Here’s Team Frankie, playing Recall Ping Pong in the highly distracting backyard environment. Go, team!
We have moved from a river suburban location to a semi-rural location. Walks now consist of bush trails encountering both live animals (birds, horses, sheep, goats, native wildlife including bandicoots, rabbits) and dead animals (mostly furry road kill + dead birds). The carcasses are super-attractive to the whippets and they appear multiple times on every walk. This has changed our training and required thoughtful management.
“Leave It” won’t work with my sighthounds in such a distracting environment - once they get the prey (dead or alive) they will not relinquish, not even for tasty treatos.
So today we worked on eye contact with high prey drive Ruby.
In the middle of the clip you’ll see how challenging it was to get Ruby & Max’s attention back on me. (Reminder, Georgia: the lead is a seatbelt, not a steering wheel 😊😂).
So we practiced “Let’s Go” with leg/knee tap as visual/aural cue.
First I set them up for success on a mildly attractive dead body distraction. Then, a degree more attractive dead body. Success!
They learned “Let’s Go” at home, back in October 2023 after I attended Easy Peasy Puppy Squeasy seminar with #SteveMann & #IMDTAustralia.
My whippets are about to turn 12 years old in a week’s time!
Note: if you need help with behaviour, get in touch.