“Thoroughbreds, they’re too high strung.”
No, it’s because you shove him in a stall without enough turnout and companionship to keep his mind and body happy. Sorry to break it to you, but the 10lbs of sweet feed exacerbates this issue too. Flight is bred into these animals, it’s our job to keep them as comfortable and happy as we can.
“They’re such hard keepers, my feed bill is through the roof.”
Cut out the grain and replace with quality, 24/7 forage. Stay on a deworming schedule, and scope/treat ulcers accordingly. Happy tummies make for a happy weight….. and no, 4 flakes of hay a day is not enough.
“Every thoroughbred I’ve known has horrific hooves.”
Figure out the root cause, and create a plan. Shoes are not the cure-all. Diet and proper exercise is a huge part of this issue. No, 25 more supplements, a different grain and hoof oil will not help.
“They are SO injury prone!”
Keeping them in a small paddock and a stall is not “spoiling them” or keeping them “safer”. What’s the first thing a horse wants to do after a night of turnout?….. RUN, BUCK, ROLL, JUMP, REAR and after all that, a shoe is loose or a leg is hot. Allow them to be horses and be able to spread that energy throughout the day and night with a herd.
No matter the issue, don’t blame the breed. Your expensive, fancy breeds out there? Yeah, the thoroughbred made those. Those beautiful western Quarter horses? Yeah, the thoroughbred helped shape those too.
From the racetrack to being reliable ranch horses, the thoroughbred is truly one of the most adaptable, honest breeds. Yet, why do we criticize them more than any other breed? Outdated practices. Those days of “A coffee can of oats.”, “Hard tie him to a tree for a day.”, “2 flakes of hay in the morning, 2 flakes at night.”, “Ride him until the pad is wet and he won’t fight.”, “Stall him so he won’t get hurt or cause problems.” and “They’re horses, they’ll get over it.” Those days are over.
Horses need now, more than ever, acceptance, compassion and understanding. Thoroughbreds have done so much for us, we are overdue on giving back to them. What breed has the largest heart of any other? The thoroughbred, both metaphorically and literally. Get the thoroughbred, your soul will thank you.
-Ella Gray