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Well, this year has been particularly horrendous for me, I lost my beautiful soulmate husband after 33 years together. I stopped work for 5 months, trying to do whatever I could to save his health but due to medical negligence and incompetence I lost the battle with only memories, beautiful memories at that left.
But with his passing some most interesting experiences unfolded. Tony had promised just before his passing he would remain close and ensure he left very clear signs of his presence and his energy and love remains around me even now.
So with my deep soul grief came a reason also to not only know but totally believe our loved ones are always around and that love is indeed the strongest energy around us.
I feel blessed for the gifts given me, the love of a husband who ensures I continue on my path, still very much loved.
Merry Christmas to all ... I trust 2025 can only be better. And, I hope to post more examples of my work next year.


I spoke to a beautiful, but very strong minded dog this morning. I quote part of her message and wisdom.

"I understand humans are very emotional creatures when it comes to loss, for they feel such a pain of this loss, but to a pet soul we know it is just part of life, to come, to live, to learn, to laugh, to love and to leave. Yes, we understand the logics of life, but humans do not fully comprehend it in their hearts and souls and many give in to this pain and cannot move past it, but it is time for you to move on from the pain of my passing and instead enjoy and remember the love and joy of my life, our lives together."


Another beautiful reading today:

The client asked:1- I'm trying not to be worried about losing you but when you realise that love is all there is in this world how could I not be afraid to lose someone I love so dearly. Grief is not just a lesson but a loss to the heart, do you have any advice on this?
QUOTE: Hmm, yes there is an answer, but for you I must have gentle and sensitive words for you are probably more sensitive than I, for I have had so many more lives than you.

You must understand this, that life is about love and loss and understanding the journey and understanding that if you live your life the best way you can and harm no other, but also not to be so niaive to think that all are nice, and if you understand that always always you must learn not to do anything at detriment to yourself, then that is one lesson you will not have to learn in the next life or the one after, so better learn to understand life now and get this lesson done and over with I say to you.

I also love you, so leaving you is nothing I am in a hurry to do. But, we of pet soul understand far more than humans. We know and understand our lessons and therefore understand we come to learn and that leaving this planet is simply a logical thing, not an emotional thing. It is part of growth, it is part of life, it is part of love and it is part of learning to live with grief, but in a constructive way, to understand that when we love we must sometimes allow another to leave when it is time and to grow from the experience.

We must learn that all of life, all is not about love, it is about growth, love is only part of our lesson, it is part of our life, it is part of heart, it is part of our soul and therefore we must learn to understand that love is wonderful, but one must understand that love is not everything, it is a large part of life, but learning lessons, learning to understand how to love and to lose is also most important and if we can sit and say to ourselves that with all the losses we encounter during our life times we have learnt not only to love but to allow another soul to go with love in your heart, yet also sorrow in your soul but love in your heart, you have allowed another soul to leave in peace.

Peace is also a big growth lesson. For without peace you cannot love yourself, you must always love yourself before any other. If you give of yourself too much you will have nothing left to give, to yourself, when you become aged. Wisdom my child, wisdom that is what you must learn, to be balanced and wisdom is the way you will become balanced, to love, to lose and to understand why these things happen.

To a pet soul it is logical, we come to love, to laugh, to learn and to lose. We understand those things. Yet humans must learn that love is eternal and that just because you leave the physical the spiritual remains. Love is very strong when it is true and genuine and when you truly love the one who loves you also in return will never leave, no matter what, but comes to you in a different form and then you learn again. Always you must learn. UNQUOTE


OK, because I thought this response from a 'dog' was so good I chose to repeat the question from the client and the 'dog's' response:
1. What kind of life did you live before you came to live with us?
QUOTE: Hello there my lovely lovely dears!!!
Oh you do ask an interesting question don’t you?
Hmm, the kind of life I had before my REAL home. It was one where I was simply treated as a dog. A dog mind you!!! I was ‘just the dog’. No respect at all, just a ‘dog’.
OK, OK, I do have four legs and humans do call me a ‘dog’, but bear in mind that humans also call those they do not like the same … ‘oh he’s a real dog’, or ‘she looks like a dog’ … well, they are not real compliments when you say it like that isn’t that right. So I was, just a ‘dog’. Nothing special, not included, just there, we have a ‘dog’. Not we have a lovely dog, a lovely pooch, a beautiful little dog. Now, no nice words in front of ‘dog’, just a dog.
So, that should give you an idea that I was replaceable, because when you just have a dog, it’s not special because there is no nice word in front of the word ‘dog’.
And I was treated like that, nothing special, thrown a bone so to speak, few cuddles except when someone had ‘nothing else to do’, not part of a family’s routine to give the ‘dog’ a pat or a cuddle or even a loving glance would be nice.
I would not say they were cruel, but I would say they were more rude to my way of thinking, simply because I didn’t matter, just simply because I didn’t matter, I wasn’t special, important or even considered to have feelings or emotions or even a brain. Shows how stupid some humans can be eh!! UNQUOTE


Here we have another part only, of a pet channelling from a cat: she is a female cat, very funny I thought:

QUOTE.............You know what I mean, like, us girls just ‘know’ how other girls feel about ‘stuff’ and I am after all a cat, and cats really do ‘get’ a lot of stuff, unlike dogs, well dogs are just dogs aren’t they, they mooch around the place and even slobber at times, yuk! We have so much more dignity and decorum don’t we and we really understand our worth, but dogs, well they are just plain loving, not much more can be said of them though, where’s their dignity I say!

I don’t over worry about your moods. You are male, you are human … that really sums it up eh. So, really, no issues, but honestly, if I didn’t hear you become a bit upset at times then I WOULD worry, because humans do that, heavens if you had no moods and just went along exactly the same all the time, that would give me a bit of a fright because I’d be thinking I was in the wrong realm because only Gods do that!!!! So, take it easy and don’t worry about being you, so you give off a bit of steam sometimes, good on you, vent it out, it’s good for your body, mind, soul to ‘spit it out’ no point if trying to be perfect, just accept you are a male and human … and honestly, what a man you are !!!!! Purrrrrr! Ooops, don’t mean to step out of line but I’m a cat and I guess there really is no stepping out of line, because after all a cat can pretty well do as it wishes, because we are pretty darn special.

OK, so no issues about mum, no issues about you, no issues about living my life out with you, no issues all round, no issues with my siblings, all is going along as it should be going along and the cat or catS are happy, fed, loved and as long as the cat gets precedence nothing could be an issue. And I have my own special boyfriend so to speak … purrrr to you !!!

Love you, don’t fret and worry about stuff … nothing is as important as the cats in your life and their happiness .. then comes everyone else, love you you sweet guy you, purrrrrr !

I do get some funny messages from pets to their owners, this one was also being checked on to see if all was ok in her life.


I have been doing many pet channellings and even though I don't post many, I thought this was good from a cat who's person just wanted to ensure he was all good!
QUOTE: I am a very wise old soul and I know just who to trust and who not to trust, after all I am a cat, a feline of the finest pedigree!!!! You are a human, just a human so therefore I and all of us make many allowances for you because in your humanness you are kind and have a huge heart, yes, that makes you not ‘just’ a human, but a true husoul, one with great soul, one with great ‘HUmanity’, a HUsoul …. That is my word for you and I am sure that never before has (she) written that word. UNQUOTE
PS: yes, I am 'she', hahahaha! Sometimes they refer to me as well, makes me smile. I have spoken to this one a couple of times before.


I have just completed some channellings and this is a quote from one pooch who was telling his concerned mum that yes he did understand why his brother had to leave:
quote: You see mum, it’s like this with pet souls: we do not always understand why humans are so emotional about a logical thing. We all understand that we must come here to learn lessons and to teach lessons, we understand that we come here and thus one day we must leave. Even though we love deeply we also understand deeply that we must go … this is logical and therefore although we feel sad, we do understand that this is the cycle of life. And because we understand this cycle it helps us to be strong and even to be able to bear pain at times, knowing all these things are the cycle of life. unquote


This is the second post I will write about Callie, my 'neice' and my bestie's little girl, some would call a dog.
So, Callie, as with many 'dogs' hates going to the vet. On every occasion she has had to go, unfortunately there have been a few, she has refused to walk into the clinic. In fact the Vet has had to come out to the car to see her. She simply refuses to get out of the car to go in.
So, the other week she was booked in for an xray. Well, of course the vet wouldn't be able to give her an xray in the car, so Melinda was very stressed and very worried about how she was going to get Callie into the clinic. Callie is a good sized girl so it's not as if Mel was going to be able to carry her in. Mel had also asked her good friend if he would come along because you see, Callie is 'in love' with Chris! And he has come along before, but still refused to go into the clinic.
So I told Mel that I would talk to Callie for a couple of nights and explain what she had to do and the reasons she had to have this xray, etc.
So, for 2 nights I spoke to Callie during my meditation time. Callie would ask: what will happen, will it hurt, why is this going to be done, how long will it take. Just the normal questions any pooch would ask!! And then she said: OK if mum won't be stressed and if I won't be pulled or pushed in I will try to be brave. Then she asked: Will Chris be there? Yes I said he will also be there. Hmm, ok, I will try to be brave. I said to her: I will send you a picture of what you need to do: and I sent her a picture of her walking up the ramp to the car, walking down the ramp at the clinic and walking into the gate and door of the clinic.
She added at the end of the second chat: If I do this, can we negotiate a deal: I replied: yes of course. 'OK, I want a packet of my favourite goodies and my favourite chews'. OK I told her, I'll get a packet of goodies and two chews. Can we make it three chews, 'of course we can I reply, but only if you walk in, ok'. Oh, she adds, a packet of DJ's chews ('her' cat or is it 'his' dog???!!) I said to her; I'll get two packs of chews for DJ.... No she replies, one is fine, I'm the one going through the ordeal.
So the next morning arrived. I woke up and went to the phone, waiting for a message, hoping all would be good, because the xray was very IMPORTANT.
I receive a text saying: Leo Callie listened to you, we were both amazed Callie walked in, she did exactly as you showed her, up, down the car ramp and tail between her legs and shaking but she WALKED into the Vet clinic!!! First time ever!!!
She got her chews I can assure you!!! And then I asked her: would you mind if I share this ... Callie's response was: oh yes, please do, to show humans we are smart. And, will I be famous. I said to her, yes you will ... her reply ... will I get fan mail???
She is such a character and such a loving girl.
I felt I had to share this wonderful experience, regardless what some might think about my work. Because these sorts of things and even the chats, simply couldn't be made up, even with the wildest imagination!!!
Hope you got a smile out of my two stories about my gorgeous neice.


I am going to write two posts. Both are about my neice ... some would call her a dog, a pooch ... but to me she is simply my 'neice', the adored girl of my bestie. I have permission from both my neice and her mum to write these posts.
My neice, Callie, is a most loving soul, she reminds me very much of Mitzy, they have very similar sensitive loving souls.
The first post I want to write is about something we all found very funny.
As you know I am a psychic medium. I speak to human souls, do life path readings as well as a Pet communicator. I feel very lucky and blessed in fact that I can help humans with closure.
A few weeks ago Callie wasn't feeling so well, so I contacted her, as I do at times, to see how she was feeling. I seem to have a very strong and easy telepathic connection to her. This helps her mum when her mum is busy working and when Callie is unwell, I can tune in and ask her how she is and relay to her mum, many things Callie tells me about what is going on at the home. Melinda can relate to these things when she arrives home and confirms that what Callie has said is going on.
On this occasion Callie told me she wasn't feeling well and her bed wasn't comfortable. So I told her, ''tomorrow I will go shopping and I will buy you something for your bed and a blanket''. 'Oh, great' she replied ... 'pink and fluffy would be good'.
The next day I went shopping and found (at the Op shop) a great, new doona for her bed and two lovely blankets, a brownish/tan padded one and a cream fluffy one. Both lovely.
Tony and I took them round. Mel was excited, they were lovely. So we took them to Callie who took one look at these items, looked at me and walked away. As she walked away I 'heard' her say: hmm, are you colour blind!!!!!!!
We did laugh. But Tony said: No, we are going to get pink and fluffy. I said ... are you sure? Anyway off we went and found ONE PINK & FLUFFY blanket on sale at KMart. Tony said, OK this is the one.
Anyway, back we went to Mel's place. She opened the door, Callie came to me and I put the blanket down and straight away she sniffed, rolled and licked the blanket!!! And ran to me, licked me
a couple of times and straight back to the blanket. She adores this blanket and sleeps on it all the time, in fact she has been known to growl at her friend, DJ the cat if he gets on it.
Hmm, clearly SHE isn't colour blind.
Melinda took pictures of the whole scenaria, not believing her girl was so fussy AND apologising to me saying: I thought I'd brought her up to be more grateful than this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
True story. Every word, true. But wait til I post the second one.


A beautiful reply to the question: Are you happy to a gorgeous golden retriever who had passed a year ago I thought I'd share. I learn so much from their words, thus I pass on here to help anyone who also has suffered the loss of an adored pet.

Are you happy?

QUOTE: I need to say this: this is a realm where you cannot be unhappy. It is a place where only love prevails. It is a place that no matter how much you adored your family, the family in this realm ensures you are totally enveloped in love, warmth and caring … there is no fear for insecurities, or fear of unknown forces. This realm completes you. This realm ensures that even though you miss the physical love from those who loved you so dearly and who still suffer and feel incomplete without you, you are still enveloped in such warmth of love that you can continue to learn, to gain wisdom in order to be able to continue here until such time as you choose to return to the Earth realm or to continue to visit and help those who remain on the Earth, in various ways.

So, yes I am well loved and cared for in this realm, BUT, in a totally different way to the way a human for instance, would understand loving is about. It is a realm of total peace, no threat of any kind exists in this realm.

‘Happy’ in this realm is totally complete. And the beauty for a soul in this realm is they have freedom to visit those who loved them at any time as often as we wish. We feel saddened when we see our loved ones upset, we can feel the pain of their loss, yet when we return to this realm we are once more complete, knowing that losses are necessary for various reasons. There is a great understanding in this realm about matters emotional, far more understanding here of they whys than offered to those on the Earth. We understand completely why certain things happen and those things are meant for reasons, in order to teach us all.

When we all return to this realm we learn many things and understand why those things that saddened us on the Earth occurred.

Happy, yes, I am happy. Missing you, yes, I miss you. Love you, yes indeed I love my family immensely and am still able to send loving feelings to my family. All that is needed is for you to sit and think of me and speak to me and you will sense me and my love for you, the warmth of love will flow to you, if you allow it to.

Love you, so much. And thank you for being my family. And always will be. UNQUOTE


Currently on break during my birthday month until mid September


Part of a message from another cat who is extremely wise and dignified and passed 12 months ago. Only a very short part of his message to his people:

""Yes, so much in this realm to do and to learn. Much healing goes on in this realm, but because of the sheer love, the warmth of love that surrounds us all, healing takes place quickly, that you see, is the power of LOVE. Shame many on the others do not truly, TRULY understand the power of love. For in giving love, love is returned in this realm. No so on the Earth, but indeed in this realm, it simply goes around and around.""


I have a bit of work on this week as at the end of the week I will close off the website work diary to take my normal rest of 6 weeks or so.

I have done a couple of the most beautiful channellings this morning. One was to a cat who has been passed 6 years and the mum wanted to check in as to what he was doing.

The message was truly inspiring I thought, but the following is only a small part of his words in reply to what he is doing, etc.

QUOTE: I am in this realm, the place of such great joy, peace, beauty, bliss actually. There is only love in this realm. Every soul loves each other, there is no anger, there is only caring one soul for the other.

There is warmth the entire time, it is as if the sun shines with no stop, but it is not sun, it is the warmth of love, the loving energy of not only those around and in this realm, it is love from the highest source of Good. It is such a shame that many do not have a belief in such a source of great good and love, that way there would be less hatred on the Earth, less of people wishing to control each other and others and even animals. There would be more laughter and joy if people could find peace within themselves. BUT, they do this when they arrive here. This is a good place, a peaceful and calm place.

This is the place we prepare for the next journey. It is a place for instance as an example where one can go to a wardrobe, just as an example, and choose how you will look, what you will experience in the following life time.

To help us through the next life time we need to learn, like the young ones learn in schools to prepare for their adulthood. It is a similar type of thing.

So, here we ‘drink from the well of wisdom’ to put it simply. We learn to be wiser, we consider the last life and if we have learnt and taught the lessons we set out to in that life time we move on to another phase. UNQUOTE

AS said, this was just part of a beautiful lengthy message to his adored person.


A beautiful message from a pet who recently passed: how true are his words, pets certainly know what is truly important in life.
QUOTE: The most important things for any pet soul is LOVE. The most important thing for a pet soul is being wanted, being cuddled, being cared for and having a genuinely loving family. This is the most important thing for a pet soul. We know what the priorities in life need to be. We appreciate the depth of feelings we are given.
Humans are so vastly different to pet souls. For we know the true value of what life on the Earth should be. It should be about love, loyalty and the family should be as one. So, I had all these things, love, loyalty, care and my feelings were always taken into account. Even when you went on short trips, be they up the road, so to speak, or a little further afield, still you considered my feelings and my safety.
For these things are important to me, these things make up family, they make up love and they are the reason pet souls live and yearn for. To be as One in the Family. Humans do not always understand that these should be the priority in every persons life.
So we expect little in the way of materialistic things, except for shelter, dry shelter, warmth, food, but Love is the key to everything for us.
All these things I had in abundance. UNQUOTE


So I'm back to work!!!
The first pet channelling was truly truly beautiful: I am always amazed at their wisdom:
Some of the words to the heartbroken family were as follows, a truly gorgeous pooch:
So, I feel that you have accepted the logic of my leaving, but your emotions are trailing behind, because I was such an important part of your life … I feel I was like a child, just like ‘one of the kids’ and the emotions are finding the loss difficult. But they will heal gradually as logic and emotion come closer together and then acceptance will flow a little easier as well. Acceptance can be spoken or it can be felt. It is at times easier to speak acceptance over a situation than to feel it within your heart and your soul.
But you will slowly heal, not forget, but you will slowly heal and then there will be other joys to help you to heal. You will see, unexpected surprises in life will arrive to make you smile fully once more and then when you look at my pictures you will smile with your heart and your soul, not feel an overwhelming sadness that I am not here in the physical. Because when you smile, you will feel me closer. I am not a soul who liked those I loved to be sad, so this is still the case.
I love you with my entire soul, my entire heart and my entire being. You my beloved family all knew and felt my love, because it was truly genuine.
Smile at my antics, smile at my pictures, smile at my face and my eyes watching you, even now when I am not physically present, knowing this love can never leave, it is simply, far too strong, too deep and too genuine, to you, from you. How lucky we are. How blessed we are. LOVE YOU HEAPS, LOVE YOU HEAPS MY LOVES!!!!


Tomorrow I close my website until 1 February to take my usual Christmas and new year break.

Since I returned to website work 15 September it's been full on so am really looking forward to my break

Next week I plan to make my gift Christmas cakes and start putting together my Christmas gifts, parcels for those who have helped me during this most difficult year, my wonderful doctor has been great and a few others.

Looking forward to next year


A small part of a very wise cat who had passed a while ago, speaking to his adored person:
Although it is sad when we leave, remember also it is a place of healing and peace we come to. It is our Home, it is the true place, the one place where all are united, where all are accepted, where there is no discrimination and where there is nothing but love …. This is a place that when you feel sad, feel happy for us, for this is the place of ‘totalness’ if I can put it that way. The place of ‘completeness’ where nothing matters but Love and warmth of each soul for the other.
Try to think of this when you become a little melancholy about our leaving you and you will feel lighter and your soul will understand as much as we understand about the wondrousness of the place.
Where there is often such hatred on the Earth, there is nothing but peace here. Please do not despair that we have left you, for we who have been so loved will never leave you. It is only that you cannot see the soul of the loved one, the loved ones. All is and all happens as it needs to happen, to us, to the Earth.
Just watch what happens around you, on the Earth and be joyous that we, those you loved and cared for so deeply, so dearly live in a place so very different …. So full of love, so full of healing.
Hatred destroys so much, and you feel the energy of dislike and hatred. You are sensitive. Far more sensitive than many would give you credit for, but we of the animal soul, we know who you really are. Humans do not often take heed of the true self, the true self of fellow humans, for they are so wrapped up in their own wants and desires, they care little for others needs.


I have completed some more pet channellings again this morning and was taken by the words of one pooch in particular. I now share it :
QUOTE: My 'wants', well really other than keep giving me great food and treats and LOVE, what else can one such as I possibly need. The warmth of genuine love and care … no one should 'want' more than that, be they human or animal, for that is truly great wisdom, to 'want' too much simply creates stresses within that are unnecessary, for our 'needs' are more important than our 'wants'. We can 'want' many things but if we stress ourselves by attaining everything we ‘want’ we may never achieve it and then are faced with a life of misery … but if we ensure we meet our ‘needs’, then Life can indeed be a box of candy and becomes sweeter as we achieve basic 'wants', which can grow into 'wants' we could only ever have dreamt of … life is full of 'wants' for humans and many through lack of achieving all 'wants' become miserable. UNQUOTE


Hobart, TAS


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