Mr. Roy wishes you a fabulous Thursday!
COVID update- Nov 2021
**COVID update**
As of today, we are pleased to inform you that we are able to allow one fully vaccinated person inside for consultations with our vets!
A vaccination certificate will need to be checked prior to entry, masks will still need to be worn and we will have reduced numbers inside. Our staff will also have extra cleaning measures in place.
We cannot thank everyone enough for being incredibly patient and understanding. If there are any concerns, we encourage you to kindly talk to our staff by calling us on 9877-3999 so that we may work out a solution that can cater to all.
Burvale Heights Vet 1985
Hey you guys! Got a pet problem? Who you gonna call?
This rad video may be sporting some 80s vibes but rest assured, our equipment, veterinary knowledge, facilities and care are well and truly up to date!
Grab that rotary phone and call us on 9877-3999 for any of your feline or canine conundrums!
Did you know that the ancient Egyptians admired and kept cats as pets for their tremendous prey catching abilities and companionship?
Here's a few of our top tips to help keep our feisty feline friends cared for and content! 🐈 ❤
Vet Nurse day 2021
This year and the last haven't been easy but we've been getting through it 💪 Thank you to our dedicated veterinary nurses for all the work, effort and time you have put in to caring for our pets.
Happy vet nurse day!❤️
How many pets on average do you think are overweight? You might find the answer surprising!
Feeding your pet a single rasher of bacon is equal to a whopping four donuts!
60g of cheese for your dog or cat is equal to eating two donuts!
Know the signs of heatstroke in your pet and in the event of an emergency, please contact us immediately
Have you thought about your plans for New Year’s Eve? Remember to keep in mind that your pets might react poorly to the sounds and lights of fireworks. If you're concerned about your pet this New Year’s Eve, make sure to book an appointment with your vet today to discuss your options.