Scheduling update;
Facebook has removed the ability to schedule appointments. This has been how I have managed appointments (albeit poorly) for the last 4 years. It's a good opportunity to review the process.
I have settled on using the Google calendar. Scheduling will be done Monday and Wednesday mornings if you haven't heard from me on those days I may need a friendly reminder.
Travel schedule;
Monday 7:00-3:30- South or East (Dunkeld, Penshurst, MacArthur, Hawkesdale, Koroit, Orford)
Tuesday 7:00-3:30 - South or South West (Branxholme, Condah, Heywood, Portland)
Wednesday - unavailable
Thursday 7:00-3:30- West or North (Coleraine, Cavendish, Balmoral)
Friday 7:00-3:30- Hamilton Workshop
Saturday 9:00- 12:00- Hamilton Workshop
Please reach out as I have inevitably missed some people in the latest round of bookings and I'll be back to you Monday morning with a time and a date.
Thanks again,
Ewan Tope