AA hive 24 hours after transfer. All the honey pots have been built & some even have honey they have collected from the stores left out for them to forage from.
Time lapse of a TC log. Vacuuming of native bees.
Thanks Nathan for the footage.
Failed TH hive. It had requeened but it was much too late. Phorid attack when a hive is very low on numbers as they stress which the phorid zone in on. Stay tuned for egg hatch. The hive is closed off with tape. #phoridfly
New rescue just opened in its new location. See the bees fanning in the entry. They are fanning to bring in warm air after a cold night.
Princess hatching in AA hive. This was a queenless hive that I added the queen cell to from another hive. She was successful in becoming this hive’s new queen.