I've been teaching my stallion to play keyboard. This is lesson 5 and he has figured out how to activate the rhythm button. There is an end game we are working towards.
Never underestimate how smart our animals are. Their learning capacity is directly relevant to how good we are at communicating what we want, both good and bad.
I often talk about the value of big breaths out when training. Listen carefully in this clip and you can hear my horse and I exchanging them. If you can't hear, look at his nostrils. BTW, he was watching himself in the phone camera.
Yesterday I had a play with my two Rotty girls I have retained for a future litter. Fourth and fifth generation bred here. As usual, my own dogs are the ones who get the least work, because I'm always training clients dogs first. This is Priscilla's first bite at the gate, and I think Tulip's third. As they progress, bites go further up the sleeve. These girls have the right stuff genetically. Good health and confident loving temperaments. I'm looking forward to finding the right boyfriend for them.
A bit of fun on Tuesday with Pan and son Pepsi at home, practising working as a team. Because I am always working with other people's dogs, my own are usually the last to get work.
This was only Pan's third time working the bite at the gate, and Pepsi's first. Pan has got the goods and just needs more repetitions to strengthen his bite. But I like the swift bite and retreat because it reduces the chance of them being hit with a weapon or sprayed.
Pepsi is learning to focus on the man and not interfere with other dogs working. I particularly liked his focus at the end.
I'm happy with their progress considering they have done very little.
Service dog training with Kola yesterday. Learning to negotiate an escalater in the shopping center. Freaky moving ground mummy !
I had training at Dayboro today. These ladies have a rescue Malanois Bailey and a black Shepherd from me called Anubis. Bailey had some reactivity towards other dogs on walks and in town and Anubis had decided it was fun to bite the goats and bully the cat. These sort of problems require a home visit to deal with in the actual situation. Both issues were sorted pretty quick, so off to town we went and had a delicious sorbet while passer-by stopped to chat. All was good and the sorbet was deeelicious ! Pan came along as distraction and also mentor.
In the video, retired police dog Kaos provided a suitable barking dog distraction. The girls told me Kaos was famous for being stabbed while aprehending an offender and he survived. What a super dog !
We had a lovely training session with Chris and Blackie today. Previously Blackie came from a rough start and she had a whole lot of issues and really considered humans were pretty mean. This morning we revised foundation and then went out in the paddock to tidy up recall. My three dogs were hunting rodents in the logs, the horses were by the gate, rabbit odour criss crossed the paddock and Blackie was very much in season, so plenty of real time distractions. Today I can see a change in her mindset. Well done Chris !
Everything is a training opportunity.
Another common enquiry. My dog is so excitable, what should I do ? Well, you can establish that calm behaviour is what you expect right before you even let then out of their pen. Both these boys are For Sale, only to the right homes, having been raised as Watch Dogs. They would suit a home in the country best, but could do more training for a suburban home.
Good hay is hard to get atm. Its worth protecting !
Good laneways and gates are wonderful for moving stock in a stress free manner. Ziezo loves her new gate. She asked me for it. Jacko is more casual but he's happy with it too.