Goodness the last few months have been a whirlwind of activity.
I have been to Europe to go see my family, I have launched a new business which is fast becoming very big and my whole life is rejigging. I have blessed myself with a pure pleasure trip to Egypt for 2 weeks upcoming Friday!
I feel so humbled. This was not in the cards not long ago. I am on a completely different trajectory.
I feel so alive, happy and clear headed.
I am loving the conversations I am having with the people in my life. I am loving my sense of well-being and vitality.
I love life, I love MY life.
Powerfully contributing to an increased sense of community. Connecting in on what's important to each of us. Having inspired and bold conversations. Being generous and creative.
We also had a beautiful family lunch today. It was enriching and yummie.
My ex partner and his family celebrated a birthday. It was wonderful to come together. I really am a stand for families working. Even after a primary relationship alters.
So this is a photo of the sunset at Rainbow Bay.m. This is why I moved to Australia. So that I can experience this kind of beautiful on my doorstep on an ordinary Sunday evening.
That I can raise my kids in a (relatively) safe, spacious, warm and gobsmackingly beautiful country.
Life does not always make sense to it. But I am learning to trust it.