You may not like it but it’s true… a healthy functioning back does not have poor topline. If you just try to ride them to build it up you’ll just strengthen the disfunction.
One of the biggest things I see is people wanting to know what to do for an underdeveloped topline…
Well let me tell you what, an avid rider hates to see me coming because the first thing I’m going to tell you is to GET OFF OF THE HORSE’S BACK.
Get out of the saddle and stay out of the saddle until the muscle comes back.
You don’t build a topline by riding… meaning,
You can’t strengthen something that isn’t there to begin with- so if your horse’s top line musculature is depleted, you aren’t going to fix the problem by riding.
You add a rider once you have foundational muscle.
And I think that’s where the disconnect lies. Riders, trainers, breeders etc. have all convinced themselves that underdeveloped muscle is just fine and they call it ‘fitness’.
If you want real results you have to do real work.
You start building muscle once you’ve stopped the pain cycle. Once you’ve addressed tensional patterns.
Look at the situation for what it is.
These horses are started too young, they’re ridden in tack that doesn’t fit with restrictive training aids that don’t allow for the appropriate muscles to build and engage. On top of that, most don’t receive enough natural movement in their routines because they’re confined to a stall.
The formula is easy folks. We’ve created the problems. Just modify a few things and you’d be surprised how good that horse’s topline looks. You don’t need to make it harder than it has to be.
Poor topline= get off the back
⭐️You can check out my ‘rehabbing the topline’ freebie here- it has a few helpful tips. This is something I’m going to be going into a lot more detail about in a project I’m working on🤭 stay tuned