Peace๐ณ should never be threatened or destroyed ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฟ
@topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest Environmental Defenders Office Australian Conservation Foundation Community Voice Australia Wildlife Queensland Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Australian Wildlife Conservancy BirdLife Australia Australian Geographic Society Eungella Community Development Association Save our Koalas Say No to Big Wind Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins SaveWhitsundayWater STOP Borumba Hydro
#savewildlife #saveaustralia #saveforests #saverivers
The Azure Kingfisher - In the Line of Fire
The Azure Kingfisher (Ceyx azureus) - In the Line of Fire ๐ฆ๐
These beautiful little birds dig a burrow approx 130cm long in the side of river banks. The nest is at the end where they lay and incubate their eggs.
They are monogomous, therefore life partners๐ฅฐ
Some threats they face are:
* Human activities that cause artificial flooding, which drowns nests,
* Water turbidity (unclear water), and
* The introduction of European Carp which compete for food resources and impact local populations.
Imagine how many river dwelling birds face destruction due to the dreadful planning of some infrastructure and renewable energy projects....๐ฆ๐
These projects do not seem to care about precious little ones like this, and other wildlife.
The Azure Kingfishers are one of multiple species that are in line to be tragically impacted by companys/corporations like Capricornia Energy Hub Borumba Pumped Hydro by Queensland Hydro
Do these companys/corporations employ wildlife spotters and wildlife rescuers? Not that we know of yet.
It feels like their care factor is zero, and we have to change that.
You never hear about how these river birds live and survive, but you should.
We all should know more about our own country and the amazing and such special wildlife we are gifted to share Australia with.
The more we understand, the more we can do to prevent the road to extinction.๐ฆ๐ฟ
@topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest Environmental Defenders Office Australian Conservation Foundation Community Voice Australia Australian Geographic Wildlife Queensland No Willatook Windfarm Australian Wildlife Conservancy National Geographic Australia BirdLife Australia Wildlife Rescue Sunshine Coast Australian Geographic Society Reckless Renewables SaveWhitsundayWater Say No to Big Wind Save our Northwall STOP Borumba Hydro Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins Andrew Powell MP Glen Kelly MP
5 minutes walk to Platypus heaven ๐ฅฐ๐ฟ
Eungella Area - Platypus Capital and Stronghold of Queensland ๐ฅฐ if not Australia!
Drive to Eungella area, park your car, walk 5 minutes and see the precious Platypus ๐ฅฐโค๏ธ
On our wildlife surveys conducted over 2 years, to help save Eungella and surrounding areas from the epically environmentally destructive renewable energy, Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro, we found a secret.
The secret - we found hundreds of Platypus from our inital survey within the footprint of the proposed monster renewable energy project, and a myriad of other protected, endangered, critically endangered and endemic species.
When we realised this, we notified wildlife groups, various Government environmental and wildlife departments, conservation groups and Qld Hydro.
We told them that this area was filled with hundreds of the specialised, elusive and extremely sensitive monotreme, the Platypus.
All of these groups/orgs/Departments had no idea of this treasure. In fact, one of the more concerning things said to us was "theres only about 6 Platypus there". ๐
Concerning because - this is how the extinction of species begins, not knowing.
The extent of the Platypus population soley within the footprint of where the proposed pumped hydro was located, is astounding.
For example - on the north-south border of the proposed reservoirs A & B, Dalrymple Rd, the stunning rainforest Eungella National Park is directly on one side of the road, while on the other side, the footprint side (approx 10m away from the National Park), there are a few properties that had land clearing done decades ago. Over time the land holders allowed high value rainforest regrowth to regenerate throughout gullies and mountains.
Throughout those properties, the enormous water aquifers bubbled just under the surface. This caused multiple streams, ponds, an amazing landscape, and filled the dams built within the front section of those properties.
We called this area, " The Moonscape" as its so very unusual.(We'
Update on Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro Closure Announcement by LNP
We have just spoken with the new Queensland Premiers Office of David Crisafulli MP, and enquired when the official announcement of the end of the Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro Project would occur.
While there is a huge amount of handovers going on and as the cabinet will not be confirmed until this Friday, there is no time frame at this time.
However, the Premiers Office were very understanding and dare I say, comforting, (what a delightful change of communication!) of the community of Eungella and surrounding area's, need's and feelings to confirm.
So hang in there, its coming soon
Stay strong
Never Give Up ๐ฟ๐จ
@followers @top fans Save EungellaRainforest Reserves AustraliaCapricorn Conservation CouncilSave the Daintree RainforestEnvironmental Defenders Office Australian Conservation Foundation Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins Reckless Renewables Save our Northwall Ben Fordham Say NO to the lines National Geographic Regenerate Australia Australian Geographic David Crisafulli MP Amanda Camm MP Media Watch 7NEWS Mackay ABC Tropical North Wildlife Queensland
Jewels of the Night ๐ฅฐ๐
Did you know Fireflys are called the "Jewels of the Night", and they are back in the Eungella area ๐ฅฐ๐
Fireflies play an important role in the environment and even have been part of human culture!
* They help keep the balance of the ecosystem due to their larvae eating damaging snails, slugs and more.
* In adult stage they are pollinators aiding flowering plants.
* They create habitats for other wildlife
* In many cultures they are celebrated for their mysterious beauty and as a symbol of transformation, and
* They are also part of the food cycle for other species.
Enjoy these beauties, protect them, love them and marvel at these living jewels of the night ๐ฅฐ๐
@followers @topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest Environmental Defenders Office Australian Conservation Foundation Reckless Renewables Community Voice Australia Sky News Australia Media Watch CQ Collective Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Australia Zoo The University of Queensland Save our Northwall CQUniversity Australia Australian Geographic National Geographic
Part 10 - Summary of Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Proposed Pioneer Burdekin. No Comparrison.
Part 10 - Summary of Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Proposed Pioneer Burdekin, otherwise known as:
Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro, a dry eucalyptus forest environment at low elevation, extremely sparse terrestrial wildlife, potentially deadly, treated, unswimmable, lacking aquatic species, plant and animal, in its waters, transmission lines hung like curtains across mountains with next to zero wildlife, and with asthetically pleasing infrastructure for humans only.
Eungella area, site of proposed Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro - a 20+ million year old rainforest, cloud forest, climate nature refugia, brimming with threatened, endangered, endemic species, pristine highest level of conservation waters, potential world heritage site, world renowned, water fed and part of earths natural cooling system, and so much more.
Now the SRG (stakeholder reference group) from Eungella must decide between the destruction of this irreplacable ancient nature and climate change refugia, against an monster infrastructure that will destroy the very refugia that protects humans.
What will their legacy be?
We already know ours - we choose the legacy of protecting the living breathing ancient ecosystem that protects life๐ฟ
@followers @topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest National Geographic Australia Environmental Defenders Office Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins Environmental Justice Australia Australian Conservation Foundation Reckless Renewables Community Voice Australia Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Sky News Australia ABC Tropical North 7NEWS Mackay Media Watch Care4esk STOP Borumba Hydro Say NO to the lines Save our Northwall
Part 9 - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro (dry eucalypt) v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro (20+ million yr old rainforest)
Part 9 - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro (dry eucalypt) v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro (20+ million yr old rainforest)
The Transmission Lines
These areas are so void of wildlife. With the thousands, even millions of species in the Eungella area, the death toll would be devastating...
@followers @topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest National Geographic Australia Environmental Defenders Office Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins Environmental Justice Australia Australian Conservation Foundation Reckless Renewables Community Voice Australia Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Sky News Australia ABC Tropical North 7NEWS Mackay Media Watch Care4esk STOP Borumba Hydro
Part 8B - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro - The Spillway continued.
Part 8B - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro - The Spillway continued..
@followers @topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest National Geographic Australia Environmental Defenders Office Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins Environmental Justice Australia Australian Conservation Foundation Reckless Renewables Community Voice Australia Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Sky News Australia ABC Tropical North 7NEWS Mackay Media Watch Care4esk STOP Borumba Hydro
Part 8A - Wivenhoe V Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro
Part 8A - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro
The Spillway
Carved into Wivenhoe's earth, obvious eucalypt forest removed, imagine this gouging into the 20+ million year old ancient rainforest of Eungella area...๐ซ
Apologies, had to break this video into 2 parts as I accidently hit the stop button
@topfans @followers Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest National Geographic Australia Environmental Defenders Office Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins Environmental Justice Australia Australian Conservation Foundation Reckless Renewables Community Voice Australia Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Sky News Australia ABC Tropical North 7NEWS Mackay Media Watch Care4esk STOP Borumba Hydro Senator Gerard Rennick
Part 7 - The Water - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro
Part 7 - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro. No Comparison.
The Water
To try and sell to the public and stake holder reference groups, that Wivenhoes dry eucalyptus forest with very few wildlife species, treated water with no obvious aquatic life, water that can contain blue algae, water has been treated, would be a wonderful thing for Eungella areas 20 million year old ancient rainforest, 1000m above sea level, with pristine waters, is a good thing, is complete lunacy.
@followers @topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest National Geographic Australia Environmental Defenders Office Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins Environmental Justice Australia Australian Conservation Foundation Reckless Renewables Community Voice Australia Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Sky News Australia ABC Tropical North 7NEWS Mackay Care4esk STOP Borumba Hydro Say NO to the lines Save our Northwall Media Watch
Part 7 - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Pioneer Pumped Hydro -No Comparrison
Part 6 - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro - No comparrison
Another bay, education centre, view of transmission lines.
@followers @topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest National Geographic Australia Environmental Defenders Office Save the Moat - Save the Sperrins Australian Conservation Foundation Reckless Renewables Community Voice Australia Sky News Australia ABC Tropical North 7NEWS Mackay Care4esk Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Environmental Justice Australia STOP Borumba Hydro Say NO to the lines Save our Northwall
Part 5 - No Comparrison - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro (Dry Eucalypyt V Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro (Ancient Rainforest)
Part 5 - Wivenhoe Pumped Hydro v Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro.
The Dam Wall - 2.3kms long
@followers @topfans Save Eungella Rainforest Reserves Australia Capricorn Conservation Council Save the Daintree Rainforest National Geographic Australia Environmental Defenders Office Environmental Justice Australia Australian Conservation Foundation Community Voice Australia Save the Koala & Australia's Wildlife Sky News Australia ABC Tropical North 7NEWS Mackay STOP Borumba Hydro