Ben 💙
Lots of work already done here, but proofing what’s been done with basics and putting a bit more emphasis on impulse control.
Ben has some great form but he was getting into pulling with excitement to meet people & other dogs, sniff & mark and perhaps the odd leaf or butterfly.
He likes to be on the go, and keep moving so stopping for any length of time would see Ben going into a whingy, whiny mode & sometimes a little yap to say, “hey, let’s go”.
With a bit of work on timing, both issues have been resolved and now the gorgeous Ben just needs the consistency in approach to maintain the work achieved.
Top job team Ben 👏
Kelly 💜
She’s 5 years young and sadly she’s led quite the sheltered life up till recently.
Kept as a breeder, Kelly was kept kennelled & had never been inside a house, never been on a leash and never left her property except perhaps to see a vet 🤷♀️
Her new family have welcomed her into their home & their bed (I’ve heard she likes to nibble ears 🤣).
Everything to this beautiful girl is new & overwhelming given she’s had no socialisation to a normal world & all the things that move around her, sounds and smells.
Kelly was initially biting the leash & putting the brakes on.
We’ve been taking it pretty slow & she’s doing really well (especially around her hood where she’s familiar) strutting her stuff with tail up high but now we need to be super patient with expanding so we don’t flood her & set her back.
While theres still some work to do, she’s no longer biting the lead or freezing and she’s starting to see and do new things.
Looking to further improve her confidence in the coming weeks with more adventures on the cards with some doggy friends.
Rusty 🩵
Just a boy & his loyal companion connecting on a new level.
Rusty has learnt some new tricks (including a bow), and some of his old tricks have been reshaped to add a bit more value to the relationship between him & his family members.
Constantly on alert for ball play, Rusty could easily be mistaken for a high energy dog, and yet….he’s not.
Within a week of taking the balls out of the equation, Rusty was calmer, more engaged & more responsive. Those basics were looking pretty good!
His walking without pulling improved, he looked forward to learning new things, new pathways and connecting with his humans rather than being frantic about the round, yellow furry “thing” that he longed for.
He got to do more stuff with his little mate, and was rewarded in kind in various ways.
Sometimes reward leant into play with different toys…some of which looked similar to his favourite toy of the past, but wasn’t that “thing”.
Wishing these two beautiful creatures happy adventures for many years to come!
Odie 💙
And 💥BOOM💥 here we are, with Odie doing a superb job practising better impulse control and not being so frustrated with being held back from all the things that get him excited (people & dogs).
This gig has been super fun week in week out. Odie is always up for the fun stuff, but he has also been keen to just flip straight back into the serious stuff and stay on track despite the distractions.
Thanks to the team in welcoming Odie & making this a smooth transition. No more leash frustration after this perfect trial & we look forward to seeing more of you.
Awesome work team Odie 👌
Wilson 💚
Another one who’s thriving on structure & boundaries.
Wilson was definitely not very welcoming at all on my first visit.
This pint sized poppet put on quite the show actually 🤣. The usual lunging, barking and growling to keep me at bay but I never take this kind of intro personally….however, I’m not keen to lose a finger or toe.
It was typical of Wilson to be the gatekeeper and treat visitors with a healthy dose of disdain (so I knew it wasn’t me). Yet, sometimes people don’t understand this very well & just barrel in….& wonder why they cop a bite!
With some homework set for Wilson & his owner the results were nothing short of outstanding the following week.
I arrived. He was calm, no lunging, no barking, ready to roll and we are now besties.
He’s still a little wary of strangers and while this can be managed at home it’s out and about that poses more of a threat. Wilson is learning to cope in this gigantic world he lives in. All the sights, sounds and smells are at times overwhelming & he needs time & patience to ease him in. While he’s shown greater resilience moving past/sitting & watching people, he’s still got a bit of work to do with people moving into his space…especially fast moving little people.
With time he will trust the process & know that his handler is advocating for him.
His owner is well versed in strategies to move this forward. Consistency is key. 🔑
It’s been awesome to see the confidence grow in this little fella 👏. Look forward to helping him reach higher goals.
JR 💙
He wasn’t all that happy to see me on our first session. Quite wary of strangers.
Lots of lunging with air snapping, barking & growling. Trying to make himself look big and tell me what for!
Well a few sessions later, no barking or trying to eat my ankles when I arrived at the home. We put him to a couple of tests with passing people, dogs, seeing the ducks, bush turkeys or other birds on our travels (previously got his knickers twisted over all of these things), yet he was no longer the crazy nutter on the end of the lead. He even allowed me to pat & pick him up. 👏
Joined a few other doggo’s on a walk and while the first session he started off strong with all that fussy noise, he quickly learned to settled in, & is now just cruising with the pack like a good boy should be.
A bit more to work on but now we have more calm, there’s a brain engaged & willing to participate.
Good job JR. 👏
Betty 💜
Gotta say this is looking mighty fine for Betty & Co!
Betty is the very first dog for this owner and all I can say is thank goodness we have a nice heel going on or we’d need a pair of shin pads to mitigate injury from that happy tail 🤣
She’s a bit OTT at times (typical lab. Loves everyone, everything, life, food, air, you name it, she loves it)…but we’ve worked on regulating her impulse control to get shorter settling times. 👏
She’s just turned 1 (Happy Birthday Betty) and with some ongoing maintenance on staying focussed, you can expect to see more of that gorgeous wiggly butt struttin’ her stuff around town.
Well done team Betty 👌
What’s got 62 legs and enjoyed the spoils of Hervey Bay this fine Sunday?
This lot do!
Now that’s what a call a walk with style 👏
Bindi 💗
Takes time and patience to proof your recall but it’s likely to be one of the most important skills to have in your tool kit.
Bindi is under 6 months of age & she’s just starting out so it’s on the longline till we get it right, slowly adding distance & distractions but always having the longline as a backup.
A great start for Bindi, making the return a positive experience to ensure each successful return builds a stronger recall.
Smudge 🩵
Once was a puller, now just a big cruise machine. 👏
Everybody in the family can now enjoy walks without the hassle of Smudge getting over stimulated by the environment and the things that cross his path or in his line of vision.
Not done yet, with the focus on recall going forward. He’s been doing super well at short distance but needs work on increased distance and of course it’s ongoing maintainence from there.
A delightful fam bam to work with and the beautiful Smudge is well on his way to enjoying lots of adventures with them in the future.
Well done team Smudge 👏
Bruce 💙
He’s just nailing it!
Basics done and some nice loose leash happening around town with distractions.
Gorgeous little fella with a lovely temperament. At less than 20 weeks, he’s got the goods to last a lifetime with a consistent approach maintained.
The world awaits you Bruce!
Luca 💙
Can’t wait to catch up with the beautiful Luca again soon.
He’s got the basics and loose leash under his belt and while he didn’t quite master the food toss game, he did a smashing job on practising impulse control when placing food on his paws & then waiting for “the magic word”.
Such a darling boy this one with his big split watermelon smile & those dark dreamy eyes piercing your soul, but hidden beneath it was a boy in pain. Sometimes showing it, sometimes not (especially if he was having fun or distracted by more exciting things).
Thankfully after a number of checks & balances during training, Luca’s human mum booked him in with the doggie Dr for further investigation. 🧑⚕️🏥
It’s now been a few weeks post surgery on both front elbows 😞. In addition to this, Luca was diagnosed with OSD (a genetic disease) during this process. OSD can only be managed with medication, will likely worsen over time and cannot be cured.
Unfortunately this is not a case of “ooops I made a mistake & now I have a litter”, so buyer be aware! To date these issues have come at a significant cost to his mum (one that she has no qualms about for the health & welfare of Luca but costs she certainly did not expect at such a young age).
Luca is now waiting it out a few more weeks before slowly building up his stamina & hitting the streets again. 👌
Get well soon buddy 😘 and awesome work to you both 👏.