Mabels first sprint dog run.
Boston and Mabel had their first go a Sprint Dog trial and loved it!!!
Both dogs achieved their first qualifications towards their sprint dog title
Will post Mabels video in another post.
Sandwoodlabs Heez GotThe Spark
Boston at the recent Labrador Retriever club of qld spececilty shows.
Less than a week till we leave for the labrador retriever nationals show in Adelaide
We spent a beautiful weekend in bundy at the Isis kennel club's dog shows.
What a fun filled few days it was.
Boston (ch. Sandwoodlabs Heez GotThe Spark)
2 x dog challenge
2x best of breed
Mabel (Ch. Stormrising Victoria)
1 x bitch challenge
Envy (Sandwoodlabs Ure Just Jealous at Azgardi)
3 x baby puppy bitch
Bring on the next few weeks with Labrador speciality shows in Queensland and the national show in Adelaide.
Video of Miss Envy strutting her stuff around the ring.
Over the weekend we headed to Gladstone Kennel Clubs shows.
Mabel was our little star coming home with another 7 points towards her title.
Thanka Geoff Ritter for the vidoe of her strutting her stuff