🤣




One of our clients whose dog has a yellow lead with 'Nervous' printed on it had a lady come up to her on a walk and ask if her dog's name was Nervous???

Not everyone in Australia seems to be familiar with the YellowDog initiative yet... so please spread the word: Don't say Hello to a dog wearing Yellow!

Check out their site for more great posters:

Never thought of this! What a lovely idea 💗

Never thought of this! What a lovely idea 💗

Winter is coming so don't forget to peg up any left-over pet fur after grooming, so birds can line their nests in warmth ###

Love it!

Love it!

What a great idea! We normally use a rolled towel but love the handles on this one 🙂

What a great idea! We normally use a rolled towel but love the handles on this one 🙂

😢 poor family are so worried! Please keep a look out

😢 poor family are so worried! Please keep a look out

!!! FOUND !!!!

By owner at Bantry Bay Reserve on Saturday Jan 28 😊

Please Help Find R***i!

R***i is a 4 year old Male (desexed), tan-coloured Cavoodle last seen on Sunday January 22nd running down Wakehurst Parkway. He was lost from Reserve street, Seaforth. He was wearing a bright blue collar with tags with his name and contact number for his owner.
There have been no reported sightings since. This is very concerning due to the vast bush land and the main road. If you have seen him, or know anything about him please contact us via facebook and we will pass along any information to his very worried owners. If you have found him or know where he is please hand him into your local veterinarian asap so he may be reunited with his owners.
He is micro-chipped and the details are up to date.
Please share this post to help R***i find his way home.

Too true ❤

Too true ❤




Do YOU have the cutest fur baby in Sydney? Simply upload a photo of your pet in the comments below for the chance to win a $1,500 photo shoot and framed artwork at our award-winning studio! 😍 🐶 📷

Haha - love how she looks so sad in the top 2 & smiling as a daisy😍

Haha - love how she looks so sad in the top 2 & smiling as a daisy😍


Its never 'just' a vaccination 🙂

Its never 'just' a vaccination 🙂


When did yours start?


4 Moore Road
Freshwater, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 7pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 7pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 7pm
Thursday 8:30am - 7pm
Friday 8:30am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm




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