we have a variety of Chicken, peafowl ,Guinea fowl and turkey Breeds for sale in the form of fertile eggs for hatching in and incubator, or under a broody hen. Or occasionally chicks, roosters, hens and pullets are available please ask and we can let you know what we have. We post eggs for an additional $30 and have been for years with great success, but we can only do our best but breakages still happen and posting can cause fertility issues. You can also pick them up from our farm in Glengarry in Northern Tasmania.
We do not promise 100% fertility but we do regularly check fertility and only sell eggs when the fertility we have observed in our incubators is over 80%, this does not mean you will get the same as postage, and the certain incubator you have along with the temperature and humidity that was in your incubator at the time can affect this. This is why we don’t guarantee refunds or new eggs however depending on availability we may offer you replacement eggs though we do sell out regularly and may only have a different breed to offer. If you have any questions please feel free to message.
Our list can change due to availability but can include the following
Orpington - Black,Blue,Splash,Buff,Cuckoo
Australorp - Black,Blue,Splash
Plymouth Rock
Crested Cream Legbar
Lavender Aracana
Marans - Black copper,Blue copper,Splash
Silver Spangled Hamburg
Campine - silver,Gold
Lakenvelder and Black Ancona (limited due only having trio in each pen)
Wyendotte - silver laced,white
Rhode Island Red - Bantam
Barnvelder - Gold,Silver double laced
Sussex - speckled,Lavender,silver
Bronze Slate
Royal palm
Blue indian
Guinea fowl
Pearl grey