The Well-Mannered Mutt

The Well-Mannered Mutt Welcome to The Well-Mannered Mutt! Certified Dog Trainer & Behavioralist specialising in trick training, agility, obedience, and Nose work.

Certified Canine Hydrotherapist & passionate about dog nutrition and fitness. Let's unleash your pup's potential! Welcome to The Well-Mannered Mutt – where passion meets professionalism in the world of dog training and behaviour! 🐾 As a certified Dog Trainer and Behavioralist, I specialize in trick training, agility, obedience, and Nose work, ensuring your furry companion thrives mentally and phys

ically. With credentials from the National Dog Trainers Federation (NDTF) and expertise as a qualified Canine Hydrotherapist from the Canine Health and Wellbeing Academy, I bring a holistic approach to canine care. From behavior modification to tailored training programs, every session is designed to unleash your dog's full potential. At The Well-Mannered Mutt, we don't just train dogs; we nurture bonds and build lifelong relationships. Explore the world of dog nutrition and fitness with us, because a happy, healthy dog starts with the right education and care. Join our community today and let's embark on this wag-tastic journey together! Check out our website for more information and pricing.

New t-shirt 😊

New t-shirt 😊 Referral Code: Cruze
26/08/2024 Referral Code: Cruze

The Silicone Treat pouch designed in Australia by Professional Animal Trainers to provide you with the ultimate training tool that every trainer needs! Easy to clean, no more smell and treats don't fall out! The best dog treat bag on the market. Join the Trainer's revolution today!


🐾🐾Puppy consult with George 🐾🐾

George the 8-week-old Labradoodle pup from Rockford Labradoodles, recently had a Home Consultation with trainer Sharon from The Well Mannered Mutt.

George’s owners have showed great dedication towards his training, having contacted us prior to even welcoming him into their home.

Not only did they want to hit the ground running with his training by booking a consultation the day he arrived home, but they also enrolled in our 8-week Puppy Foundations Course.

This family has plenty to learn but you can tell they’re hungry for it and so is adorable little George.

Send a message to learn more


Send a message to learn more



Before trying to work on improving reactivity, consider what colour your dog’s emotional state is in.

The belief or expectation that by continually exposing reactive dogs to triggers will make them get over it, is setting dogs up to fail.

Generally, a dog that is reacting to something does not feel safe – they are in survival mode – a mode where learning and appropriate responses simply cannot take place.

Neurotransmitters like adrenaline and cortisol flood the brain causing automatic responses intended for survival. This red zone is certainly not the time or the place to try to change behaviour.

We need to start working with a brain that is calm, relaxed, focused and feels safe – the green zone, where learning can take place.

A calm nervous system is essential to learn a new way to respond.

To recognise which colour an emotional state is, we need to become more adept at recognising and interpreting our dog’s body language.

Being aware of body language enables us to intervene before our dogs’ emotions – the “traffic light” changes colour.

Always start in the green zone, this is where we can really help our dogs to learn strategies to cope with triggers.

Keep working in the green - reinforcing, proofing and building confidence.

Once behaviours are established in the green, we can try moving into the amber zone by allowing our dogs to notice and be aware of distractions, but at a sufficient distance where they still feel safe and are able to focus. This is where we can make distractions or triggers feel far less threatening.

Stay out of the red as much as you can. Avoiding this is not always possible – life happens / the unexpected happens and we have no control over this.

In this case get as much distance as possible between your dog and the trigger.

We can’t teach our dogs to feel safe, but we can help them feel safe by managing the environment, taking small achievable steps, being aware of body language and intervening when their emotional traffic light is about to change colour.



Like all living creatures, including us, dogs just want to feel safe – it’s a basic survival need.

When we think about feeling safe it’s natural to just think about not being harmed or being in danger, but it’s not just about physical safety - feeling emotionally or psychologically safe is just as important.

While physical safety may be obvious and simpler to address, emotional safety is far more complex and not always easy to recognise or identify.

The same applies to our dogs – they are sentient beings whose behaviour is triggered and driven by emotions.

So many behaviour problems that we see in dogs stem from the brain saying– “this is not safe!”

A dog that lunges and barks or behaves aggressively with another dog or person is probably doing so because they feel unsafe. They are trying to make the scary thing go away.

A dog that is guarding resources is doing so because they are afraid that the resource will be taken away – they don’t feel safe when another animal or person approaches that resource.

A dog that is reacting to fireworks or thunderstorms or other noises is doing so because they don’t feel safe. The same can be said for separation distress – the feelings of panic when left alone – “I am not safe!”.

Some dogs may never get over a specific fear, but doing all we can to help dogs feel safe in our world is one of the most important gifts we can give them.

Our first responsibility should not be about training, obedience or trying to change behaviour, but to focus first and foremost on building trust, self-confidence, resilience, creating a safe and secure base and being the person that our dogs can rely on and trust.

In the words of Dr. Gabor Maté - "Feeling safe is the treatment and creating safety is the work".

In my words (as it pertains to dogs) – It is our responsibility to put in the work to enable our dogs to feel safe and when they feel safe, this will be part of the treatment or the solution to the problem.



Recognising stress responses in dogs.

Fight or flight are well known reactions to fear or stress, but these other “F” words are also important to understand and be aware of as they may not always be so obvious.

Freeze, Fawn, Fidget or Fool around are also responses to stress or fear and are also commonly seen in people.

Some dogs may have a genetic predisposition to one type of response while some react based on previous experience - what has worked for them before or what hasn’t. Some dogs have different reactions depending on the specific context.

Recognising and taking note of situations or circumstances where these responses are seen is important in understanding how our dogs are feeling.

When we recognise a fear or a stress response, we are able to intervene and advocate for our dogs.


Is a dog’s “bad” behaviour a reflection of, or the fault of their guardian?

In some cases, yes – abuse, neglect, unmet needs etc., but this isn’t what this post is about.

This is about having a dog that behaves “badly” no matter how knowledgeable and experienced a dog guardian may be or no matter how much socialization or training that dog has had.

Some dogs are just different and more difficult than others and it’s not your fault.

Puppies are certainly not a blank slate. We cannot always mold a dog into what we want them to be. We can try our best to do everything right, but genetics, individuality, early life experiences, learning experiences, trauma - all play a role in how a dog behaves.

Behaviour is driven by emotion and emotions are not something that we have control over. Just like we cannot control how another person feels or reacts to something.

One of my dogs is difficult. She is highly sensitive, reactive, unsociable, introverted and suspicious of other people and other dogs.

I know first hand how it feels to be judged, blamed, feel embarrassed, isolated, frustrated, angry and resentful.

Surely it must be my fault – I must be doing something wrong, especially as a behaviour consultant, if I can’t even control the behaviour of my own dog? What will people think?

It took me a long time to accept her for who she is, to ignore the judgement, the blame and all the negative feelings that go with it.

It has taken a long time of consistent work, managing the environment, understanding and supporting her to see glimmers of positive change in her behaviour and accepting that she will never be perfect.

My own experiences with my “difficult” dog have gifted me empathy, understanding, compassion and relatability for those who have similar difficulties.

Our dog’s behaviour is not a reflection on us.

Keep working on what you can change and accept what you can’t.

Week 4 Basic ObedienceSome lovely work by a group of dedicated owners. Well done!

Week 4 Basic Obedience
Some lovely work by a group of dedicated owners. Well done!

If anyone is interested in a silicone training pouch go to the website:

If anyone is interested in a silicone training pouch go to the website: and use the following
Discount code: Cruze

The Silicone Treat pouch designed in Australia by Professional Animal Trainers to provide you with the ultimate training tool that every trainer needs! Easy to clean, no more smell and treats don't fall out! The best dog treat bag on the market. Join the Trainer's revolution today!


Resource guarding – also called possessive aggression

We all guard our resources, it’s a natural reaction to a threat of something we value being taken away.

It’s essential for survival and dogs or other animals would not survive in the wild if they didn’t guard their resources.

We also don’t get to decide what’s valuable and what’s not – different things have different value to different dogs and at different times.

Food is usually the most common, but toys, furniture, different items, places, or even a certain person are all things that may be seen as a valuable resource.

A dog turning their head away, freezing, a hard stare, whale eye, moving away, growling or snapping may quickly escalate into a serious bite in an attempt to protect that valuable possession.

Punishing or forcing a dog to give something up is probably one of the worst things to do.

Resource guarding is rooted in the emotion of fear – the fear of that resource being taken away.

Punishment and force further increase that fear, which only increases and reinforces the need to protect that resource.

When a dog is guarding food or an object, we can change the negative emotion of that fear into a positive one by swopping or trading something that has a similar or higher value than what the dog has.

This is one of the most effective ways to address resource guarding of objects as it works at the root cause of the behaviour by changing the emotional response.

A dog resource guarding a person is more complicated to address. A full history of the individual dog, family dynamics, attachment styles, situation and environment all have to be assessed before planning and working on a solution.

Resource guarding can usually be prevented, managed and addressed and by starting early, understanding why dogs feel the need to resort to this behaviour and doing what we can to prevent it from happening in the first place.

First session, so much information! Great participation from all, and some very promising skills developing. Great work ...

First session, so much information! Great participation from all, and some very promising skills developing. Great work all!


Such a fabulous place. Dogs have so much fun! Make your booking now.


🚨 Starts at the end of this month 🚨

🐾 Exciting Announcement! 8-Week Basic Obedience Course 🐾

Join our 8-Week Basic Obedience Course starting Sunday, July 28th, and running every Sunday until September 15th! This course is open to dogs of all ages, aiming to build a strong foundation in obedience and enhance your relationship with your furry companion.

What You Can Expect:
- Basic Obedience: Teach your dog essential commands such as sit, drop, stand, recall, and loose lead walking.
- Play: Learn how to play with your dog and use play to elevate and strengthen your obedience and relationship.
- Motivation Techniques: Discover how to motivate your dog and master the art of luring.
- Preventing Unwanted Behaviours: Learn strategies to prevent unwanted behaviours before they start.

Meet Your Trainer:
Sharon Mewett from The Well-Mannered Mutt is a certified Dog Trainer and Behaviouralist specialising in puppy development, trick training, agility, obedience, and Noseworks. With credentials from the National Dog Trainers Federation (NDTF 2022) and expertise as a qualified Canine Hydro Therapist from the Canine Health and Wellbeing Academy (2022), Sharon brings a holistic approach to canine care. Her dedication to nurturing bonds and building lifelong relationships ensures your puppy thrives both mentally and physically.

Sharon's extensive experience includes competing in Noseworks with her dog Molly, who boasts an impressive repertoire of tricks and titles. Molly has achieved Novice, Novice Masters, Intermediate, and Advanced Trick titles through Do More with Your Dog, and has completed three certificates in Noseworks: Introduction to Nosework, Continuing Nosework, and Odour and Nosework Elements. Additionally, Molly has earned four Novice passes in trials. Active in agility training, Molly is Sharon’s everyday companion and training partner.

Course Details:
- Dates: Every Sunday from July 28th to September 15th
- Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
- Location: Ted's Place Adventure & Training Park, Springton
- Limited Spots: Only 8 participants to ensure personalized attention

To register your interest or for more information, please email [email protected].


🐕 Have you recently welcomed a new puppy? 🥰

🐾 Exciting Announcement! 8-Week Puppy Foundations Course 🐾

Join our 8-Week Puppy Foundations course starting Sunday, July 28th, and running every Sunday until September 15th! This course is perfect for puppies aged 8 weeks to 6 months.

What You Can Expect:
- Building Strong Bonds: Develop a solid relationship with your new puppy.
- Confidence Building: Help your puppy grow into a confident adult.
- Biological Fulfilment: Learn how to meet your puppy's needs through play.
- Safety Management: Essential strategies to keep your puppy safe.
- Basic Obedience: Introduction to essential commands and behaviours.
- Motivation Techniques: Discover how to motivate your puppy to learn and engage with you.

Meet Your Trainer:
Sharon Mewett from The Well-Mannered Mutts a certified Dog Trainer and Behaviouralist specialising in puppy development, trick training, agility, obedience, and Noseworks. With credentials from the National Dog Trainers Federation (NDTF 2022) and expertise as a qualified Canine Hydro Therapist from the Canine Health and Wellbeing Academy (2022), Sharon brings a holistic approach to canine care. Her dedication to nurturing bonds and building lifelong relationships ensures your puppy thrives both mentally and physically.

Sharon's extensive experience includes competing in Noseworks with her dog Molly, who boasts an impressive repertoire of tricks and titles. Molly has achieved Novice, Novice Masters, Intermediate, and Advanced Trick titles through Do More with Your Dog, and has completed three certificates in Noseworks: Introduction to Nosework, Continuing Nosework, and Odour and Nosework Elements. Additionally, Molly has earned four Novice passes in trials. Active in agility training, Molly is Sharon’s everyday companion and training partner.

Course Details:
- Dates: Every Sunday from July 28th to September 15th
- Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
- Location: Ted's Place Adventure & Training Park, Springton
- Limited Spots: Only 6 participants to ensure personalised attention

To register your interest or for more information, please email [email protected]

Hurry! Limited places available. Let us meet your new baby.

Hurry! Limited places available. Let us meet your new baby.

🐕 Have you recently welcomed a new puppy? 🥰

🐾 Exciting Announcement! 8-Week Puppy Foundations Course 🐾

Join our 8-Week Puppy Foundations course starting Sunday, July 28th, and running every Sunday until September 15th! This course is perfect for puppies aged 8 weeks to 6 months.

What You Can Expect:
- Building Strong Bonds: Develop a solid relationship with your new puppy.
- Confidence Building: Help your puppy grow into a confident adult.
- Biological Fulfilment: Learn how to meet your puppy's needs through play.
- Safety Management: Essential strategies to keep your puppy safe.
- Basic Obedience: Introduction to essential commands and behaviours.
- Motivation Techniques: Discover how to motivate your puppy to learn and engage with you.

Meet Your Trainer:
Sharon Mewett from The Well-Mannered Mutts a certified Dog Trainer and Behaviouralist specialising in puppy development, trick training, agility, obedience, and Noseworks. With credentials from the National Dog Trainers Federation (NDTF 2022) and expertise as a qualified Canine Hydro Therapist from the Canine Health and Wellbeing Academy (2022), Sharon brings a holistic approach to canine care. Her dedication to nurturing bonds and building lifelong relationships ensures your puppy thrives both mentally and physically.

Sharon's extensive experience includes competing in Noseworks with her dog Molly, who boasts an impressive repertoire of tricks and titles. Molly has achieved Novice, Novice Masters, Intermediate, and Advanced Trick titles through Do More with Your Dog, and has completed three certificates in Noseworks: Introduction to Nosework, Continuing Nosework, and Odour and Nosework Elements. Additionally, Molly has earned four Novice passes in trials. Active in agility training, Molly is Sharon’s everyday companion and training partner.

Course Details:
- Dates: Every Sunday from July 28th to September 15th
- Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
- Location: Ted's Place Adventure & Training Park, Springton
- Limited Spots: Only 6 participants to ensure personalised attention

To register your interest or for more information, please email [email protected]


🐾 Exciting Announcement! 8-Week Puppy Foundations Course 🐾

Is your home welcoming a new furry friend? Join our 8-Week Puppy Foundations course starting Sunday, July 28th, and running every Sunday until September 15th! This course is perfect for puppies aged 8 weeks to 6 months.

What You Can Expect:
- Building Strong Bonds: Develop a solid relationship with your new puppy.
- Confidence Building: Help your puppy grow into a confident adult.
- Biological Fulfilment: Learn how to meet your puppy's needs through play.
- Safety Management: Essential strategies to keep your puppy safe.
- Basic Obedience: Introduction to essential commands and behaviours.
- Motivation Techniques: Discover how to motivate your puppy to learn and engage with you.

Meet Your Trainer:
Sharon Mewett from The Well-Mannered Mutts a certified Dog Trainer and Behaviouralist specialising in puppy development, trick training, agility, obedience, and Noseworks. With credentials from the National Dog Trainers Federation (NDTF 2022) and expertise as a qualified Canine Hydro Therapist from the Canine Health and Wellbeing Academy (2022), Sharon brings a holistic approach to canine care. Her dedication to nurturing bonds and building lifelong relationships ensures your puppy thrives both mentally and physically.

Sharon's extensive experience includes competing in Noseworks with her dog Molly, who boasts an impressive repertoire of tricks and titles. Molly has achieved Novice, Novice Masters, Intermediate, and Advanced Trick titles through Do More with Your Dog, and has completed three certificates in Noseworks: Introduction to Nosework, Continuing Nosework, and Odour and Nosework Elements. Additionally, Molly has earned four Novice passes in trials. Active in agility training, Molly is Sharon’s everyday companion and training partner.

Course Details:
- Dates: Every Sunday from July 28th to September 15th
- Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
- Location: Ted's Place Adventure & Training Park, Springton
- Limited Spots: Only 6 participants to ensure personalised attention

To register your interest or for more information, please email [email protected]


So funny!


This bunch of brights is off to this afternoon!




This Gorgeous Puppy collar is off to country Victoria 😍

Such a great colour choice! Love it!



A bunch of these beauties are off to Think Canine Training & Behavior. Great colour choices 🩷💙🖤🩶




What a colour selection 😍 this package is off to its new home in NSW this afternoon.


Authorised reseller for The Quality Collar Co.I can save you postage. They have a fantastic range of biothane collars an...

Authorised reseller for The Quality Collar Co.
I can save you postage. They have a fantastic range of biothane collars and leashes in fantastic colours, as well as soft rope slip leads in great colours as well. Have a look at their site and order through me.

Biothane is fantastic. We can supply you with these great collars and more from The Quality Collar Co. We are in South A...

Biothane is fantastic. We can supply you with these great collars and more from The Quality Collar Co. We are in South Australia and can help you out. Take a look at their website to choose your items.

💚🧡🩷A package we sent off today🩷🧡💚 these colours are giving us tropical vibes 🌴 what do they remind you of?



Gawler, SA


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