Hey there everyone . Sorry I haven't been updating. Just wanted to let my old clients know that my old pomeranian Max passed away 2 days ago. He was 11 and his back legs all of a sudden became paralyized out of nowhere and the vet had said they could do surgery but it's not a certain thing that it would get fixed and he would be suffering so we had to let Max go to doggy heaven. His other 4 dog friends here and me and my partner miss him so much but we couldn't leave him to suffer. . I miss all you guys and your pups I hope they are doing well and thriving. I've moved to bendigo as we bought a house finally. Currently I haven't got my business re set up as I've got carpal tunnel that I'm getting fixed and I'm getting the money together to set up a really nice home salon but in the mean time I'm working at a local supermarket everyone is really nice here just wanted to let you guys know about Max and miss you all