Country Companion Animal Rescue

Country Companion Animal Rescue Working to rescue and rehome animals from regional NSW. For all enquiries, adoptions and meeting the animals please email: [email protected]

Most definitely don’t get out the Mortein….. I have heard of people doing just that!! So sad & so ignorant of people who...

Most definitely don’t get out the Mortein….. I have heard of people doing just that!! So sad & so ignorant of people who should know better..

When you see something like this, don't be afraid, don't call the firefighters or the police, don't move and don't kill them.
These are just bees traveling and stopping for just 24 hours.
Don't disturb them and avoid getting close to them, they won't hurt you.
If you want to help, put a flat plate or tray with some sugar water.
Bees will eat, gain energy and fly away.
We all need to protect migratory bees, they are our survival insurance.
Without bees, there will be no humans on earth. 🐝

We are still being contacted by people who have a cat give birth to kittens in their back yard, & want some one to come ...

We are still being contacted by people who have a cat give birth to kittens in their back yard, & want some one to come & remove them…. Unfortunately there IS no one, be responsible, desex your pets!!

Make some ones day…. Adopt a stray!

Make some ones day…. Adopt a stray!


This warms my heart…. & people still believe animals do not have feelings or emmotions

This warms my heart…. & people still believe animals do not have feelings or emmotions

In Gujarat a person bought a cow. During night he heard the dogs barking, it happened for successive nights; so he got CCTV installed. He was surprised to see that a Leopard visited every night and sat near the Cow. On inquiring from the previous owner, he got to know that the Mother of this Leopard was killed when the cub was only 20 days old. The Cow fed him her milk and saved his life. The cub was left off in the jungle as it grew up. But, the fully grown Leopard comes every night and still spends time with the Cow, whom it considers as his Mother....


Please don’t feed possums rubbish.
Cake 🍰 biscuits 🍪 chips 🍟 bread 🍞 fried stuff 🍳 pizza 🍕
All bad for them. We might like them. Possums might like them; and they do! But we can go to the doctor if we get sick from a poor diet and we are not living on our wits or relying on our fitness to escape predators and we don’t need to gallop up trees to find a home and the plant food that we need so as not to fall ill. Please be thoughtful of a possum’s health.

Every one should show a little kindness, there does not need to be a reason, just because it’s the right thing to do!!

Every one should show a little kindness, there does not need to be a reason, just because it’s the right thing to do!!

There is an old pony in a big pen by the barn. He has no real purpose. No kids ride him, he is not a companion to another old horse.
We have no history together. He came into my life by happenstance. There are no fond, warm fuzzy memories. I owe him nothing. But he’s polite and kind, and nickers to me as I come out the door in the morning.
He eats a princely sum of special food, and has a premium round bale of irrigated grass that the other horses can only dream of. His water is fresh, and warmed in the winter. I’ve gone out there late at night to make sure he has food, and he’s the first thing I attend to after morning coffee.
Why? Why not send him to the sale where ‘someone’ will want him? At 40 cents a pound, he’d be worth a nice steak dinner and drinks in town. They’ll load him on a truck with 30 other old ponies and horses, and somewhere down that line, if he doesn’t fall from his bad knee and get trampled in the transport, he will become dog food.
There’s a bum calf in our scale house on this cold frosty night. He’s little and scrawny, with p**p stuck to his butt, and a bit of a runny nose. There’s a heater in there keeping the temp above freezing. In the morning I’ll make him a bottle of warm milk replacer and try to convince him to eat some of the pony’s special food. Bob will clean his little house and put down fresh bedding. It would be easier to have left him in the field with the 500 bigger, stronger calves, to steal milk from the occasional tolerant cow, to eventually freeze to death and feed the coyotes that lurk about the herd for just such an opportunity.
There is a wild kitten in the barn who most likely jumped off a utility truck a while back. We’ve been leaving food just for him, and making sure the heated water bowl is full, so he doesn’t have to go outside and perch precariously on the horse waterer to drink.
I guess we sound like saps, the old cowboy and I. Sort of wimpy and un-ranch like.
I guess we are. But at our age, with certain infirmities starting to creep into our daily routines, and the realization that we are not perfect, we are thinking that kindness is a virtue and care is our purpose.
Care of not just the healthy robust animals that make money and pay the bills, but care of everything we are capable of caring for - those creatures that, like us, are in need of a bit more attention to get through the day.
We didn’t go about seeking these creatures- they came to us and landed here not of their own choosing, or ours. But here they are, and off I go to town to a business that provides enough to buy the expensive milk replacer, premium hay, and special pony food.
There may be some karma in all this, or maybe not, but in the end we’ll know we did the best we could for those that needed us.
Peace. Really, I mean it.
Credits to Unknown Witter ✍️

So so many idiots!!

So so many idiots!!

Nailed it!

I hope lots of people can get there today!!!

I hope lots of people can get there today!!!

Important event in Sydney today! Rally against barbaric aerial shooting of wild horses in NSW. Meet 11am at Hyde Park at the Archibald Fountain, then march to NSW Parliament.

Wild horses need to be protected individually, as sentient beings with intrinsic value.

For more:
Meet our Horse Meat

Some happy heartwarming news for a cold morning!!

Some happy heartwarming news for a cold morning!!

I had adopted her but she refused to come away with me. It was weird because dogs can't wait to leave the kennel. She was crying and stubbing her paws. I should have dragged her. But when I looked down I understood the reason and I had to make a CHOICE "When the time came to take her home she was just out of that cage, from that moment a new world awaited her, a wonderful life and a lot of love. Any another dog would have run into the embraces of her rescuers. But she did not. She stood still, sticking to all fours and refused to come out of the cage. In a corner a small Chihuahua Taco looked at her in fear. She understood that she was about to lose her her best friend. And in that moment a small miracle happened. The couple saw the whole scene and decided to adopt them both. They did the documents also for the chihuahua and all 4 went out the door of the shelter. was taken in the car, before leaving. Personally I would like to wish these two dogs a happy life full of love !. But above all so much happiness also to these two wonderful people ❤️


People never cease to amaze me by the way they treat their animals. Disgusting!!!

They are just SO important, the part they play in nature can not be replaced!

They are just SO important, the part they play in nature can not be replaced!

Did you know that saving the life of one flying fox, is equivalent to sowing over a million native seeds a year?

By helping flying foxes, you also contribute to the resilience and reforestation of our unique Australian bush.

End your financial year by making a difference for our bats and bushland 🦇

Donations of $2 or more can be claimed back on your tax, and support BCRQ for the rescue, rehabilitation, education and conservation of bats. Please see the donate link at the top of this page.

For our Australian followers, you may also support us by buying tickets in this Community Lottery - help protect bats and be in the draw to win some amazing prizes! 100% of your ticket purchase cost comes to us after the draw. Amazing!

If you see a bat on its own in the daytime, it needs help. PLEASE DON’T TOUCH THE BAT and give us a call immediately on ‭0488 228 134‬ for Brisbane and surrounds, or your local wildlife rescue in other regions.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Lucy is at it again! She has decided she likes the view better from when she’s up high. Maybe she is part mountain goat ...

Lucy is at it again! She has decided she likes the view better from when she’s up high. Maybe she is part mountain goat after all

Vale brumbies

Vale brumbies

Adventures with Lucy as she settles in to her foster home in Helensburgh while waiting for her surgery. Her curiousity a...

Adventures with Lucy as she settles in to her foster home in Helensburgh while waiting for her surgery. Her curiousity and enthusiasm has her exploring her new environment despite the issues with her eyes. Who knew she would love a mini bush walk so much or that she could climb like a goat!


What are you doing on Friday?

Are you working in Sydney city?

Please help spread the word - meeting at 11 am Hyde Park.

Many people don't know that NSW is shooting wild horses and their babies from helicopters. They die slow and cruel deaths when their lungs fill with blood.

People do not know about this barbarity, they are told false numbers and that is is humane. It is not humane at all.

Please let people know.

There is more information here>>>

I don’t know how often before in her life Lucy Goosey enjoyed a juicy bone, but she was making short work of this one! Y...

I don’t know how often before in her life Lucy Goosey enjoyed a juicy bone, but she was making short work of this one! You go girl, it won’t be her last one , be assured of that!

Many thanks to Leissa & Christians meats for the yummy bones all the dogs got to share todayEven the little ones who fou...

Many thanks to Leissa & Christians meats for the yummy bones all the dogs got to share today
Even the little ones who found the bones were almost as big as they are.
Can’t understand why these little sweethearts haven’t been adopted yet…. They do need to go together, but even both together don’t make up one small dog they are so tiny!!!

We are thrilled to bits our blue eyed boy has finally got adoption!!Woohoo!! So excited at his new start in life & his f...

We are thrilled to bits our blue eyed boy has finally got adoption!!
So excited at his new start in life & his for ever family are over the moon to have found him!!!
Yay Clarrie, great news for everyone!

So many broken hearted dogs & cats sit & wait for you to come back…..

So many broken hearted dogs & cats sit & wait for you to come back…..

When your dog comes to the dog shelter because you’re tired of him, because he bothers you, prevents you from going on holiday or other excuses.
He sits and waits.
He's waiting for you to come get him.
A second, a minute, an hour, a day, a month, a year - he's waiting for you.
He doesn’t know why, but he’s waiting because he trusts you; because unlike you, he loves you.
Your dog is not a toy. Think twice before getting a dog. You have the responsibility of a living being and of a family member.
Auther unknown...

There are so many dogs who look like this, wonderful personalities, but appear rough around the edges… they all deserve ...

There are so many dogs who look like this, wonderful personalities, but appear rough around the edges… they all deserve a forever home!

We would like to introduce Lucy, a cane corso who is the sweetest, and most gentle girl. She is 13 months old, and has b...

We would like to introduce Lucy, a cane corso who is the sweetest, and most gentle girl. She is 13 months old, and has been in a pound for the last 7 months.

Lucy requires surgery to resolve a condition called ‘cherry eye’. It affects her vision and self-confidence when moving. The surgery is expensive and has proven to be a barrier for adoption.

CCAR are stepping in to help get Lucy her life changing surgery and to find her forever home. We are seeking donations to help fund Lucy’s eye surgery.

Please, if you are able to donate it will help us reach our goal of getting Lucy the surgery she needs. No amount is too small!

Account Name: CCAR
BSB: 704865
Account #: 02331716

And most of all we would like to say the BIGGEST THANK YOU to everyone who gave to us so generously in the last fundraiser. However, as you know in rescue the bills just keep on coming…

Interesting.....Are cats psychic or can they predict the future? Just a thought!

Interesting.....Are cats psychic or can they predict the future? Just a thought!

The "Titanic Cat" who foresaw the sinking and retrieved her babies before the ship sailed. 😮

Jenny the cat was the Titanic's mascot, brought on board to help fight rodents. She lived in the ship's galley and was cared for by a laborer named Jim Mulholland.
During the sea trials, Jenny gave birth to kittens and Jim found them a comfortable place next to the ship's galley. Caring for the mother cat and her kittens broke up the monotony of Jim's work preparing the Titanic for sailing. Jenny seemed content with her warm place near the boilers, her babies, and the kitchen scraps that Jim brought her. However, as soon as the ship docked in Southampton, England, just before it began its maiden voyage (to New York), Jenny took a good look at her surroundings and quickly began grabbing her kittens by the necks and carrying them out. One by one, down the gangway she led them out of the ship.

Jim watched her carefully and realized that "this cat must know something that no one else does!". He then quickly gathered his few belongings and left the ship as well.

Years later, Irish Road published Jenny's story after a journalist spoke to a very old man - Jim, who told the story.

He survived thanks to the cat and her kittens who warned him.

Big gold karma points to you all!!

Big gold karma points to you all!!

Dogs are forever 🐶💜

So many rescues are full of half grown kittens that no one chooses to adopt, It’s heart breaking to operate a rescue, wh...

So many rescues are full of half grown kittens that no one chooses to adopt, It’s heart breaking to operate a rescue, when no one wants to give them the loving homes they all deserve.

PLEASE SHARE MY BOYS, I need to find them their forever home ASAP 💙


This is so true 🐶💜

Breaking hearts every where… but it happens every where every day..

Breaking hearts every where… but it happens every where every day..

🐾This picture broke my heart🥺

Not every one would agree, but let’s face it… cats are just a bit more self centred than the average hound!

Not every one would agree, but let’s face it… cats are just a bit more self centred than the average hound!



Helensburgh, NSW


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