Thank you to everyone who entered into our draw to win a Photosensitive Cow rug! We’ve had a fantastic response. We would like to congratulate the winner 🙌 Nicola Templeton I will be in touch with you today to organise getting your new rug sent to you! ICU Small Animal Rugs
ICU Small Animal Premature Calf Rugs
It's about right on a cold and wet day, and you get a new arrival of a wee Jersey Premature Calf.
Some 6 Years ago Heather Campbell purchased a ICU Premature calf rug. These small little premature rugs have that extra warmth that a premature calf needs to help regulate their body temperature. All Premature rugs have a pouch built in over the kidney area of the newborn where you can place a human heat pad, your newborn is warmed up gradually as not to place the newborn in shock.
We were the first manufacturer of Premature Calf Rugs the original and the best for your early newborn's.
The price is still $70.00 per rug.
#dairyfarming #dairyfarm #dairyfarmersofamerica #calves #beeffarming #beef #milkingcows #lovecows #calves #calfrearing #calvingseason #calving
Look at how balance our ICU Small Animal Cow Rugs are.
#dairyfarming #dairy #dairyfarm #milkingcows #milkingtime #jerseycows #jerseycow #holstein #australianowned #australianmade #lovecows #hobbyfarm #hobbyfarmlife
A perfect example of how best to use our rugs!
Today i was caught out with my unexpected arrival for twin calves. (We thought she was just in the good paddock 🥴🫠 pardon the pun)
Excuse my errors 😬
#calfrugs #smallanimalrugs #cow #calves
Lamb and Kid Goat Rugs
Soft shell lamb and kid rug. Breathable, windproof, light weight and waterproof. Ideal for lambs or kids still covered in amniotic fluid, born in the wet, hypothermic, prem birth, abandoned. Multiple birth or covered in mud.
Perfect investment to have in your farm tool kit.
#lambrug #kidrug #goatrug #icusmallanimalrug #smallanimal
This is a oldie but you will get the picture of our lamb rugs and how easy they are to put on your new borns