I love breaking in good minded horses.
Suede was started at the end of last year then had a few weeks off over Christmas. This was his first ride back. Saddled and rode off like he was 100 years old.
I got told once that a horse and riders combined age should be 21. I’m not sure I believe that. Seems like a pony club thing. This horse is 2 and the jockey is 12.
We break in lots of horses for teenage girls. People seem to get all bent out of shape about it. I’m not sure why. I’d rather they had a well broke 2 year old over an ott.
#breaker #horses #teenager #kidspony #start #ott
Week one of Ed starting blaze. Nearly ready to go to work. #breaker #pony #kidspony #grey #horse #young #makingmoney #schoolholidays #mustering
Everything about horses is just controlling their feet.
It’s where softness comes from and it’s the reason farriers get stomped into the ground.
Horses are a prey animal. They need their feet to be able to move to survive. If you spend two years trying to teach a flying change and no time teaching a horse to willingly give its feet to a farrier then your a pain.
I never used to worry about getting hurt. Weather I was under in front of or on top of a horse. The average owner kept it fairly safe. Now I’m just counting the days until the next injury. I blame the bum bag brigade.
Anyway. Teach your horse to tie up, load up and stand up. It will almost guarantee you get a better dentist, farrier or vet. And you’d be amazed how many of them will start returning calls and messages when sh*t gets safer.
#safety #farrier #vet #dentist #load #float #horse #breaker #younghorse #dangerous #sh*t
There’s always been new fads that pop up in the horse industry. Mostly, they are pretty stupid and the folks drawn to it usually get themselves crippled by the horse they are trying to train, so it doesn’t take off.
The latest stupid idea to hit the horse industry, is pressure free horse training. Make no mistake this will make your life pretty sh*tty.
Horses need to learn how to deal with pressure. No matter if it’s from a human, another horse or some external random thing. To suggest otherwise is dangerous, bordering on neglect.
I spend all day on top of, under or in front of people’s horses. I’ve never really worried about getting hurt in the past. Now though, it’s not when, but how badly I’ll get hurt when someone’s most pressure fluffy stomps me into the ground.
Diamonds are made under pressure. So are horses.
#pressure #horse #dumb #stupid #danger #adventure #scared #fun #confident #confidentwomen
Kenny used to say the most important thing about breaking was knowing your client.
This little fellow was already broken when I got him. He’s just here to see some new things and spend a little more time in a straight line outside.
He’s going home to a trainer who is a bit like the bionic man now. He’s got new knees and shoulders. Once he’s on top he’s there to stop. The tough part for him these days is getting up there.
Luckily he’s bred a good minded athletic horse who is happy to try and wants to do the right thing.
This is Sweet Spuds first time looking at the mounting block he will be expected to stand quietly beside got the next few hundred rides.
#breaker #horse #shoulders #knees #busted #cutting #steelduck #mrsrobinson #metalliccat #mounting #block
Emme Twinkle Toes goes home. Good work #pony #breaker #kidshorse #broken #buckstopshere #done #kid #pocketmoney #swim #obstacle
Ed’s been harassing my breakers with a huge inflatable unicorn. Payback today. His breaker wasn’t concerned
Yesterday was a kayak today is a unicorn. #breaker #horse #unicorn #kid #pony #quarter #broke #shy #didntdie
There’s some things you can prepare young horses for. Apparently a kid pushing a dog on a kayak is not one of things. Hope there is no crocs in here. #kayakingadventures #health #Holidays #breaker #horses #dogs #kidsactivities #kids
Ed’s got a new breaker. She’s a super sweet little welshy. Headed off to be a pony club mount when he’s done. #ponyclub #pony #welsh #ohdeer #deer #breaker #horseman #schoolholidays
Breaking in horses is a bit like drilling for water.
You’re not always going to find what you’re looking for but someone is going to pay for the drilling.
Luckily we found water with this one. She will be for sale in the September triangle sale
#horse #breaker #buckskin #baby #water #saddle #broke #going #home #quiet #snort
I get a lot of messages from people wanting to buy a horse.
My number one piece of advice is buy a horse that’s doing what you want to do.
If your a middle aged mum who has time to ride once a week then buy one of another middle aged mum who is riding once a week.
If you buy a horse of a trainer there’s a good chance it’s getting ridden every day and may not stay as nice when it gets home.
Do not buy one of anyone that says price will go up with work. Honestly if it was any good they would be already riding it. No one wants to ride sh*tters.
Turn up half an hour early if you’re going to look and try take someone with a critical eye with you. There’s subtle little signs that you may not notice.
You should expect someone to ride the horse when you get there. It should be able to do everything they advertise. Ask for the horses history.
And if you still get sold a horse that’s not right for you. Don’t keep it. Sell it on and find one that fits. Horse riding should be fun. If it’s not get another one that is.
#buying #selling #horse #dealer #dogger #training #better